same night, every year

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write about someone who purposefully causes a power outage.... view prompt


Mystery Thriller Drama

" Okay, Kama we don't have to do this?". Alex respond to the fact that she wanted no part of this. At all!. Alex eyeballed Hannah by that glare, Hannah absolutely Agreed with Alex.

But on the other hand Grant over there was just trying not to be apart of this as well. Grant is that Teen boy that every single teen girl will fall in love with. not because of his good styles, or the way his facial expression makes every girl fall to her knees. that not what happen between Alex and Grant. How Grant came together with Alex, was a short story. Grant and Kama were friends for a long time a long time now. Alex was new to the town and school. so on the first day of school Grant showed Alex around the school and just like that. Alex and Grant were friends within a flash. 

Alex on the other hand... didn't just came alone she moved to this town with her Best friend, which is Hannah. Hannah is also new to the town and school, but Hannah already has friends here. Back where Alex and Hannah came from, Hannah was on the basketball team. so that means she came here for games and practices. Hannah is familiar with the town, and the students whom are attending the school. One day Alex was invited to a House party which grant invited her, so she agreed to go..only if Hannah could came. Grant Agreed with everything she said. so that is how Grant was greet to Hannah. 

within a flash Kama walked into The three teens life just like that. 

Kama was the one student who got along with everyone.

Meanwhile the four teens has all decide to go back to Kama's house. Grant and Hannah walked in front of Alex and Kama. Alex and Kama were a little bit too close. " Hey...Kama can i tell you something?" Alex Asked while grabbing kama's arm to make him stop with her. 

" Ummmm...sure.. what's up"?. Kama respond to the question she asked him. 

" the last past months we were Best friends...i have noticed that we are getting a little bit to close.... like it is okay... But two weeks ago.. you remember when i saw you in your boxer only...?"Alex Mention the day when she realise she wanted to be more than just friends with Kama.

" Oh yes i do remember that day..... i smiled at you.. but you walked out... and decide not to talk to me thru out the whole day.... so whats up?" Kama respond to her statement.

" i wanna say that... i started to have this feeling about you... like i like you are something.......". Alex revealed to Kama that she really likes him. 

" like.....m....m...e? Kama was surprised to know.. but he had started to feel that Alex like him before. Both of them start to walk.....away. the whole night was reticent. when Kama looked over at Alex.... he would stare and smile, but when Alex would look back Kama would turn and look in the other direction, and pretend to stare into the beautiful night sky while smiling at the stars.

Grant and Kama agreed to walk both girls home, Grant would take Hannah home, and Kama would take Alex home. But Alex has agreed to walk herself home. Kama looked over at Alex 

and said " Goodnight.. Text me when you get home....... see you later". Kama smiled and waved while watching her walk into the darkness. 

" Good....n..ight..Kama for sure text you when i get home". Alex respond to Kama's question.

Chapter 2

when Alex Arrived home She walked up too her bedroom 

Kama arrived home too.

Hannah arrived home too.

And Grant had arrived home as well.

Later that night Grant had received a text message from Kama.

Kama: Hey i am going for midnight walk......wanna come?

Grant: Hey.... ummm what would we be doing?

Kama: ....Umm idk....Just walking.

Grant: Okay meet you by the lamp post..cya in 10 mins.

Kama: k cya


Grant got out of his bed and got dress. he walked down stairs towards the front door, but before he got to open the front door. He received a message from Alex.

Alex: Hey where is Kama. he is not answering his messages and i know he was on snap...cuz he added to his story a couple mins ago.? Has he texted u yet?

Grant: ya..i just got a message from......( Grant remember what Kama told him ..... He is not allowed to tell anyone where he is going) Kama... 

Alex: WHAT DID HE SAID!!!????

Grant: Ohhh.. he just said Goodnight.......

Alex: okay..tell him 2 txt me back..

Grant: k cya in the morning.....

Alex: Goodnight btw

Grant: Goodnight... B<3

Alex: <3


When Grant got a chance to leave his house. he wasn't even half way down the street. Before His phone lighted up again. Which means Grant was getting pissed off, because everybody was texting him. and he just wanted everyone to leave him alone.

Grant took his phone out and check whom texted him... and guess who it was....Hannah

Hannah: Hey have u heard from Alex? 

Grant: Yes..Why?

Hannah: Cux she isn't responding to any of my messages.....


Hannah: Sry...B...... nvm...Goodnight.....Luv u <3...xx

Grant: Goodnight it's okay..b.......luv u too <3...ohhh One more thing.... when can tell the other folks that we are together??

Hannah: Goodnight..b......luv u 2...idk if i am ready to tell them..okay

Grant: okay it's fine with me.

Grant continued to walk down the dark street. Putting his airpods

in. Walking down the street, Grant lifted his head. And spotted a person that remained in a one place, until he got to where the person was standing.

" Kama, is that you?" Grant question the human that was standing by the street pole. The person lifted his head as if that person had done something to cause trouble.

" ya It is... You came!". Kama was surprised when Grant arrived out of the darkness. " so what are we going to be doing?" Grant asked another question.

While Grant was talking Kama reached down, and stopped by his calf. Kama slowly lifted his arm back up, as if the thing he was lifting was heavy.

" what's in the black bag?" Grant was starting to get a little scared at the moment.

" Just a couple things i thought we would be needing tonight'. Kama tone while he was explaining to Grant, Has given Grant goosebumps now.

" But that wasn't the question i ask Kama?". Grant was being serious now.

" But i already told yOOUU...STUFF we WOULD BE NeEDING..." .

Kama Raised his voice.

Kama reached into the bag, and pulled out a black pair of gloves.

reached back into the bag and pulled out a black skies mask for the both of them.

" put them on". Kama Demand Grant to throw them on.

" okay" Grant lowed his voice, as if he was starting to get worried.

while Grant was putting the black ski mask on, and the black gloves on. Kama asked grant if he could go over by the brick wall and stand there, so Kama could map out where he would be putting the other stuff. while Grant was walking over to the brick wall, be hide Grant's back was Kama.

Kama has watched Grant walk over to the brick wall in shocked. Kama whispered to his self. " It's time... i am sorry but i love you as a bro... and always be here... but i am truly.......".. But by the time Kama got to finish his sentence. Tears was falling out of his...

CLICK" cocking a gun

The sound of sliding a trigger back.



Kama Stood there in shock...out of the blue the whole city was in a power-outage...

Cops arrived real soon...... Kama...and the other folks that helped him plan this... has disappeared into thin air.... and no one has seen the four ever again....

Alex still wonders if Kama pulled the trigger. Cause the detectives said the bullet was shot farther from the brick wall, and the street pole. ever since that night... power outage still happen. every year on the on that night, at the same hour, and time... the power goes out...

September 09, 2020 21:22

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21:46 Sep 09, 2020

Woah! Great first story! Really sweet, with a suspenseful end. For edits, well, I found a couple places where random words were capitalized, like in the beginning sentence: ‘Hannah absolutely Agreed.’ Awesome job, Prescious Strawberry! (Just so you know, ‘Precious’ is spelled, well, “Precious’, if you wanna fix that. But I love your pen name!) Keep writing! ~Aerin P. S. Would you mind checking out my newest story? Thank you!


16:29 Sep 12, 2020

Well my name is spelled Like Prescious.....thank you.. and yes i will


16:29 Sep 12, 2020

Ah oki


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