Romance Sad

The smoke fills my lungs as I scan the house. The wooden floors are covered in the fallen debris. Covering my mouth, I continue to search for my beloved.

”Isabelle!” I wait for a reply but to my misfortune, there is none. “Isabelle!!” I yell more frantically.

Up ahead I see a piece of blue cloth on a banister that has been seemingly ripped off of a dress. That’s Isabelle‘s favorite dress.

We walk up the hill, kicking rocks that are in our path. Enjoying each other’s silence. I’m holding a woven basket in one hand, and a blanket in the other. Isabelle’s wearing a blue dress. A white trim going around the collar.

We pass the trees, and lakes as the sun goes down. But we continue on.

Up ahead, there‘s a clearing. Tall grass blowing in the wind. A tall tree in the middle of it all.

I run up the stairs, and hear a faint groan. I run into her room-the flames building up around me. The curtains falling to the floor.

I’m covered in mud, and Isabelle laughs at me. I make a pouting expression, faking an injury.

”You’re so silly!” She laughs and walks towards me. Which was a bad idea, considering that she fell down as well.

A look of shock spread throughout her face. It starts of as a giggle, and then explodes into laughter. Her smile shining brighter than the sun.

That’s when I hear an ear-piercing scream, “ISABELLE!” I yell and run across the beaten and battered room, and to the other side of the now torn bed. There, lying on the floor, is my love.

”Harold! Stop it!“ Isabelle laughs. A twinkle appears in her eyes.

“I’m just saying- that bird looks like an avocado. Like bloody hell!” I repeat. It was one wrinkly bird.

This causes her to giggle even more. I don’t see what’s so funny about it, but seeing her beautiful smile and silliness, makes me want to continue.

Her laughter dies down as we make eye contact. I push her hair behind her ear, and she shyly smiles at me. I grin at her. My head beats out of my chest as I try to gain the confidence to say my next words.

”Hey...um, Isabelle?” I ask quietly. My voice must’ve sounded small, because a concerned look appears on her face. Her eyes tell me to continue, so I do. I take a deep breath in and out, and say, “Isabelle Marie Yallhouse- I love you...”

I quickly kneel, and pick her up.

“Harold...” I hear a faint whisper. I look at the small fragile being in my arms, and kiss her forehead. I attempt at wiping the dirt from her face, but fail.

Looking around the room, I see that the entrance to the bedroom has been covered in flames. The dancing sparks slowly getting closer and closer. Chaos surrounding us. The floor the hallways fell through. A loud noise wracking throughout the house.

My breathing becomes ragged as I start panicking. What do I do?

I frantically look around the room, and spot a window. Unfortunately, the window isn‘t big enough for me to fit through.

I look back down at my dear Isabelle, and make a decision. I walk towards the old window and prop it open. Looking out over onto the grassy clearing, I see the villagers gathered around. I make eye contact with one, so I quickly motion the group of old farmers and welders towards the window.

”Isabelle...my dearest. I love you. If fate is love, then I’ll see you in the afterlife.” I kiss her forehead, and she weakly raises her hand to my face. She caresses my cheek with her thumb, a tear slipping out of her beautiful grey eyes. She closes the beautiful orbs, and leans her head against mine.

I lift her almost lifeless body, and toss her down to safety of the villagers. I watch as the remnants of her blue dress follow her down. They must’ve burned off from the fire.

I turn around and take in my surroundings. I lift my black hands to my face, feeling a wetness covering my cheeks.

I hold my my breath as I wait for her response. Her face is frozen, and her breathing stopped. We stare at each other for a second. Her eyes searching mine, looking for what I presume are answers.

Answers to her paranoid questions. So I silently tell her what she’s seeking. I tell her that she is the most brave and wonderful woman I have ever known. I tell her that she will have protection and love and bountiful of whatever she wants and needs. I tell her that she’s my one and only.

She bashfully smiles at me, and lifts up her hands. She caresses my faces with her thumb, sending a wave of reassurance through me.

As the fire burns brighter and brighter, I move over to the singed bed. Carefully, I sit down and untie the leather laces of my shoes.

Isabelle looks up at the clouded sky. The sun shining over the tops of the white puffs of joy. I stare at her- her eyes glimmering in the sunlight. Pure joy beaming throughout her whole body.

I smile at her happiness.

Eventually we are walking in the streets. The moon is out, and the sky is speckled with bright lights. I’m carrying the basket full of the blanket and food, letting her carry her shoes in her hand. The heels of her shoes clack together as she walks ahead of me. A slight bounce in her step.

We make it to my dears place, and she puts her hand on the handle. I quickly grab her hand and put it between both of mine. With my eyes I plead for an answer. My answer.

I lean back onto the bed and shut my eyes- waiting for the lights to consume me.

”I love you too Harold.

October 17, 2020 04:50

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Zea Bowman
14:04 Oct 24, 2020

Wow. Utterly breathtaking. The way that you wrote the story (with the memory of Harold telling Isabelle he loves her as he sacrifices himself to save her) and let me say, this brought tears to my eyes. You wrote this story so beautifully. Congrats. In my opinion, should definitely be shortlisted or even win. Keep it up!


ManyWords -
15:53 Oct 24, 2020

Thankyou so much! Your comment almost brought tears to my eyes. I feel so grateful for your kindness and support!


Zea Bowman
18:35 Oct 24, 2020

Of course! I really look forward to reading more of your stories :)


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Charles Stucker
17:45 Oct 24, 2020

Using italics for both flashbacks and thoughts is cumbersome. Since you are telling from first person, you don't need to put thoughts into italics. When we read "That's Isabelle's favorite dress" we know who is talking through the narrative device of first person. This is short and particularly tragic because Harold might have taken a moment at the fresh air to gulp in enough breaths to TRY and run to another room and burst out of it and onto the outside ground. By giving up, he dooms Isabelle to a life of "if only." Brave enough to save ...


ManyWords -
19:10 Oct 24, 2020

Thankyou for your input, but this is the way I wanted the story to go. Harold was blinded by love, and his only goal was to save Isabelle and no one else. In his mind, he had to sacrifice himself for her. In this situation you wouldn’t be able to think clearly, so he wasn’t thinking about himself. I left some things up the imagination, because that’s the purpose of the layout of the story. I do plan on editing it later, since this was my first draft of it. Once again, I appreciate your opinion, it helps me as a better writer.


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17:20 Oct 24, 2020

Beautiful story!! great job 👍


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