Can you live in a world where you have to look a certain way to be liked?
Dear You,
You have to have a perfect face. Preferably blue eyes and blond hair. You have to have a perfect body. Not too skinny, but not too fat. If you’re too skinny you look like you’re starving, and trust me that’s not cute. If you're too fat nobody's going to think you’re pretty. You have to think like everyone else. Don’t be different, that's too weird.
Can you live in a world where you get judged for being you?
Dear You,
You have to dress like everyone else. Black clothes are cute, but don’t try to look too goth-like. What's the latest trend right now? That’s what you have to mirror. To be liked, you have to look exactly like that. Just don’t be yourself!
Yours truly,
Can you live in a world where you have to cover who you really are?
Dear you,
Put on a mask before you go out. Make up helps with that mess. Your hair looks like a bird’s nest right now; You will need to do something with that. Just change everything about you!
Can you live in a world where it's better to be white than black?
Dear You,
That black dude is dangerous. Even though you don’t know him, be scared of him. Hold your purse closer to you. Call him the N-word because that’s what he his. No! Not at all! It's totally ok to say that. Don't worry, saying that isn't rude! You just need to be scared of black people.
Take care,
Can you live in a world where they think one race is better than the other?
Dear you,
Nobody is beautiful in their own way.
That’s all for now,
Can you live in a world where people die because they can't handle the pain?
Dear You,
Suicide it normal. On average 134 people kill themselves a day. I make you feel like nobody loves you, but trust me people do. I make you feel like you can't express who you really are, and that makes you feel abnormal. You're welcome!
Best wishes,
Can you live in a world where kids are getting bullied?
Dear You,
Some kids are getting bullied for looking different.
Some kids are getting bullied for being disabled.
Some kids are getting bullied for being creative, determined, or smart.
Some kids are getting bullied for being a different race.
Some kids are getting bullied for having different religious beliefs.
Some kids are getting bullied for being talented.
Can you live in a world where you can't be yourself?
Dear You,
You have to be male or female. Nothing else. Nothing in between. You can't love who you love. Only the traditional ways work. You can’t be yourself because I'll start hating on you, or even start making fun of you.
Lots of love,
Can you live in a world where people don’t have a roof over their head?
Dear You,
Homelessness. Thousands of people are homeless. Sleeping on benches. Sleeping on the sidewalk.
Begging for food.
Begging for money.
Begging for another chance.
Can you live in a world where they think one religion is better than the other?
Dear You,
Some think God’s real. Some don’t. People have different ways of viewing life. I'll judge you on this too.
Can you live in a world where you get hurt by the people who are supposed to protect you?
Dear You,
Innocent black men are dying. They are getting killed by the police.
“I can't breathe” the black man said
“I don’t care” the police replied
Not only that. There's mental abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, child abuse, domestic abuse. That’s not even all the abuses in the world.
Stay safe,
Can you live in a world where people are dying every day of hunger?
Dear You,
“Kids are dying in Africa.” That’s true, but not only in Africa. People are dying all over the world. Poverty and hunger are still alive, and they take lives every day.
Best wishes,
Can you live in a world where mental health is a big problem?
Dear you,
Hundreds of people are suffering. They think they're in this fight alone. I'll make you suffer more. Depression. Anxiety disorders. Social anxiety. Panic attacks.
Lots of Love,
Can you live in a world where the only thing on the news is terrible?
Dear You,
Murder is taking a life away. One less beating heart in the world. One more tragedy. One more family suffering.
The news proves: Murder is what's happening in the world. People who can't control their anger, or people who feel like murder is a sport are out there.
Take care,
Can you live in a world where stereotypes are thrown around?
Dear You,
All blondes are not smart.
All Mexicans are lazy and came to America illegally.
All Arabs or Muslim are terrorists.
All black people are criminals.
All Asians are good at math.
All white people are racist.
Can you live in a world where there’s evil wandering the streets?
Dear you,
Prostitutes, drug dealers and rapists still exist.
That’s all for now,
Can you live in a world where pollution invades the earth?
Dear you,
Plastic in the ocean kills fish.
Acid rain kills trees.
Global warming is real.
Air pollution causes lung cancer.
About 7 million pre-mature deaths are related to pollution.
Yours truly,
If you see what's wrong with the world, then let's change it. Change all of this. Together. One step at a time.
If you don’t see what's wrong with the world, then I'm afraid it's too late.
Author’s Note: This was not meant to offend anyone, but instead to inform. The world is both Beautiful and tragic. This story only focuses on the tragic part.
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wow, I am impressed. This story is very beautiful and sad, but its good to talk about these things because they are very real :( and how can we live in a society that stands idly by when all of this is going on?? Anyway, great writing! ;P
Thank you so much!!
it was my pleasure :)) <3
This story is so beautiful and sadly true. This is the kind of story that people need to read. Thank you for sharing it.
Thank you for taking the time to read it!💛
It all really is so easy to change yet society remains stuck and lost in this awful presence. Live with love, and not hate and the world will become a beautiful place!! That is the key! That is the answer!
Thank you for your is so real and pure and raw.. and it sadly illustrates the wrongs in today's world.
Well done ..well done!!
Thank you so much!!💛
I liked how you formatted your entries and each one of them was truthful and powerful.
I wish that we all come together and bring change, but I think everybody is too concern about other priorities. Too much greed in the world in my opinion.
Also thanks for liking my story :) I appreciate any feedback from anybody :)
Thank you!!:) I agree with that.
I like your style, that was very creative! Congrats on making something so unique.
Thank you!
I really loved the formatting of how you chose to do this! It was very creative and engaging!! The use of logos was also a nice touch :)
Thank you for taking the time to read my story!:)
Of course!!
I liked the part where you spoke about bullying....that starts with children, they are our hope. Change. Adults are already preconditioned to their beliefs. You stated the obvious very well!
That is very true. Thank you!
It's nice to see something so creative. :)
Thank you!:)
This is beautifully written and unique. Great job!
Thank you!!
Cool and creative and so on point! Well done!
Thank you very much!
The answer the society gave for the question "can you live in a world where stereotypes are thrown about?" is the most raw truth I've ever seen. It's beautiful and I loved it.
It truly is very sad. Thank you so much!
Love this. Very creative
Thank you!
Hi Lata, I like how unique you formatted this story entry. It shows just how many things are wrong in this world, but the ending pushes for us to change that. I haven't seem anyone use this "writing a letter" format before so it was really cool to read something new! Great job!
Thank you so much!
Great format and great messages! 👍
Thank you!!
Wow! Your story is really incredible! I loved how you showed how many things are wrong in society today and how much judgement there can be in the world. The message was truly really powerful. I liked how you emphasized that we can change the world! Amazing job!! :)
Thank you so much!!:)
Reading this, gave me chills. I felt that someone like Maya Angelou would be reciting it on a big stage. You gave so many important and powerful messages in few words so beautifully.
Thank you so much! That is very kind of you💛
Great format with each topic.
Thank you!
You are welcome!
I liked this story and i think im going to check out your other ones as well (i think i've only seen one or 2 others of your stories) you did a great job and i think i'm going to give this a 10/10 :)
Yes, i agree with this one as well, its sad that our world has many flaws in it due to society, but i hope even tho society will give u trouble, pls, know that someone out there loves u, waiting for u, so pls dont off urself just yet, live for the ones that live for u, lots of love and encouragement to the ppl, uwu
Aww this is so sweet! :)
ahah, thank uu, <3
This made me realize so many things about myself in a beautiful way. You have a gift, this is amazing!
Thank you so much! That is so sweet of you! :)