Contemporary Funny Friendship

The Difference In Apple Pie

Written by Lizzy Stevens and Steve Miller

Dan and Mark were sitting in Dan’s living room drinking a couple beers. Dan glanced at Mark as he downed his can in one drink. “I can’t believe you are back in town. How long has it been?”

Mark popped the top on his third one. “Too long, man. I moved away after we graduated and time has flown by since then.”

Dan jumps up and starts putting his shoes on. “We have to celebrate you moving home and the fact you are starting your business tomorrow. Let’s go over to old man Johnson’s and get some of his apple pie moonshine. That stuff is the best. You are going to love it.”

Mark crushed his can and stood up. “Sounds like a plan. I can’t wait to see him. It’s been a while, but we have been drinking for a while now who is going to drive?”

Dan scratched his head for a minute. “No worries. We’ll call a cab.”

Mark agreed and they went out to the porch to wait for the cab. It wasn’t long before they were pulling into Old Man Johnson’s driveway. They told the cab driver to wait for them that they wouldn’t be long.

Dan knocked on the door and was surprised to find a young man looking to be in his late twenties answer the door. “Is the Old Man here.” Everyone called Mr. Johnson The Old Man. He was fond of the nickname so all his customers slash friends called him that.

The young man said, “Grandpa? No, he isn’t here right now. He had to go run some errands. Is there something I can help you with or give him a message?”

Dan thought for a minute. He wasn’t sure he should say he was there to buy moonshine if this young guy didn’t know that his grandfather made it and sold it. He looked at the man. “I was wanting to ask your grandpa if he had any apple pie? I wanted to buy a couple from him.”

The man looked confused. “apple pie? My grandpa doesn’t bake. Not that I know of anyway. I just got in town on college break and I haven’t seen him for a while but I know he has never mentioned getting into baking.”

Dan nodded. “I see. Well, I get apple pie from him quite often. He makes it like nobody else. It’s amazing.”

The young man scratched his head. “Are you sure you are at the right place? My grandpa wouldn’t even know how to make pie crust. I guess he could buy some already made but still I have never seen him bake a pie.”

Dan was finding a little humor in how confused the man was. “Well let me tell you. Your grandpa makes the best apple pie in the entire state, and he doesn’t buy anything already done. He makes the entire thing one hundred percent homemade.” He couldn’t help but smile but chocked the laugh down. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even introduce myself. My name is Dan and this is my friend Mark.”

The confused young man opened the door a little wider. “Oh sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. My name is Clint. Would you two like to come in. My grandpa might be back soon but if not, I can take an order for you and give it to him when he gets back. I still can’t believe that my grandpa is now a baker and actually sells his product.”

Dan nodded his head and followed Clint into the house while Mark went and paid the cab driver so he could leave. He walked to the living room and sat on the couch as Clint sat in the chair across from him. Mark joined them after a couple of minutes.

To make small talk Dan started a conversation. “So, what are you going to college for?”

Clint sat up straight in his chair as if he was proud of himself. “I’m actually going for business. I only have one year left. It’s a lot of math classes and spreadsheets. Things like that.”

Mark, who hadn’t said much the whole time said, “Business is a good career. You can make good money at it.” Then he couldn’t help but get in on the joke. “Your grandpa could probably use your help keeping the books updated for his apple pie business.”

Dan couldn’t help but smile at that. But was distracted by the sound of the front door opening.

Old man Johnson came walking in carrying a couple of bags.

Dan jumped up and hurried to him. “Old man let me get those for you.”

Old Man Johnson smiled. “Thanks Dan. That would be great. What are you boys out doing.”

Clint interrupted. “Grandpa I didn’t know you got into baking.”

Old Man Johnson looked at Dan and Mark and gave them the look that a parent would give to toddlers who was acting up. Then he looked back at Clint. “Oh, I’ve been known to make a little apple pie from time to time.”

Dan chuckled. “Yeah, and like I said it’s the best damn apple pie you will ever try.

Old Man Johnson turned to his grandson. “Clint why don’t you go out to the truck and get the rest of the bags for me. “

Clint nodded and hurried out the door.

Old Man Johnson looked back at Dan and Mark with a grin across his face. “You boys should be ashamed of yourself harassing that poor boy.”

Dan laughed. “Well, when you weren’t here, we didn’t know what to say. We had never met him so we didn’t know if he knew and we wouldn’t break the code. We wouldn’t tell anyone.”

Old Man Johnson smiled and said, “Follow me boys. I would have been out but an order cancelled on me so I just happen to have exactly what you need down in the cellar. Follow me down and we will get you some before my grandson gets back inside. This batch turned out really good. I think you boys are going to really like it. Of course, it’s not a baked apple pie.” He said as he laughed.

Dan laughed. “No. It’s much better.”

                                               The End

January 09, 2021 09:03

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