

I wake up to the sun sliding in through the cracks in the blinds. My alarm begins to scream as expected, i roll over dreading work. See, a lot of people would be happy to be a surgeon, it has all these amazing benefits. But in this world a surgeon does a lot more than what you see on TV, especially when the world of supernatural and magic is involved. 

  Upon arriving at work, I find I am 30 minutes early so I stop at the cafe and get myself a muffin and coffee, no cream or sugar. I hate the taste of it but I torture myself anyway. I eat the muffin, choke down the coffee and clock in for work. 

According to the schedule board, I will be using a vampire's blood to give a patient immortality instead of death. This is my least favorite supernatural procedure, the second they wake up it’s like they are scavenging animals on the hunt for blood and we have to teach them how to still act human- whatever that means. 

I head into the operating room and the patient is already set up for this big blood transplant that will kill his heart and then bring him to life. The operation goes smoothly and I know that means that this patients recovery is going to be extra strenuous. We slowly wake him up and instantly he screams for blood. Thank heavens for restraints. i prepare the nurses for how the next few days are going to go and am interrupted by my pager 

“Alex. We have an emergency incoming, it’s your case. Good luck.” 

“Damn it” I think to myself, that gets rid of all surgeries I have scheduled the rest of the day because now not only do I have to perform an emergency surgery but I also have to solve the problem using the best supernatural element for that patient.

I go to meet the patient, the symptoms listed sound like a common cold. This is what we call “internal cosmic surgery- the patient just wants to be in the supernatural realm and expects us to do that for her. My question is, why the hell was this labelled an emergency?

Due to protocol I have to ask a surplus of questions to determine which supernatural element would best suit the patient. The first set of questions are precautionary questions:

“How did you hear about the supernatural world?”

“What is your age?”

“Are you wanting this surgery for the right reasons”

And then the question that made me realize why this was labelled an emergency-

“Who (if anyone) has told you that you need supernatural powers?”

Her answer

“My father, the king of the supernatural realm. I got the mortal genes from my mother.” 

The king of the supernatural realm is the most powerful man in the world, he has the power to take life away at any given second and he is the only reason our hospital exists. I never signed up for this supernatural crap but here I am dealing with the most important surgery case and I could easily lose my life if I don’t please the patient- or even worse, her father. 

I quickly exit the room and gather interns from all different floors, I quickly tell them that they need to find the best supernatural power for this patient. Whoever has the best idea gets to be on the case with me. I leave them to start studying and enter a supply closet and begin to hyperventilate. This task shouldn’t be assigned to me, I am the wrong person for it, I can’t do it, these thoughts run in my head for what feels like a half an hour. I shake out of it and do my best to compose my crumbling, emotional self. If only my mom were here, she would know what to do.



I walk into the kitchen and instantly there is a cold feeling, I know something is wrong. I run around the house screaming for my mom- no answer. I run back to the kitchen looking for any signs of her, the oven is still on. I run over to it and find a note 

“Dear son,

I’m sorry I couldn’t be enough for you. Please take care of yourself. I love you.”

I run into the garage and find her dead. Exhaust fumes while enclosed in the car. A sight I will never get out of my head. 


I snap out the flashback and leave the supply closet, I’m sure I look like a wreck but there is nothing I can do now. I return to the interns and tell them I need an answer instantly. Interns throw ideas around but none of them are perfect until a shy intern hiding in the corner raises her hand and says “we could use the angel heart that is only to be used in an emergency”

Bingo, we will turn her into an angel because not only will she be even more beautiful, she will also be one of the most powerful and be able to work closely to her father in the immortal realm. I submit the request to use the angel heart that is accepted immediately and go prepare for surgery. 



I dress up in my nice suit that I’ve only ever worn once before and I leave for the funeral. I feel so angry at my mom for what she did but I also wish she were here to navigate me through the pain. The funeral seems to be a blur, people come up to me granting their condolences, I just thank them and move to the next person. I shake hands with someone so Ice cold that it snaps me into reality. They tell me the story of how they knew my mom, explain that they work at a supernatural hospital and know that I am an amazing surgeon and quickly I am offered a job. Where I continue to work now.


I walk into the operating room, and begin the surgery. Making sure to be extra careful with her so I don’t mess anything up. Hours and hours go by, people are getting exhausted, finally I make the final suture. We don’t know how this outcome will happen because this is our first angel surgery we have ever done. We slowly wake her up, the room fills with an instant brightness and then disappears quickly. According to articles found by my intern… only time will tell if this surgery worked. Only time will tell. 

March 13, 2020 21:57

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