The descendant of Abraham Jesus the son of David considered and remembered for an insignificant Act by rulers and Kings. by Mr. Prince De-Grant Brempong.

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Mystery Historical Fiction Drama

The story is entitled the descendant of. Abraham, Jesus the son of David considered and remembered for an insignificant Act.

Jesus was born of the virgin Mary , considered and descended from the Ancestor Abraham.

The story tells of the descendant of Abraham , Jesus who was born of the virgin Mary and Joseph a father.

In the Bible , Jesus was born in Bethlehem of. Judea in the days of Herod the King behiold wise men from the East came to Jerusalem.

Wise men came to Jesus, asking for the King of the Jews.

His star was seen in the East and they have to come to worship him.

King Herod was troubled when he heard about the wise men.

Also King Herod inquired from where Jesus Christ was born.

Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judea.

It is written in the Bible that Bethlehem ,the land of Judah that you shall be among the rulers of. Judah for out you shall come a Ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.

When the wise men saw the star, they had seen from the East they went before then ,till it stood at where the young child was entirely.

The wise men rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.

Also the wise men saw the young child with Mary and came to worship him .

The wise men presented gifts to Jesus in the form of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

King Herod also ordered for the death of the young child, but instead King Herod loosed his life. Mary then arose and took Jesus the young child into the land of Israel.

Jesus was called a Nazarene.

John the Baptist preached that Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.

John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord makibg his paths straight.

John the Baptist ,baptized people with the Holy spirit unto repentance,but he who is coming after me will be mightier than I.

Jesus will baptize you with the Holy spirit and fire. Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him.

During the baptism. of Jesus a dove came and rested on the head of Jesus and a voice came from heaven saying ,"This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."

Jesus was led to the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. It was in the wilderness that he fasted to be tempted by the devil.

Satan asked Jesus, to command stones into bread. It is written that Man shall not eat by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Satan tempted Jesus, that he shall give him the kingdom of the World if he shall worship him.

Jesus said ,You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.

Jesus went with the multitudes up on a mountain and he was seated with his disciples.

Jesus taught them about the beautitudes. Jesus was teaching and preaching in the Synagogues. They brought to Jesus those who were sick and afflicted in torment.

In Syria, Jesus became famous by healing all sick people with diseases and torment those who were demon possessed , epileptics and paralytics and he healed them.

Jesus also commented that you shall love your neighbour as yourself.

Do pray in secret and your father will reward you. Jesus said forgive men their trespasses so that their heavenly father will forgive me.

Your father who sees in secret will reward you openly, Jesus said do not lay up treasures on earth where thieves break in to steal but lay up your treasures ln heaven.

Where your treasure is there your heart will also be entirely.

Jesus healing the sick was considered an insignificant Act by some of Chief Priests, elders, council, rulers and Kings.

The Bible says you cannot serve both God and mammon.

It is also said in Jesus teachings that Do not worry about tomorrow for tommorow will worry about its own things.

Jesus also had twelve Apostles also known as the desciples . Among them includes Simon also called Peter, Andrew his brother, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother.

Philip and Bartholomew , Thomas and Matthew the tax collector, James the son of Alphaeus and Lebbaeus, Simon the Cananite and Judas Iscariot.

The Kings also considered Jesus act as an insignificant Act because he healed the sick and raised the dead without any complain. Jesus departed to teach and preach the Gospel in the Cities.

Jesus also spoke in parables as according to the Gospel. Jesus said the Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which the man took and saved in his field.

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found and hid for joy over it.

Jesus was the Carpenters son,his mother was Mary and his brothers were James, Jose's, Simon, and Judas.

Also John the Baptist act was considered insignificant by King Herod. During King Herod's birthday the daughter of King Herod opted for John the Baptist head because she saw John the Baptist as a prophet and his act of baptism and teachings was considered insignificant.

King Herod sent and had John beheaded in prison.

John the Baptist head was put on a platter and given to Herods daughter since she demanded it.

Also due to this I significant act of beheading John the Baptist by King Herod ,he is always remembered in the Bible.

John the baptist bodyb was later burried by his disciples . Jesus saw the multitudes who w by ere hungry and had only five loaves of bread and two fish.

According to the King, Jesus did an insignificant Act by feeding the multitudes with five loaves and two fish this was because the Kings thought they have been cursed by the gods

Jesus sent the multiuds away after feeding them.

Jesus said to the disciples in the Parable of the tares he who sows a good seed is the son of man .

The reapers are the Angels.

Jesus knows the Mysteries of heaven.

Jesus taught them to honour thy father and mother.

A woman's daughter was demon possessed for she cries after us. Jesus prayed for the demon possessed girl and she was immediately healed and she followed Jesus.

Jesus also said whatever you bound on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Jesus said forgive your brother your trespasses. Also with God all things are possible .

Also Jesus many are called and few are chosen as according to the Bible. Jesus said it is easier for a Camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

The kingdom of heaven is like a land owner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.

Some of the sayings of Jesus was considered insignificant by the rulers and Kings at that time. The son of man ,Jesus gave his life a ransom for many.

Jesus also healed the blind and the lame in the Temple.

There are Angels of God in heaven.

Jesus knew that he will be crucified so that man will gain salvation and he rose up on the third day.

Judas Iscariot a desciple of Jesus betrayed Jesus and was given thirty pieces of silver. Judas Iscariot also did an insignificant Act by betraying Jesus to the Roman soldiers.

The Kings, Chief Priests, elders, and Council sought false testimony to put Jesus to death . Peter also betrayed Jesus through his speech that he knew him not which was an insignificant Act.

Finally, Jesus was crucified by the Roman soldiers so that mankind will gain salvation. This was considered as insignificant Act by some of the disciples of Jesus especially Peter because he also denied he knew him not on the day of the crucifixion.

Lastly ,Jesus died after the crucifixion and on the third day he rose from death.

September 03, 2020 18:47

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You forgot my favorite story, the one where Jesus uses a miracle to cause a fig tree to wither and die because he was hangry and the dang tree had the audacity to be picked clean of fruit.


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