The Dangerous Mission (Part 1)

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten days.... view prompt


Science Fiction Suspense Mystery

Title: The Dangerous Mission (Part 1)

Author: Haripriya

Author's Note: Hello everyone! This is part 1 of this story. I have only done 5 days, if you check out Isaac's profile, then you can read the next part. I hope you enjoy this first part!

Day 1:

Crew Members:  

1.Daniela Cressman: Mission Specialist/Technician: Responsible, quick-witted, assertive 

2.Leo Hopkins: Payload Specialist/Co-pilot: Brave, adaptable, resourceful 

3.Helen Adiynn Scott: Commander/Pilot: Tenacious, Optimistic, Leader 

The three members shake hands with all of the people from the Ground Control, wishing them the best of luck. They were going on a very dangerous expedition anyway. Trying to find an exoplanet, which might just be habitable for Earth. But first, these members had to scan and research the planet, looking for the different minerals and other natural resources. They were hoping that the atmosphere there would be breathable for humans. Just like their probe had reported a week ago.

"WHOOOOO!!!" they could hear the entire crowd cheering them on, giving them a big enthusiasm, and wiping their worries. 

Helen could spot her sisters and her mother in the crowd. She waved at them and smiled. She wanted to make them proud. Not just her family, but the entire crowd proud.

Daniela could spot her grandmother, her uncle, and her sisters. Daniela felt so proud of being an astronaut, for she knows that she could not have been where she is without her family. Daniela too, waved at them, and took a big deep breath, and held her head up high.

Leo, on the other hand, could spot his newly wedded wife, and his baby girl, who was only a couple of months old. Though he would dearly miss them, he has to join this expedition. For his family. For all of humankind. He needed to do this. He kissed his little girl and hugged his wife, and stood with the other crew members, conversing with them and the ground control. 

All three astronauts were discussing the way their spaceship would fly, and all the operating panels to call if they were in any trouble. They were also talking about taking pictures and close-up pictures with their microscope the Ground Control team gave them. 

Day 2:

The entire crowd was still there, and the crew members could spot the Ground Control team checking all the buttons and scanners, hoping that all the controls are working properly. They were seeing if everything would be running smoothly so that nothing wrong would happen to the members and their spaceship, the LHD 2000. The Ground Control team added extra oxygen masks, in the case of any emergency to be probably occurring. Outer space is a very dangerous place, after all, any terrible event could happen, they just had to be careful. 

Day 3:

The crew members had been in space for quite some time. They were doing their tasks, very focused, not letting anything distract them.

"Hey, Daniela," Helen, the pilot of the spaceship asked, "is our spaceship on coordinates? Is it on track? Report to me your status." Helen ordered.

"Of course Helen. As far as my monitor here, it is signaling to me that we are staying on track and nothing from our course has shifted. No need to worry so far." Daniela responded very confidently.

"Hopefully everything will go smoothly and nothing wrong would happen. This will be a dangerous mission, crew. We need to find an exoplanet that habitats us humans, but the star they are orbiting around is soon going to become a black hole, meaning the planets cannot orbit around the star any longer. The strong gravity of the black hole will eventually pull it in." Helen informed the crew.

"Yes, Helen, you're right. We do need to put that into much consideration as we are moving on, because the journey will be dangerous, and we need to stick together no matter what." Leo replied.

Day 4:

The crew members were still going on track, as per Daniela's monitor.

"Leo, is everything going good back there? Does the spaceship need any repairs or something any soon? How much fuel does it have right now?" Daniela asked Leo, the mission specialist and the payload specialist of the crew.

"Yes, Daniela. Everything is so far going really smoothly, and the engine in the spaceship seems fine to me for now. The Ground Control team had said that this spaceship was the newly built one, and the fuel can last up to 3 weeks. So, no need to be alarmed about that." Leo spoke calmly, which made Daniela feel more reassured than ever.

"Helen, I do have a concern. We must be careful from here on out. Our spaceship might meet with asteroid belts or any miscellaneous comets. So I am just giving you a heads up on what might happen. Do make sure to steer on course, and stay in the middle." Daniela spoke loudly into her VHS Transceiver.

"Really Daniela? The path is going to be a bit rocky then. Thanks for alerting me, I will surely do everything I can to steer on course." Helen spoke.

Day 5: 

"Crew, you all have done such a wonderful job so far. We are at the halfway mark of our journey. So far, we haven't really bumped into any danger, and have stayed clear. But just imagine all the planets, suns, and stars we go to see! All the asteroids and comets we looked from afar! This journey has been very peaceful and very adventurous so far, with a lot of sightseeing. Leo, you did take the pictures of these planets and stars, yes?" Helen asked, which also made Daniela turn around too.

"Of course I have! I have even taken some shots of the layers on these planets. Honestly, they look so beautiful from the outside, though we all know that it cannot be habitable for any humans. At least our probes are there, searching for more clues about the planet's formation." Leo said, looking quite sullen.

As he said this, their spaceship hit on an asteroid belt, just the thing Daniela had warned Helen about.

"No! Helen! Steer back! You're going to hit it! Leo! Contact the Ground Control team right away, they can probably look out for us! Now Leo!" she yelled, as their spaceship was heading to doom.

~The End...for now~

December 26, 2020 16:29

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Hello everyone! Hope you're having a great Saturday! Quick notes about the story: 1. This is yet another one of my collaboration stories! I honestly enjoyed writing this science-fiction so much! Thank you for Isaac's amazing idea for this science fiction! 2. I wrote the first 5 days of their dangerous mission, and left the end in suspense, because I want you all to read Isaac's 2nd half of this mission! I will leave the link to his profile below. 3. You all should probably know that I am a huge fan of science fiction, so I had a great tim...


That Asian Creep
12:16 Dec 27, 2020

Great story... how do you do collab? Is there a way via Reedsy? Also congrats for #9 on the leaderboard =)


Oh, so basically, you and this other person decides to pick a prompt and pick a plot. Then one person does one half of the story (meaning Part 1) and the other person does the other half of the story (meaning Part 2). The other person writes Part 2 for the same prompt as well. I hope I helped you! Aww, that is so sweet of you Sahana!! Soon, you'll be on the top of the leaderboard, and I'll be there to cheer you on! :)


That Asian Creep
16:17 Dec 27, 2020

Oh I see... is there a way to private message on Reedsy? πŸ’–


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Akshaya Sutrave
07:31 Dec 29, 2020

Hello Haripriya! I loved reading this story! I enjoyed the dialogue between the characters and the exciting pacing of your story. I will definitely go check out part two in Isaac's profile! It was a great idea to do a collab! Great job!!


Thank you so much Akshaya! I am so glad you enjoyed it! You should check it out! He was actually the one to come up with the idea of the entire "space" setting! :)


Akshaya Sutrave
08:36 Dec 30, 2020

Sure! I read it too, and it was really nice! :)


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Rose Valerie
20:44 Dec 29, 2020

I really like your story. it's a good Sci Fi because it's set in space. My Favorite part of part 1 is 100% the end. "No! Helen! Steer back! You're going to hit it! Leo! Contact the Ground Control team right away, they can probably look out for us! Now Leo!" she yelled, as their spaceship was heading to doom. ~The End...for now~ that really helps making people wanting to read more. The middle of the story I found just a bit boring because nothing wrong was occurring and It was just them talking. I also kinda wished that the takeoff wou...


Hello there!! I am so glad you liked the end! Actually I didn't write this story by myself, I wrote it with someone else named Isaac. He has part 2 of this story. The reason I made this story pretty short and didn't include the takeoff was because I wanted him to also have a chance to write about the same length, that's why! Sorry to disappoint you there! Part 2 of this story:


Rose Valerie
21:01 Dec 29, 2020

ok thanks for the info. =)


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