What they want

Submitted into Contest #94 in response to: Start your story with someone accepting a dare.... view prompt


Romance Fantasy LGBTQ+

"I dare you to tell me your greatest fear." They asked with a smile. There were sudden gasps from a few around me. I knew how dangerous this request was. If you're a human you might be thinking, that this isn't even a dare, it's more of a truth. But not when you're playing with mages, when you're doing that, then a simple request like this may cost your life. I didn't know how dangerous it actually could be, I was only aware of the warnings I've been told many times to never share anything personal with a mage.

'Tell me you're not actually thinking about this!' I hear the worrying sound of Maya, when I looked her way, she was just leaning against the wall, flipping through a book, looking awfully bored.

'What's the worst that can happen?'

'You die.'

'Oh, come on, we're all friends here.'

'We both know that with mages, there's no such thing as murder, so unless you want to fear for your impending doom all your life, I suggest you pass.'

'Thanks for the support.'

"Sure. Where shall we go?" They stood up and walked toward me, sticking a hand out to help me.

We walked as far from the little house as we could.

"Now, spit it out."

"Wait, I've got questions."

"Of course you do, when do you not?" They replied, clearly annoyed. Why were they annoyed? I'm curious, they know that, they once even said they liked that about me.

"Why do you care? You're a fire elemetalist, you could terrify me, even if it's not my biggest fear." There was a chuckle before the answer came.

"You're such a newbie." They said it jokingly, giving me another smile. I liked their smiles, it made them look friendly, except when they did it after being a know-it-all, then it was irritating. "Don't you know what you can do with someone's deepest secret? Why do you think humans protect it so much, even though they don't have a reason for it? It's because it gives the other power over you."

"What kind of power?" They enjoyed lecturing me, weirdly enough I enjoyed them talking to me so kindly, paying so much attention to me.

"No one knows, no one was stupid enough to try, or those who did forgot how to write."

'Maybe you were right.'

'Are you okay?!'

'Yeah, for now.'

'Just come back, tell him you changed your mind.'

'Would you do that?' Silence. 'Yeah, that's what I thought.'

"Talking to someone?"

"What? No. Just thinking."

"Mhm. So how long do you want to stand outside in this cold?" It was kind of chilly, but I wouldn't say freezing, I didn't even feel it until they mentioned it. I guess being a fire elemtalist does have its drawbacks.

"I... Why do you want power over me? I'm not even strong or smart, you see how little I knew about the dangers of this dare."

"Power's power, no matter over whom." Now that was the first lie they said.

"Well, I just don't believe someone as practical and strategic as you would not plan out who to control and why. So just answer me honestly."

"Why don't you see for yourself?" I blushed in embarrassment. The thought of looking into their mind enticed me, what could someone so controlled and talented think about, probably the same as everyone, but still... Did they think of me? Why do I care?

"I'm not that strong."

"So what can you do?"

"I can tell if you're lying, I can communicate through thought, and detect how strongly the mind is shielded. Told you I'm not that useful." I murmured the last part, it was mostly for me than them.

"Maybe Maya would've been a better choice."

"She wouldn't have accepted it. I'm pretty sure, I'm the only one who would. No one's this stupid." I looked at my feet, feeling a bit ashamed.

"Stop saying that, you're not stupid or useless." They actually meant it. That's confusing. They're usually mean and snobbish, always thinking they're the best. I mean it wasn't totally invalid, they were pretty amazing at what they did. I only heard stories of how good they are at magic, but that was enough. As I stood debating if their behaviour was reasonable or not, they came closer. I only noticed their movement, when their gentle hand touched my face. Out of pure instinct, I took a few steps back.

"Sorry." They looked embarrassed and sad.

"Wh...?" I was speechless. They liked me? But, but... How? Why? This is so not where I thought this would go.


'Yes? Are you okay?'

'I'm very confused! Did you know they liked me?'

'They what! Are you sure?'

'Uhm, yes.'

'Wow, that's so weird. They act so unbearably around us.'

'What should I do?'

'Did they just tell you? Are you fuckin' standing around while they're waiting for your answer? That's cruel. They're probably very worried, maybe even ashamed, just don't be a jackass, and go talk to them!'

'You're no help.'

"So what did she say?"


"Maya, what did she say?"

"Why do you think I was-"

"It's obvious. You concentrate too hard for it to be just thinking."

"How do you know I don't need a lot of brainpower for just thinking ?" They stared at me, without words communicating how dumb that sounds. "Fine. Yes, I was talking to her. She's the smart one, I thought she could be of use, I was wrong."

"What did she say?"

"Don't be a jackass and talk to them."

"Oh. Okay, so talk."

"My greatest fear is being alone, being a stranger to all those I love." With that, I turned and started walking back. I know it wasn't the brightest idea, but I just couldn't deal with someone liking me. Mostly not when they're one of the greatest mages I know.

We sat down in the room, both trying our hardest to not show signs of discomfort and embarrassment.

"Next?" I called, hoping to get my mind off of what just happened.

"It's your turn, idiot." I heard Alex joke. For the first time, I noticed it. It was by accident that I glanced at them, to see how they're acting so unbothered, after what just happened. That's when I saw it. They were glaring at Alex, it was only for a second, but their eyes burned with anger. Did they always do that?

'Quick, Maya tell me I'm dumb!'

'You're dumb.'

'Out loud!'

"Hey, no-brain, do you want us to show you how to do it or will you manage?" Wow, that girl can be mean. But it was worth it, I saw it again, that fire. Was that for me? I wanted to ask, I wanted to know how deep their feelings were, how long have they felt it. How did I not notice? I really am clueless sometimes. I try my best to read people, it's the closest thing I got to mind-reading. I guess I'm not as good as I thought, although they seemed so obvious in their behaviour I never tried to read more into it. Now, more than ever I wanted to talk to them. I wanted to ask them a truth, but the rules didn't allow me to ask back. So what should I do?

I looked around. There was Maya, no way I'm gonna make her do something, last time her pay-back was enough for me to be discouraged from ever putting her in unwanted positions. Next. Alex is just a jerk but somehow managed to turn the most embarrassing of situations into something sexual, and I was not interested in seeing that. Lisa, the only other girl, was obviously still pondering why she agreed in the first place, she was a necromancer, but doing her best to show that even those with black magic can be sweet. The twins seemed busy with their thumb wrestling, both were elementalist, but neither learned enough to rise above average. Then there was them, their medium-length black hair in a bun, their yellowish-brown eyes, typical of fire elementalists, the burn I saw earlier long gone, replaced by dullness. They looked effortlessly perfect, just lounging there. Do I like them? I wanted that fire back, I wanted to see those eyes burn. My desire somehow powered my brain, cause never before did a plan pop out so fast.

"Maya. I dare you to fight Alex." I winked at her, as she stood up, not even bothering with an answer, we all knew what it was.

'I need a favour.'


'Dare them to kiss me on your turn.'

'And this is my bribe? Alex?'

'Not good enough?'

'Nah, perfect. I love beating his ass.' It was a quick fight. Even though Alex was an animagus, he didn't have a chance, the minute he attacked, Maya reached out her hand to touch him. Alex, being stubborn as a mule, always thinks he can resist her magic, that his shield is strong enough. Maybe if he saw how much Maya studied he'd realise there's no beating her, not with shear force at least. She got inside and in a dozen seconds, he was begging on his knees.

They sat back down, Alex got quiet, Maya sat down beside him, kissing the top of his head. What was that?!

'I'll tell you later.'

"Maya, your turn."

"I dare... Reese to kiss Keir." All eyes were staring at me than Reese, waiting for an answer. They looked surprised, I had to be very strong to not smile, I wasn't sure if I was excited or enjoying their discomfort (I never get to see them in an awkward position). "So? Do you accept?" Maya prodded. Reese gave Maya a look of pleading, she wouldn't budge. Glancing at me, I saw suspicion in their eyes, being unsure of my motives. The fire, however, returned and it made me giddy.

"Yes." I felt tingly, never had someone so beautiful looked at me the way they did. As they neared me, I felt my breath hitch, my heart beat, I wanted them closer while at the same time I wanted to run. I was so tied up with my ambivalent thoughts I didn't notice they sat down in front of me, again their touch brought me back to reality. It calmed my swirling mind and made time stop. Where were they when I was having an anxiety attack?

"May I?" They asked, acting as if they hadn't already figured out my plan. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I nodded, not trusting to open my mouth.

[[I'm sorry for messing with mage groups and magic stuff, it's a bit chaotic, and not exactly logical, I just picked some powers I liked and gave it to people, grouping them as mages]]

May 17, 2021 08:36

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