Inspirational Fantasy Fiction

This is the story of Daniel, a young 23-year-old guy who still lived with his parents and had just lost another job that morning. Along the way home, he took the scenic route stopping at what looked like an old library. He hadn’t noticed it before, intrigued by the old building he walked into the giant doors and stopped. He was amazed by what he saw the walls and shelves were packed with books. There were a few dozen people all busy with their own lives, but when no one even turned to look towards Daniel as the large door slammed shut he felt invisible like he wasn’t there.

Curiously he walked up and down the aisles until he stumbled upon what looked like the original “Arabian Nights” the book was in good condition and brought back memories of his childhood when his mother read to him before bed every night and how close his family used to be before his father retired and Daniel began job-hopping. He knew at once he had to bring home the book they needed to read and be like a family again and not the three strangers they had become. He looked around and while no one watching he picked up the book and slid it into his coat pocket stealing it in fear they wouldn’t let him get it since he had no car. Then he rushed back out into the streets and towards home for what he hoped to be a relaxing night with his family.

Once he arrived home, he told his parents everything that happened that day. However, they were upset with him for losing another job and did not care about the book or the library he had found on his way home.

Realizing the evening that he wanted was not going to happen he went down into his room to read alone. As he sat on the bed and opened the book a puff of smoke rose out of the pages with the face of a man. Daniel knew at once this was Alden's genie just like the character in the book, so he asked with the excitement of a child “Do you live in the book? So am I now your master? Can you grant my wishes?” The genie looked old, tired, and did not look amused but he nodded his head and replied “You have three wishes, use them wisely because there's no going back”.

At that moment he heard his parents complaining about how he had lost another job, and how he was an ungrateful son for never helping them. Then in a fit of anger, Daniel told the genie “I wish my parents would go back to work so I don't need a job.” The genie nodded his head and the phone began ringing. Daniel heard his father answer the phone and his mother, who was putting on her apron for work stepped in the doorway and whispered goodbye before leaving for a shift at the diner. Then Daniel’s father hung up the phone and he went to pack a few items he needed for work. Finally, with everyone else out of the house, he grabbed the book and drove his car out for a night out on the town.

Daniel lived in a small city so the two bars and a nearby club were the only choices for alcohol. Wanting to celebrate his good fortune he chose the club it was always packed, but Daniel was good friends with the bouncer so getting in was never a problem. After a few drinks, Daniel felt like the king of the world and thought to himself every king needs a queen or two. The problem with this was Daniel was single for the majority of his life he had only known the women in movies who flocked to lead. Daniel wondered around until he found a group of attractive women dancing celebrating what looked like a birthday, but as he walked over and gave a cheesy 90s romcom pickup line which caused the women to laugh at him and leave. Daniel, devastated walked into the bathroom and pulled out the book and told the genie “I will not be a joke to women anymore. Genie I wish all the women in the world found me irresistible” Daniel felt pleased with himself, but the genie unapprovingly nodded. Daniel walked out as he did a group of women hung onto him all night, and he felt powerful. Finally, after a long night partying, Daniel returned home to an empty house. 

The next day he slept in till about 3:00 pm when he was finally awoken by a knock at the door. Daniel had a hangover, a splitting headache, and a police officer knocking at his door. He opened it and the police officer removed his hat then explained that Daniel’s father had been in a bad accident due to his narcolepsy and died at the scene. The police officer also told him when his mother heard the news of his father just hours prior, to the police officer telling Daniel, she drove out onto the old bridge over the shallow river, and once there she dove headfirst crushing her skull, neck, and over 120 bones killing her on impact. The police officer left and Daniel felt alone, so he decided to go out and party so he didn’t feel sad or alone.

Although he lived in a small town there were colleges just miles away, so the weekends were always packed with plenty of college parties. The largest party was known as Lightning Luck it’s called that because you’ve got a higher chance to be struck by lightning than be invited to it, but Daniel wasn’t in the mood to hear no. He snuck in and found the whole cheer squad out by the pool Daniel started to flirt with them, and he had finally felt like his luck was looking up. What he didn’t know their boyfriend had seen him talking to the cheerleaders they waited till Daniel went to get another drink before dragging him out by the highway and beating him to the point of death before returning to the party.

After being left for dead by the highway a stranger takes Daniel to the hospital and is unconscious for days. When Daniel finally woke up he was constantly surrounded by people. The cops came and because daniel refused to tell them what happened the officers wrote it in the report as a suicide attempt. He was being watched almost 24\7 while doctors enter and exit the room, and everyone said that its a miracle he’s alive.

Days go by and his condition has no improvements, and then one-day genie appears to tell Daniel “The book's magic is running out, so once you use your last wish you will die. It would be wise to think of others, and let go of this world.” The genie looked at Daniel waiting, and Daniel wasted no time and quickly replied “I wish to be immortal so I never have to die, or worry about death again” the genie with a saddened look, lowered his head disapproving before giving his final nod. Then suddenly the world started spinning and Daniel opened his eyes to find he was back in the center of the library. However this time all the others noticed him pointing and laughing.

Daniel, angry and scared runs to the door and pulls but no matter how hard he pulls the door will not open. He shouts at the people out walking by on the streets but no one could hear him.

Time moves on and Daniel soon learns that all the visitors in the library including himself found the book and used the genie’s magic to be selfish. They wanted to help themselves, and then once they became attached they would wish for eternal life and would return to the library. Where all others who have fallen victim to the book and its genie go because the library wasn’t just a library but a prison that would hold them captive for eternity.

April 30, 2021 19:32

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