Trixie Pixie’s Perfect April Fool’s Day Surprise

Submitted into Contest #87 in response to: Write about a mischievous pixie or trickster god.... view prompt


Fantasy Kids Friendship

You know what’s happening right around the corner, right? It’s the best day ever for jokester pixies like Trixie. What will her trick be this year?

Trixie loved to play jokes on her friends, especially close to April Fool’s Day! Trixie never planned for her jokes to be cruel or cost her friends money. She just loved to be silly and make some fun for her friends.

One year Trixie’s prank involved TV remote controls. Trixie would sneak into houses and hide the remotes under cushions and inside TV cabinets. Sometimes she put them in drawers or on the bathroom counter. Oftentimes, her friends spent hours looking for their TV remotes. They NOT think this prank was funny!

Another year Trixie would climb into the laundry baskets, take a sock, and put it under a bed. Her friends would get so frustrated while folding laundry, “Where is the matching sock?” they would ask with irritation. They would often find the sock months later when looking under the bed for something else. They NOT think this prank was funny!

Trixie took a chance one time by staying in her friends' house while they watched TV. When they left the room to grab a drink or use the restroom, Trixie would turn off the TV. Her friends were so confused, “I know the TV was on when I walked out of the room.”  Sometimes, she would turn off the TV several times. They NOT think this prank was funny!

Here’s one of the worst jokes Trixie played on her friends: Trixie called her friends and say, “Hurry, come over, I need you!” Her friends would rush over to Trixie’s house. When they arrived, Trixie would answer the door with a huge smile on her face. When her friends asked what was wrong, Trixie would laugh and shout, “April Fool’s!” Her friends did NOT think this prank was funny. In fact, they were irritated that they dropped everything and rush over to her house. They never believed Trixie anymore when she told them something over the phone.

Trixie’s friends never knew what might happen as April Fool’s Day drew closer. They learned not to hang their laundry on the line outside. Trixie loved to snatch clean clothes and stick them way up high in a tree.

Trixie’s friends didn’t mind the year Trixie wrote “Guess who?” with colorful chalk on their driveways. That was not embarrassing or frustrating, and a good rain shower cleaned off the driveway in no time.

It’s hard to say if it was good or bad the year Trixie filled her friend’s cars with helium balloons. It was fun but was a problem if they ran out to the car at the last minute to make an appointment. There was no way to see and drive with the car filled with balloons.

You won’t be surprised to hear that one year, Trixie would ring her friends’ doorbell and hide in the bush. She always rang the doorbell 3 times before moving on to the next friend. She loved to play Ding Dong Ditch!

It was very silly and unexpected the year Trixie delivered what her friends thought were ice cream sundaes. They were really scoops of mashed potatoes with gravy so dark it looked like hot fudge. It wasn’t a bad flavor, but her friends’ sweet teeth were very disappointed!

It was a chilly trick the year Trixie filed her friends’ freezers with ice cubes. When they opened the freezer doors, ice cubes fell out over the floor. What a frozen mess!

Trixie’s friends didn’t mind the prank the year Trixie covered her friends’ front porches with flowers. Trixie would load up the porch, ring the doorbell and run away. That was a beautifully scented prank.

As the calendar inched closer to April 1, Trixie’s friends began to dread the latest prank. What frustration was headed their way? What embarrassment would they face? What was going to go missing this year? How much work would it take to solve the prank? They would question anything unusual that happened and wondered if Trixie was responsible for it.

Trixie started preparing for April Fool’s Day on January 1st each year. This year was no different. She’s had such great ideas over the years. It would be hard to top all of them. She wanted this year to be special and memorable. She wanted her friends to remember this April Fool’s Day for a long time. Would it involve chocolate? Would it involve hiding something? Would she hide something in her friends’ beds? Should she coat their floors with oil to make them really slippery? No, that one is too dangerous! Should she open their front doors and release baby chicks into their houses? Too many choices!

And now the moment we’ve all been waiting for (and dreading)...April 1st is here. Trixie’s friends haven’t noticed anything missing. Their houses and cars were not loaded with unusual items. They haven’t received any urgent calls or had their doorbells ring without anyone at the door. Oh no! What were they missing? This year was going to be really tricky! They were getting nervous!

Trixie worked hard thinking of the perfect trick her friends would never expect. Trixie’s big prank was...she was not going to prank anyone this year! Trixie’s friends LOVED this prank! They told her they were so surprised and that this was the best prank ever. “Please do this prank every April Fool’s Day!” Trixie’s friends pleaded.

“I’ll think about it,” Trixie replied. “I’ll have to do something to fool you. I know…I’ll plan a new disguise each year, so you’ll never know who is coming to visit you.”

Her friends liked that idea. “We would love that kind of surprise, but when you’re wearing your disguise, please stay for a visit. Don’t just ring the doorbell and leave.”

Trixie agreed to that plan. “I will, but I still may have to fool you by using a different voice.”

In a creepy, scary voice, Trixie thundered, “Fooled you once. Fooled you twice. Happy April Fool’s Day!”

March 30, 2021 20:36

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