I could not believe what I was hearing. At this stage, the story relayed to me by my co-workers was second hand. They were, after all, writers, blessed with an imagination. The story, in all probability, could have been at this point sensationalized or even fictionalized before it reached my ears. So, I was more than certain nothing of what I was hearing could have really happened.
The story relayed to me by my co-workers was that Hydra Dells, my best friend and confidant was alive and well and back with her husband. But my best friend and confidant, Hydra Dells was gone. I attended her funeral and then her memorial six months later. Hydra's passing was sudden and unexpected. She was here at the office one year ago today in the morning but went home before noon with a severe migraine. She suffered a cerebral hemorrhage within an hour of returning home. In my book there was no room for debate, Hydra was gone. To speak with Byron, her husband, about this bizarre story floating around the office was my only option. There was no question about her passing so how it was possible she was back in Byron's life. Her death was unexpected and sudden and up until a year ago, she was healthy, happy and blessed with a love so strong you could not help but envy her.
My visit to Byron's house was more shocking than the news of Hydra's passing. Hydra answered the door.
"Selena, you are early! Dinner is not for two hours."
I was unable to move or to speak for what seemed like hours but it was seconds. Was this the ghost of Hydra? Was I losing my mind? What was going on?
"What are you doing here?" I asked. Reaching out to touch her arm to make sure she was real.
"I live here Selena. What are you talking about?" Hydra's voice tense with disbelief.
"When did we make this dinner date?" I asked Hydra.
"Tonight is Byron's birthday dinner. How could you forget?" she responded.
"One year ago, today..., one year ago today you di..., you are not supposed to be here!" I choked on my words unable to complete the sentence.
"Byron," screamed Hydra, "Get your butt out here, something is terribly wrong with Selena."
"Forgive me," I pleaded "But I must leave. Something is wrong."
I had no recollection of driving home, entering my home or changing into my night clothes as my thoughts haunted me. As Hydra haunted me. It was like I entered a different timeline or having a paranormal experience.
"That is foolish." I reassured myself. "That only happens in science fiction."
My dreams were unrelenting as Hydra entered into my sleep state. She was laughing at me. Speaking to me from the other side. Or was she? I did not know.
"It is what it is Selena. Whatever side you wish to be on, I am here. Speak to Daniel. He can be of assistance."
Her counsel woke me up and I was laughing. I was laughing. But why? I did not have a clue. "Who is Daniel? How could he help?"
For the next few days I searched for this Daniel person, without luck. I reviewed employee files, vendor accounts and all names of the company's billings. But nothing. My thoughts were not on the magazine. I was obsessed with finding this Daniel person. Nothing else mattered.
I needed to get away. A cup of coffee at the nearby coffee shop, I thought. I left the workplace immediately and headed out. As I entered the coffee shop, I saw there was six people ahead of me. That was okay, I thought. This gave me a few more minutes to think about my dilemma. A door buzzer behind me rang. As I turned to look, I saw a young man, a handsome young man entering. He was tall, slender, curly reddish-brown hair and with striking blue eyes. Those eyes were impossible not to notice as he moved up behind me in line.
As I moved up to the counter, I gave her my order and my name, Selena. The young man behind me then gave his order and his name, Daniel. I did a double take. Daniel, I thought. Could this be my Daniel? "Stop it" I lectured myself silently. I even found myself giggling at this thought.
"Now to find a table. Returning to the office was not an option." I muttered to myself.
"Here, here!" said Daniel. "Returning to the office is not an option for me either. Should we share a table?" asked Daniel, as he moved toward a table about to be empty of customers. I could not speak as I followed him.
"Let me get a sponge to clean the table," he said. "Be right back."
"Do you come here often," I asked, once he returned.
"I come here at least twice a day." he responded. "To be perfectly honest I visit this place way too often. It is like I am expecting to find something here. As to what that something might be, I have no idea."
"Really?" I responded. I find myself in the same dilemma. But for me, I do know why but without the answers."
"Would you like to elaborate?" he asked.
"Sorry but no. I have to let this, whatever this is play out."
We visited for an additional forty-five minutes before exchanging phone numbers. How could I not give him my number? He could be my Daniel, I thought.
My relationship with Hydra and Byron had become strained. It was like we had never become friends. I was now their employer and they were my employees, with all past history erased. Dealing with advertising, meeting with clients and dealing with office difficulties when they arose was my task. This whole thing was creeping me out.
In the meantime, my relationship with Daniel was moving along. We were becoming closer by the day. Infact, our relationship was nearing the big L. The big L, love, was something I had never experienced. It was intimidating and pleasant at the same time. I did, however, promise myself; I would remain open to these new feelings. My only problem being Daniel did not believe in ghosts, the paranormal or UFO's.
The day finally came when Daniel proposed. We were on our daily walk in the park when he dropped down on one knee and asked me to marry him. The engagement ring was enormous. There were tears in his eyes when he asked. How could I say no? As I accepted, he hugged me and asked me to set a date for our wedding.
"I do not want to wait. I want you in my life, now." he pleaded. "The feeling I had about the coffee house. There was something there waiting for me. It was you, Selena. I know that now. We were meant to meet and spend the rest of our days together."
I was in shock. Was he right? Was this all meant to be? Was Hydra's ghostly figure, correct! Was my Daniel, the Daniel?
The next four weeks were busy but fun. Daniel was right there with me helping with all the arrangements. The decisions made were all mutual. I felt as though I was the luckiest person alive to have found Daniel. Or did he find me? It no longer mattered. We were together and both of us happier than ever before.
My special day had arrived. I dressed and waited for my new life to begin. When a telegram was handed to me as I walked through the church door.
"Miss Selena Gavin?" asked a strange young man dressed in period clothing of what century I had no idea.
"Yes!" I replied.
"Could you sign here?" he asked, placing in front of me a silver tray with a note or letter on it, accompanied by a beautiful long slender gold pen enfolded in the most angelic white feathers placed upon the note.
"What is this?" I asked.
"I am merely the messenger, madame." he responded.
"I am about to be married, sir. I will read this later."
"Madame, you must read this immediately." he urged. "My instructions are you must read this and answer before I can leave."
"Who are you? Who sent you?" I demanded.
"Please madame. I cannot allow you to pass until you have read this note and acknowledged it." he insisted again.
I reached clumsily for the note causing the pen to drop to the ground. Before I could retrieve it, it was once again upon the tray without assistance from me or the strange little messenger.
"How did you do that?" I asked, demanding he answer me.
"Please, madame. Read the note so we are both able to proceed."
The note opened without my assistance freaking me out. This was not happening, I thought. My Daniel, the wedding and a new beginning was too much for me. My imagination was overworking. It was punishing me for the happiness I was experiencing.
"Please read the note, madame." the strange little messenger pleaded.
As I held the open note, the written words jumped out at me that were in bold capital letters.
"I am Daniel, spoken of by Hydra Dells, in your sleeping state. You were not imagining her presence. She was genuine. The phase in which you knew Hydra was special to her. Her ultimate joy and love for Byron was due to your placing them together. She feared your future without love or true happiness as she had experienced. Her wish upon her passing was that you meet your soulmate and experience what she had, ultimate happiness. It was her time, Selena. But her wish was for you upon her passing that you meet your true soulmate, Daniel Jessup. Hydra exists in a different timeline, Selena. Do not mourn her. She is in high spirits rooting for your happiness.
Before I could reread or sign the note, the note and the strange little messenger disappeared right before my eyes.
"But why were you laughing at me, Hydra?" I pleaded as tears rolled down my cheeks.
"Daniel" answered Hydra, as her voice faded off in the distance.
"Come on, Selena," yelled her Maid of Honor. "Everybody's waiting.
The End
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Who names their kid Hydra? Saying that I’ve met someone called Griffin, his first name. The dead return in the name of Cupid? That’s a far warmer world than the Walking Dead. Hydra is an interesting choice for undead fairy godfather. Welcome to Reedsy, Susan.
I've met many people throughout the years with odd names. Hydra is odd but in actuality I had really met a Hydra. She was from Russia. I'm so pleased you liked my story. It came from my heart. It is also a story I more than enjoyed writing. It came fast and furious to me. Thank you Susan Nash
May this story be the first of many. Keep going.
I will try an keep this going. Thank you! Sue
You’re welcome.