Bedtime Friendship Inspirational

You can see her in the distance, perched on a branch--feet dangling to and fro when the crack of the rising sun commences. You can still see her slight figure when the sun cowardly sinks into its daily game of hiding. 

She comes into the house with shoes full of leaves. She says it’s to keep the tree always near her. I say it’s only for spite because as she stated yesterday, “I don’t give her enough freedom”. 

She’s loved that useless, big piece of bark the way I wish I loved her father. He’s not here now-he’s gone--gone like that rascal of a child is now, up to nothing but mischief in that old hunk of bark.

She writes poems about that tree, sings about that tree, darn! She lives for that tree!

Ask me why she loves that piece of nothing, I won’t be able to tell you a single accurate answer. I Have asked her on numerous occasions and every time she rewards me with a different answer.

The first time:

“I like it because it’s the only place I can be alone in my head”

The second time:

“It reminds me of papa”

The third time: 

“I can see everything from there”

At this point, I've given up trying.


She sits next to me during dinner tapping those wretched green streaked shoes on my polished linoleum as she swiftly scoops spoons of rice messily into her greedy mouth. Once she finishes she asks:

 “Can I go play in my tree?”

I say no.

Crystal tears stain her rosy cheeks. 

“I hate you” she screams as she stomps into her room full of leaves; undismissed.

I know she does.


She comes in with dirt clinging to her pale arms, hands, and fingers. Her green eyes are shiny-clear as she hands me an open letter.

“Mommy, do we have to leave home?”

She’s honest, unblossomed, innocent, and even more childlike than her 11 years. Her eyes are as wide as my silver spoons; they are covered in fear. Her hands shake and then she's all vibration and all kinds of anxiety. She’s all angst and fear. She’s the epitome of anxiety and I--I don't know what to say, but words roll off my tongue and suddenly, I’d do anything to protect my baby girl…

“ No honey, Mommy will figure it out, okay?”

A week passes by languorously. I go to work, fill out sheets, speak, receive calls, answer calls, repeat. The money still isn’t enough.

  She doesn't go up to her tree in the playground across the street. I can see her silhouette on the couch gazing at the cracks on the ceiling. Her eyes no longer have the glow of youth and play nor the excitement of getting dirty every day.

I ask her if she is okay

she says no.

I know she hates me.


We’re evicted from our home. I couldn't pay the bills on my own since her dad left us. It was a battle each time I sat at the round table in the kitchen trying to make ends meet. 

We have a week, and I pack and we move into my mother's small flat; she is welcoming but there is no tree for my baby to climb and there is no joy in her eyes. Her green eyes quickly become pools of water and one small splash will make them overflow out of their unstable container.

 She asks if she can go play at her tree.

I say yes.

She brings a Knife.

I go with her.

 I strain my neck to view long limbs of mighty, dark brown branches that are decorated with an amenity of green leaves. Its beaconing branches and deep roots call her and she etches into the bark

 love Cherry 


She had many memories with that tree and it’s hard to bid ado and after she says goodbye, we leave.

We leave our home.


The air tastes sour and the clouds outside are grey. This train moves and leaves green things behind. I strain my neck backward, forcing myself to see what had once passed before my sight. In this trance of mine, I view the ancestral arms of stoic wood and bark connected to its massive trunk. The trees beaconing branches and deep roots ring familiar to me in contrast to this unfamiliar place. Like seconds, this scene passes, and incomes another, another, and another…

A girl is crying to her mother.

A boy is picking a fight with his brother.

A mother soothes a crying baby, cooing softly to it, whilst holding the living, breathing, and noisy creature snug against her chest.

 Someone's eyes feel heavy like bricks and someone's head craning position starts to recede into a slouched one. This same someone’s head is now drooping and soon enough this someone is snoring, and this someone has a dream and that someone is me and this was my dream:

A girl sat, tucked, with crystal tears drip-drip-dripping down her rosy cheeks and round runny nose. Long branches of a mighty oak tree cascaded down as to shade her from the unforgiving heat. She was crying because her Danny--yes, her “faithful” Danny, (as she called him) had left her for his other boys and she was devastated because Danny was her best friend, and OH-what would she do without him? He indifferently said to her cries of reconsideration,

 “Sorry Sal, but I am tired of playing with you always.” 

You see-- he chose them over her and she was never going to get over it. Not ever.

 ¨Oh- Danny, how could you?” she moaned 


A figure loomed above her; she looked up, she saw that It was a girl. Her name was Sarah. 

“Whatsamatter Sal" ¨ The girl tilted her head as if she too was trying to figure out what the matter was.

She told her and they became friends.


  They looked older, wiser, and less gullible than the children they were. They Laughed and talked incoherent nonsense under the canopy of the tree. 


Sarah’s lips formed the words “move” and Sal sat-tucked under that same tree, with crystal, tears drip-drip-dripping from her eyes down her rosy cheeks once again.


Sarah brought a pocket knife and together they etched “ BFF Sal and Sarah” onto the bark.  


Someone's hands lifted as to rub out the sleepiness from their dark-brown eyes and someone elongated their body in an act of stretching their rigid bones. Someone's eyes are now open and that same someone looks around and that someone is me and I see that:

The girl has stopped crying and is now leaning against her mother's shoulder-- sleeping.

The boy has stopped fighting.

The baby’s wails of frustration are no more as it lays silent, asleep and protectively tucked against the bosom of its mother.


  Stepping out of the train, luggage in hand, I attempt to climb out of my dreams of trees and isolation. Reaching into my vibrating pocket, I take out my phone and am greeted by the voice of my mom:

“ Are you here yet?”

I want to say I am not here because my mind is elsewhere, but I reply

“Yes, I am here."

 It confounds me how time passes by so quickly when you don’t pay it any mind. Time is relative- I don’t see it as a law of how it is always supposed to be. Time is just human-made--and like my rebel self, I simply don’t abide by it. So, when I glance at my phone screen and see that it is 2:00 pm, I am taken aback.


A black sedan parks in the parking lot and a woman with hair-like stretched arms of a massive tree lounged in the driver’s seat.

Her head swivels towards me as I catch her eye and I gather my things to go meet her. My steps toward her are slow. I lift my right foot and put it forward and do the same with my left.

Why do I feel so scared? She's just a woman that happens to be my mom.

“Hello Sal” 

Her mouth forms the words but I can’t hear her as my vision starts to blur

 This can’t be happening. I haven't seen her for 2 years.

“Hey Mom” 

She passes by me to put my luggage in the truck and I notice how thin she has become. 

“Ma, I can take it,” I say as I reach for the bag.


Mom pulls up to a park and I see that same tree from my childhood. A girl with green eyes is sitting on a branch. Her legs move to and fro and she is gazing blankly at the sky.


You can see her as her feet dangle from the branches of that tree. She is happy and she visits this same tree every time she can. It has been 24 hours and 365 days since we left this place that I call home.

I sit on the nearby bench and watch her as she stares blankly at the sky and for the first time in a long time, I smile.

A girl approaches her, she has black hair and dark brown eyes. She comes out of a black sedan that is beaten up and wild looking like the lugubrious woman in the driver's seat.

The girl says something that makes my baby smile.

She says:

"I used to visit this tree when I was a child. This is where I met my best friend before she left, we wrote this:

  “ BFF Sal and Sarah”

She says this as she points to the faded markings.

My baby nods and points to the writing that she made before we left our home.

It says:

  love Cherry 


The girl joins her on the branch and together they stare blankly at the cloudless blue sky.

April 24, 2021 03:55

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20:00 Apr 25, 2021

Wow. Unbelievable that this is your first story! It was delicately woven and beautifully written. You have a clear, descriptive voice in your writing and honestly it’s lovely to read! Wonderful job showing us their very real emotions. Perfect job connecting these characters around their special tree... Loved it! Thanks for sharing :)


23:23 Apr 25, 2021

I am so happy that you read it! I look up to you so much. I am so honored by your comment. You have no idea how much you made my day. Thank you! 😭😭


01:30 Apr 26, 2021

I can’t wait to read what you write next!!!


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18:44 Apr 29, 2021

Wow, this is an amazing first story. Beautifully written. Great job, and welcome to reedsy


20:28 Apr 29, 2021

Thank you!


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Ali Berg
09:25 Apr 28, 2021

I can't believe that this is your first story!! I mean look at it...well crafted... I already had 6 stories but i couldn't appreciate them that much.. can't wait to read your next one, May!!!


20:28 Apr 28, 2021

Thank you! I want you to know that I appreciate your stories. I am planning to read all of them! 😊 I am planning to write another story next week when this week's testing is over.


Ali Berg
09:07 Apr 29, 2021

Thankiess May.... Yeah...I look forward to your next one.. :)


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Ali Berg
09:08 Apr 29, 2021

Thankiess May.... Yeah...I look forward to your next one.. :)


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Angel {Readsy}
02:45 Apr 28, 2021

And the Spring Fairy is here to sprinkle her dust to paint the daffodils; to bring birds. and song to your story.


03:31 Apr 28, 2021

Thank you Spring Fairy! Your generous sprinkles of dust bring a beatific smile to my face and flutter to my heart. ❤❤❤ 🦋🦋🦋


Angel {Readsy}
03:40 Apr 28, 2021

I am a nightingale; I read and sing your stories in the flowering garden and all birds, firefly, fairy and flowers are smiling and very thankful to you for writing such an excellent story.


03:52 Apr 28, 2021

Can you please relay to the birds, fireflies, fairy, and flowers that I am profoundly obliged to them for their kindness? Thank you.


Angel {Readsy}
04:38 Apr 28, 2021

Yes I see a smile on your face I am collecting nectar nearby your garden can you see


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Angel {Readsy}
05:12 Apr 28, 2021

Yeah sure My friend birds are Woodlark ,Robin, Skylark, and the wren, their song is cheerful, clear, melodious , silvery-toned and ebullient and no instrument in all the world...that can afford more music then their melodious sound,,,I SEND THEM ALL TO YOU SO YOU WOULD WRITE A MAGNIFICIENT Story


01:58 Apr 29, 2021

Thank you. I am much obliged.😊


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Angel {Readsy}
03:40 Apr 28, 2021



03:49 Apr 28, 2021



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Cole Lane
03:44 Apr 27, 2021

Wow, this was an amazing story!! Beautifully executed and heartfelt. Welcome to Reesdy!


08:00 Apr 27, 2021

Thank you for your feedback! I never thought I would be subject to so much positivity. 😍😍 Thank you!


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Ruth Porritt
02:29 Jun 15, 2021

Hello Ruthy, I have the same kind of comments about this story. (as other Reedsy writers) There is nothing new that I can add, really, except to say that you must keep writing, and I am sure that all of us can't wait to read the next story that you produce. Thanks again for sharing your work, and have a great week, Ruth


02:39 Jun 15, 2021

Thank you, Ruth. I hope you have a great week too!


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Batool Hussain
15:32 Jun 10, 2021

This is so beautiful, Ruthy. Very well done for your first! You've got a magical way with your words. Can't wait to read more from you!!


19:17 Jun 10, 2021

Thank you Batool. I'm glad you enjoyed Friends and Forever. That's very sweet of you to say, your comment really means a lot to me. It's the best I've had all day. Thank you again! Ruthy_May


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20:04 Jun 02, 2021

I like how the tree runs through your story as a lifeline. I also like the different breaks that gives rythm to your piece. I'll try some of that in the future. Nicely done.


20:13 Jun 02, 2021

Thank you. I'm glad I've given you a new idea. I see you've posted a new story! Yay! Heading there now! Ruthy_May


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Juno Y.
02:03 May 18, 2021

I absolutely love this. Just a little suggestion though: Maybe clean up the POV switches a bit? Those were sort of confusing for me.


09:28 May 18, 2021

Sure! I was worried about that. I'm not quite sure how I'd achieve this. Could you please suggest a way I could? This story has been approved so these changes will be made on my google doc copy. Thank you for your feedback! I profoundly appreciate it! Ruthy_May


Juno Y.
13:12 May 18, 2021

I would suggest doing this maybe? : *** [character name]'s POV: (I suggest doing this part in bold, but I can't indicate that in a comment) [Story here]


21:48 May 18, 2021

Thank you so much! I'll be sure to do that right away!!


Juno Y.
22:18 May 18, 2021

No problem!


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09:31 May 18, 2021

****--> When you see this it indicates a switch in point of views.


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"love Cherry" haha, that's my nickname!


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Daniel R. Hayes
05:43 Apr 27, 2021

Hi Ruthy! This was a very beautiful story. It was very touching and I really loved it. I like the details that you so effortlessly wove into this amazing story. The emotions really came through like sunlight shining through dark clouds! My favorite line is: "It confounds me how time passes by so quickly when you don’t pay it any mind. Time is relative- I don’t see it as a law of how it is always supposed to be." - Nice job on this! With this being your first story, I can't wait to see what you write next. Great job, and I hope you keep w...


07:38 Apr 27, 2021

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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23:16 Apr 26, 2021

:O This was wonderful, beautiful, ethereal, fantastic, superb, AMAZING! How is this your first story? It's so well written, the word choices are perfect, and the ending was just 💖 Loved it so much! Keep writing :) ~ Amethyst


23:18 Apr 26, 2021

Thank you so, so very much!! I feel so overwhelmingly happy right now!!


23:20 Apr 26, 2021

No problem! It was a big pleasure to read ;)


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05:07 Apr 24, 2021

This is my first story. Criticism is greatly welcome.


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Always Dancing
07:22 Jul 20, 2021

Wow. Your stories are beautifully written and contain so much emotion! Thank you for sharing!!


00:59 Jul 21, 2021

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. I genuinly apreciate it.


Always Dancing
05:38 Jul 21, 2021

You're welcome!!


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