African American Black Fantasy

“What is growing inside you, the life you are carrying, the soul you are nourishing, the spirit that you are going to bring into the world is going to be both.... a boon and a curse. “ The exact words of my guru, that shook me to my very core. Who am I? And why was my child going to be both a boon and a curse for the world? How come my child was going to be a boon and a curse? A curse? A curse?

Angelina Ray. That is me. A name. A lady of colour living in the world of whites. I was privileged to have been born and married into a family which had yet a considerable amount of respect in this society of whites. I was 7 months pregnant and I had visited my guru to seek blessings from him for my child. It was after seven years of marriage that I was going to embrace motherhood and our family was going to grow. My guru was not just a spiritual leader or a palmist but, he was somebody who could see right through a soul. What shook me to my core were his words which I can never forget in my life. “ Your child will be a curse for you and boon for others, as much as shall you regret having given birth to such an offspring, that much you are going to enjoy the fortune which it will bring to others. This joy and fortune are never going to be yours, for you shall die as an unloved mother by your only child. Your child is going to be both and is going to be none. BOTH AND NONE.” Still his words in the same tone ring in my ears, to this day. My child was going to be both a girl and a boy and neither a boy or a girl.

2 months down the line and I was going to give birth. As the day was approaching my heart beats were increasing, not of joy and excitement but of anxiety and fear.

The prophecy as stated said that my child will be born a boy and will remain so till the first 14 years of his life. He will be born a boy so that his birth could start a legacy that will be lived upon by the forth coming generations. My boy will be ‘that’ boy who is going to be ‘the’ boy for the world. The 13th year of his life will be the most important year. In the 13th year my son will lead the black towards the fight for their freedom from slavery and oppression under the world ruled by white. All the African Americans who have been divided in the States will be united by my son. He will be called..... “Angel”. God’s sent angel.... my Angel. The person who will turn the world around, life saviour of millions, yet who will have no life for himself. The year 13th of his life is going to be worse and darker than Friday the 13th. No. 13 as it is is considered devilish.

My Angel is going to be own Devil.

Angel served the world, he fought for his community, his race and never let us down, only to be laid down in the memory of people as a martyred soldier himself. Angel’s role was over. Angel was down and out of everyone’s life.

Now came the point I afeard the most. The point I did never want to come.         

For now there no longer is an Angel. There is now as I would say we call her ‘Angela’. Angela? Yes Angela. This is what we have to call her now.

The 15th year of my child’s life has begun; she has turned into a girl. Into a girl overnight, overnight. The second half of the prophecy has begun, Angel has played his part and now it is Angela’s turn. Her role is like that of any other woman. To give birth. To give birth to a child, again not a normal child, no, absolutely not normal.

Angela is going to follow the footsteps of her mother she will be giving birth to an extraordinary child but unlike in her mother’s case. Angela is for sure going to have a girl and her girl is going to take the world by storm, for she is going to be a queen. A Queen who is going to have her reign over all the countries, the 7 seas, 7 continents and also the whole of universe.


A king earlier and somebody who is going to give birth to a queen later. That has been the story of my child. We were laughed upon, called stupid, not believed by anybody when we told them about the prophecy exactly like what our guru had told us.

Angela turned 21 and we had to get her married before she turned 22, we did so. Angela was married off to the son of our community’s chief. Both of them loved each other immensely and cared for each other from the core of their heart. Tick, tick, tick, tick, the clock ticked by daily and with its every tick came closer the moment of the prophecy. Angela was pregnant, the ninth month of the pregnancy was about to end, and.... Angela was not to give birth for another one complete month. Her pregnancy was going to be 10 months long and then Angela’s daughter was to come into this world. That was also going to be the last one month of Angela’s life. For she, was to DIE. Die as soon as her daughter would open her eyes for the first time in this new month.

A pair of eyes was to open and the other one was to shut.

The last day before Angela was going to give birth, the last night she was to witness. That was the time I was supposed to tell her about her life, herself, her transformation, her identity, her REALITY. As expected she didn’t believe me. Not even a single word. She said it was impossible that she was a boy for the first 14 years of her life and she felt that I was lying to her. Nothing came as a shock to me after all the shocks that I had received till date. My baby was to die after her baby was going to be born. A daughter in front of her mother was going to die, take her last breathes.

The dooms day was here, or should I say the golden day was here. For the new Queen of the world was born, and my little princess had died. The prophecy had blessed the world and cursed me. For my child did never give me the satisfaction of being a mother and I could never ask for it.

Angel and Angela played their part, now it was Angelica’s turn to do so. To guide the world out of dark and bring it into light.

I did not convince Angela into believing me about anything for I knew she could never believe me. The only reason being...

Angela had lost her memory of the first 14 years of her life. 

October 09, 2020 10:29

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Khadija Kapasi
12:53 Oct 09, 2020



Rinky Lotia
13:15 Oct 09, 2020

🙌 thanks


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Rutvi Shah
11:18 Oct 12, 2020

I love the way you've drafted the story, it chimes in so well with the basic plot convention, intervowen with dexterous creativity.


Rinky Lotia
16:26 Oct 12, 2020

Thank you so much.!!


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Bevil Fernandes
09:10 Oct 10, 2020

Beautifully written


Rinky Lotia
09:13 Oct 10, 2020



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Harsh Mehta
14:07 Oct 09, 2020



Rinky Lotia
15:58 Oct 09, 2020

Thank u


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Mansi Parmar
12:29 Oct 09, 2020



Rinky Lotia
13:14 Oct 09, 2020

Thanks much.


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Very devoted! I loved the details, excellent! Do check out my stories and give me feedback.


Rinky Lotia
05:26 Dec 05, 2020

Thank you so much. Yeah sure i'll check out


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Saurabh Chauhan
06:41 Oct 16, 2020

Simply amazing


Rinky Lotia
10:08 Oct 16, 2020



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Shreya Talsania
04:09 Oct 14, 2020

Loveee this ❤️


Rinky Lotia
04:11 Oct 14, 2020

thank you so much


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Karan Dholakiya
10:14 Oct 11, 2020

Beautifully written


Rinky Lotia
10:16 Oct 11, 2020

Thank you.!!


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Arohi Bose
10:10 Oct 11, 2020

Very good 👍 keep it up


Rinky Lotia
10:12 Oct 11, 2020



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Jagdish Lotia
09:30 Oct 10, 2020

Simply superb.


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Madhav Valambhia
18:24 Oct 09, 2020

Fabulous work Rinky!!!


Rinky Lotia
03:22 Oct 10, 2020

thank u


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16:25 Oct 09, 2020

Fabulous work rinky👌


Rinky Lotia
17:12 Oct 09, 2020

Thanks much 😁😄


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Param Dave
14:55 Oct 09, 2020

Amazing story👍🏻🙂


Rinky Lotia
15:58 Oct 09, 2020

Thank u param


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12:15 Oct 09, 2020

Amazing plot twist. Didn't see it coming. 😄👍


Rinky Lotia
13:14 Oct 09, 2020

Thanks you. That's what I always try.


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Keval Patni
11:57 Oct 09, 2020

Amazing story


Rinky Lotia
12:02 Oct 09, 2020

thanks much!!


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Nipa Lotia
11:13 Oct 09, 2020

superbly written.


Rinky Lotia
11:27 Oct 09, 2020

thank u so much


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