Secrets on my Street

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt

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Funny Romance

It was my first year dressing up as a ghost. I was so excited. I've been wanting to dress up as one for years. Now I finally get to. I've noticed something strange lurking in my neighborhood though. It's the same thing every year. I just don't know what. I finally get to go trick or treating and my first Halloween party. Since my party runs late and starts at night fall, I'm going trick or treating early this year.

After I started trick or treating, something happened that will change my life forever. After my first few houses, a car had slammed right into me. I kept trying to tell everyone I was fine, but no one would listen to me. It almost seemed like they were used to that happening. Then I saw it. My body was covered in blood and it was all disformed. Was this actually happening? Am I actually dead? 

I decided to find out for myself if I was truly dead. I tried knocking on people’s doors, but my hand kept going right through them. I really am dead. That means I get to be a ghost forever. I think I am one of the only people to actually be happy to be dead. Yeah I’ll miss my family and friends, but I get to be a ghost forever. 

Since I’m dead, no one can tell when I do something. I can take all the candy I want. And I can do whatever I want. This is amazing. Maybe I can find other ghosts like me. Or maybe I can spook my friends. I can have so much fun. My first task as a ghost: find my parents. I need to let my family know I’m ok. How do I do that? I know. I write it on their mirror. 

I decided to write: “Mom. Dad. I’m fine. Please don’t worry about me. I’ll be home tonight.” But it came out like: “Mom. Dad. I’m coming for you.” That must be a curse of the dead. Oh well. Just means I can have some fun.

I decided to go to my best friend’s house and do what ghosts do best, scare. I went to his bathroom and wrote: “Hello. I’ll be over in 10.” But instead it looked like I wrote: “Hello. I’ll be over in 10, say your goodbyes.” I’ve never heard him scream that loud, but it was so worth it. I think he was actually saying goodbye to his family and friends. Now I’m heading over to my girlfriend’s house to say bye to her.

I walked straight through her door. Before I walked into her bedroom, I made sure she was out of there. I kinda figured she would be since we were heading over to the party together after I was finished being a child. I was trying to write: “I love you. Never forget me. I will always be around to protect you.” But as I’ve found out, I can’t write what I mean. I always seem to write a murder note to them. So it turned out: “I never loved you. You won’t have to try to remember me. I won’t be the only one around you. Mwahaha.” Why is this happening? I just want to say one nice thing to my girlfriend before she goes on to date someone else. She came in to get ready for the party, and saw the note. She actually didn’t run. She knew what I was trying to say because I always say it to her. I think she actually tried to kiss me. Just seeing her, made me realize how much I’m going to miss being alive. At least she knows if there’s some creepy note on her mirrors, it’s me. 

Now off to the party with my girlfriend to have a little fun with the poplars. I went into the bathroom to write a little note. I wrote just to have a little fun: “Be warned. Tonight is the final night of your life. You have only a couple hours remaining. Say your goodbyes.” Finally what I wanted to write. Within moments I heard about 6 different screams coming from the bathroom. Probably just some stupid girls doing the buddy system going to the bathroom. 

After I had a little bit of fun, my girlfriend had told me to leave and go home. So I did, I just took a little detour. I decided to go through my best friends house, again. This time I really wanted to scare the living out of him. So instead of trying to be nice, I actually wrote him a death note. I wrote all over his bathroom mirror: “Your time is up. Get ready to have your life ended. Not by just any ghost, but your best friend. And I’m accompanied by your worst nightmare, Barney the dinosaur.” Finally get his real scream and might actually kill him from fright. 

Now I just have to answer my first question. Are there other ghosts like me? I decided to walk through the cemetery, cause why not. Everyone there is like me. That’s when I saw them. Every person who has died on Halloween night, as a ghost. Maybe that’s why my parents never wanted me to be a ghost. I always knew there was a secret roaming around my neighborhood, I just never knew what it was. Now I think I know. Everyone who wears a ghost costume, dies the night they wear it. 

Maybe we could go around scaring everyone who tortured us, instead of just sitting here doing nothing. Or maybe we could go steal all of the ghost costumes to protect others from suffering the same fate we faced. Or maybe we just let it be the way it always has been. I will never know. One thing I do know though, what I’m going to do tonight before Halloween is up. I’m going to scare the living to death.

October 27, 2020 00:35

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1 comment

08:47 Nov 04, 2020

Wow! this story is so funny. 😂😂😂😂 My favorite part will be the one where she goes and scares her best friend. You deserve a 10 /10. Great job.


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