The Pawn becomes a Knight.

Submitted into Contest #257 in response to: Write a story about a tragic hero.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Fiction

For Hundreds of years, the White Kingdom, and the Red Realm have been locked in battle. The White Royals, have fought to keep their land, and on several occasions had nearly been wiped out. It was for this cause, three generations ago, the White King made a decree for all his people, every man woman and child would be trained for battle, and were divided by rank. 

The highest rank of course being the royal family, then there were the defenders, an elite force that closely guarded the royals, and kept the walls heavily fortified, next the bishopric, consisting of advisors, scholars, and ministers, knights held a rank of honor, and were given fine steeds, but lowest of all was the pawns, made up of the servants, expendables if you will, they were the foot soldiers, the fodder of the battlefield, their lives were oft spent holding the line of battle. 

 Liam had the misfortune to be born among the pawns, by the time he had learned to walk, his training began, by fifteen he was wielding a sword, and placed in the front lines with his brothers. 

You may think it harsh, but the King was not unkind, he reminded his servants daily, every one of them, down to the last, had a fulfilling purpose, and knowing the servants, had the smallest chance at survival, set a law in place, for all to see their sacrifice was equal to that of any man.  

Any pawn that made it through to breach the castle, could be given a new title, and their children would carry that rank, it went on further to state, if any woman was to start a family, she would then retire from the battlefield, to raise her children, and any family, close to extinction, except in defense, would be exempt from the battle, this way the family line could continue, to bring future generations, future soldiers, to expand the white kingdom. 

Liam of course still being a pawn, meant none of his ancestors, made it through the lines, but he was determined to be the one, he had grand aspirations of becoming a knight, he loved watching how fluidly they moved on the field, mounted on great steeds. 

As a foot soldier, he could only move onward and forward, but the knights had a way of galloping about in many directions, as they cleared the path, their armor gleaming in the sunlight.  

Five years Liam fought, just last year, he married his fighting partner, together they hoped to end their serfdom, and raise more knights for the service of the King and Queen, His wife Tilly, soon retired from the war to raise their daughter.

He had lost all but one brother, how he survived this long he did not know, but was nonetheless thankful, praying his brother would live to see another day, before he too was pulled from the fight, loosing his last chance to rise above his station. Pressing forward, his eye on the goal of a knighthood.

All around him the battle raged, steel clanged against steel, The Red Realms defenders, launched boulders from the trebuchets, pawns littered the fields, all around him chaos ensued.

Liam blocked a blow to his head, while dealing a death blow to his enemy, and then he saw his chance, the battlements were only a few hundred yards away, the warrior queen was up ahead, she too had seen a chance.

Evading blows Liam dashed off after the Queen, her protection, had long since, been lost. Together they raced through the side gate, Liam taking out several guards, till they reached the stables, and were able to take a short respite. 

“You have done well soldier” she said “Let me see you sword” Liam withdrew his sword, and presented it to his queen with a bow. “What is your name soldier?” 

“Liam, Your Majesty”

“You are quite skilled with your sword Liam, and your family should be proud. Now, tell me what you require, I daresay you do not want the bishopric”

“Your Ladyship, I would be honored to become a knight in your service, if it would please you”

The Queen smiled graciously, “and you shall have it. Pray take a knee” He did so, as she continued, touching the broadside of the sword gently on his shoulder “By the law of King Robert, I dub thee Sir Liam, Knight of the White Kingdom” 

Liam rose, taking back his sword, ready to rejoin the fray, but the Queen stopped him, “I suppose a knight should have his horse, and we have a ready stable before us, choose your steed, and loose the rest”

Liam did as instructed, selecting a chestnut roan, while the Queen chose a dapple grey, together they mounted, and with renewed strength, rode out among the herd they had set free. 

Soldiers of the Red Realm, cried out in alarm, scattering about to avoid being trampled, victory was nigh, the Red King was cornered, and the white Queen was about to strike, yet at the last moment, a defender blocked her path protecting his king. The wrong move meant she would die, there was little time to ponder her next move, as Liam stepped in to engage with the defender, and cause a distraction, so the Queen could finish what she came for. 

The defender was a bulwark of a man, to whom Liam was no match, but he fought bravely, warding off blow after blow, till he could take no more, the defenders battle-axe crushed his skull, and with his last breathe, plunged his blade into the man, giving the Queen the opportunity she needed to dethrone the Red King once and for all.

Victorious at last, the Queen, raised the Red King’s crown over the parapets to mark the end of war, and surrender of the enemy, bringing cheers to the soldiers below, little knowing of Liam’s sacrifice.

The Queen was not a selfish woman, and made it well known to all of Liam’s tragic loss, and as the law stated made sure his future generations would henceforth be knights. 

Bards sang of his bravery, his tale became a legend among pawns, and theirs was a brighter future, because of it.

June 29, 2024 18:42

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James Scott
04:29 Jul 07, 2024

I felt the exposition in the opening was a little heavy until a few paragraphs in when the theme dawned on me, from there on I thought this was inspired! A great read and unique concept.


Hannah Foust
11:17 Jul 07, 2024

I totally get that, I was attempting a subtle explanation, for all the playing pieces, and aspects of the game. It was a challenge! Thanks for your feedback!


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B. D. Bradshaw
15:17 Jul 06, 2024

I love the idea of taking a simple game like chess and expanding it into a greater narrative - it reminds me of the opening cutscene from Age of Empires 2.


Hannah Foust
23:24 Jul 06, 2024

Thank you! I used to play age of empires, but that was years ago, I don't remember the intro, but I think I can picture it.


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Jim LaFleur
09:25 Jun 30, 2024

Fantastic story, Hannah! The action and adventure kept me on the edge of my seat, and I loved the medieval setting.


Hannah Foust
12:29 Jun 30, 2024

Thank you!


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Kristi Gott
01:17 Jun 30, 2024

A great, fast paced, action and adventure tale, in a medieval type setting, honoring a fallen hero who becomes a legend. Lots of good action plot beats leading to the big dramatic moment. Well done!


Hannah Foust
03:30 Jun 30, 2024

Thank you Kristi! If you don't mind my asking, did you notice anything peculiar, in the tone, along the storyline?


Kristi Gott
05:25 Jun 30, 2024

No, I did not notice anything peculiar in the tone.


Hannah Foust
12:27 Jun 30, 2024

Ah I see, I guess I have failed to make it clear, I was curious to see how many, would notice chess pieces and their specific movements on the battlefield A.K.A chess board.


Kristi Gott
13:02 Jun 30, 2024

Yes, the chess theme was obvious and a clever technique! Well done!


Hannah Foust
20:20 Jun 30, 2024

Oh good, :) haha I shouldn't have expected it in the comments, but I was hoping for it.


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13:06 Jul 01, 2024

Hi, as a chess player I picked up on that theme. Very imaginative story line. Well done.


Hannah Foust
13:16 Jul 01, 2024



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13:06 Jul 01, 2024

Hi, as a chess player I picked up on that theme. Very imaginative story line. Well done.


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