Apple picking with grandma

Submitted into Contest #63 in response to: Write about two characters going apple picking.... view prompt


Adventure Fiction Happy

Walking on the pavement holding my grandma's hand, I smiled widely looking at the tree leaves changing their color from green to yellow, orange, red and brown shades. Feeling the morning crisp and cold air 7 year old me held my grandmas hand tightly in the hope of some warmth.

She looked at me and gave me a warn smile which I returned with the same warmth. 

“Are you excited to go apple picking Lucas?” She asked 

“Yes grandma!" I said enthusiastically and she laughed at my excitement.

“You know I also use to go apple picking with my grandma when I was at your age.” 

“Really, that amazing.” I said 

“Yes, we are here my boy.” She said pointing towards our left and my eyes brightened as soon as I saw all the beautiful apple trees full of apples.


“Hello Edie.” A old man approached towards us 

“Good morning Jack.” Grandma replied and looking at me, keeping a hand on my head she said

“ This is my grandson Lucas and he is Jack, my friend and owner of this farm.” Grandma introduced us

“Hey little man.” Jack said giving me a smile

“Hey old man.” I said with a smile and both Jack and grandma laughed.

“You are definitely not a little boy. So is this your first time to go apple picking?” 

“Yes it is, and I am really excited.” I said and smiled at my grandma

“Okay then go ahead and have fun both of you.” Jack said patting my back.

“Thank you Jack, I will meet you before leaving.” Grandma said

“Alright” Jack replied 

“Come on Lucas, get go.” Grandma said taking my hand in her one hand and baskets in another.

We both walked towards the trees and I was feeling amazing. Apple trees and red apples in those green clouds is definitely a beautiful site to see. 

“Take this basket and collect the apple in this.” Grandma said handing me a basket. 

I took the basket and ran to a tree. Keeping the basket down, I jumped and plucked a apple. I smiled widely and looked at grandma

“Good" she said smiling at me. Because of her height she was able to pluck all the apples which were on the top and because I am small I was only plucking the apple which were hanging low. 

I remembered how Oliver and Mia laughed at me. Tears started welling up in my eyes as I remembered,

“You are so short.” Hahaha 

“I am a girl but I am tall than you.” Hahaha 

“You can never be tall like us.” Hahaha

“Lucas?” I turned my head to see my grandma kneeling down in front of me with worried expressions.

“Are you okay Lucas? Why are you crying?” she asked sniffing I said,

“ All my friends tease me because I am short. They say I will never become tall like them.” I said as tears flooded through my eyes. Wiping my tears grandma held my face in her hands and said,

“Anyone can count the seeds in the apple, but only God can count apples in a seed.” She said but I dint understand anything. 

“What does that mean grandma? I dint understand.” I asked her confusingly 

“That means trust God. God know everything and anything that no one knows. Maybe when you grow older you will be the tallest guy among your friends. God is looking at everyone and he punishes bad people in his ways. Trust God.” She said 

Giving her a smile I wiped my tears and again started plucking the apple. Grandma copied me after kissing my temple.

I love being with grandma. But its only rare time my parents allow me to meet grandma. This fall I really cried a lot to make them allow me to stay with grandma for some days. 

She really love me, takes care if me and I love her too, maybe because I am her only grandchild and she is my only grandmother.

As soon as I plucked another apple I saw a worm. Throwing the apple away I screamed loudly.

“What happened?” Grandma said and I ran to her saying,

“Grandma, their was a worm on the apple.”

“Its ok Lucas, it happens sometimes.” she said while smiling at me.

“Now I am not going to pluck any apples from that tree, maybe all the apples have worms from that tree.” I said picking my half filled apple basket and moving to another tree.

Grandma came to me and smiled before saying,

“Just because you find one bad apple doesn’t mean you should give up on the whole tree.” 

“But what if, the apples from that tree are all having worms?” 

“How would know if you don’t see or try. First try and then decide.” She said 

“Okay” I said understandingly. 

After some time our baskets were full of apples. We both collected many apples and they were all beautiful red which looked delicious to eat. 

Smiling at her I gestured her to sit on her knees so we can be face to face.

Understanding my gestures she sat on her knees looking at me with.

“Grandma, you are the most amazing grandmother I would ever have. I love you so much. You teach me good things every time I come to meet you. Today you gave me lessons, to trust God and to try before deciding. I love you” I said stretching my hands to tell her how much I said “I love you this much grandma.” 

She laughed and wiped her tears which I think were happy tears. Right? 

“I love you too my grandson, my Lucas.” She said and hugged me tightly.

Keeping my head on her shoulder and my arms around her neck I hugged her too. Thinking how beautiful the day went and I will be able to eat those apple, which I have plucked with my own hand when we reach our home I smiled widely.

It was an amazing apple picking day with my grandma…

October 14, 2020 05:10

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Pratheeksha R
01:25 Oct 22, 2020

[Anyone can count the seeds in the apple, but only God can count apples in a seed] - my most favourite line in the story! I have read many stories, leading into series on Reeds that I was expecting something to take place at the end. But I’m not disappointed, it was a lovely read with reinforcing lessons. Well done!


02:33 Oct 22, 2020

Thank you so much. It means a lot to me 😊


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I loved it. It was playful and still had lessons.


16:02 Oct 17, 2020

Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed 😊


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02:53 Oct 16, 2020

Nicely done


08:38 Oct 19, 2020



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02:49 Oct 16, 2020

Its a beautiful story...


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Dush Isbsuuh
16:32 Oct 15, 2020

Amazing... the bond between the grandson and grandmother is really beautiful ❤


16:03 Oct 17, 2020

Thank you so much


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