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Funny Horror People of Color

"I am the luckiest woman on the planet!" Most people would never live the way I'm currently living. I feel so happy to be thriving and deep diving into all the endless opportunities I've been given. Not only am I wealthy, but I dwell inside a two story mansion, I bought me a brand new 2024 Toyota Innova, I'm married to the best husband in the world; along with our two beautiful daughters. I also have the pleasure of traveling wherever I want, which means: more shopping and pampering for me! I couldn't ask for anything more..yet, I always seem to want more.

My name is Riley, I am a 34 year old wife and mother living my best life! My husband Levi owns his own marketing business that has remained successful over the last 5 years. Our oldest 17 year old daughter Tina, who recently graduated with honors from high school, is now embarking on her new journey to college. Our youngest 12 year old daughter Tan'iyah, who is storming her way through 7th grade, also has a vision on becoming a future dentist. They grew up so fast, I was nothing but 17 myself when I had Tina, and 22 when Tan'iyah came along. Levi and I were high school sweethearts. I wasn't married before having Tina but growing up "old school" my parents threatened Levi and forced the two of us into instant marriage. Gracefully, I still had a wedding ring on my finger 5 years later when Tan'iyah came along, we did it the right way that time!

I just wonder, how did I become so fortunate? The current life I'm living would be the dream of so many people in the world who may not be as fortunate. Don't get me wrong, my husband and I put in a lot of hard work to reach the heights we've gotten to. Furthermore, there were some blocks in the road to our success, but we got through it together as a family. Earlier, I admitted to always wanting more even though my family and I have everything we need in addition to our wants. I know I should always be thankful, in which I am, but sometimes I feel as if I'm never satisfied, like I'm missing out on the next big thing that is out there...

"Tan'iyah, time to get ready for school!" "Tina wake up! We have to get ready to finish your admissions for college!" While I'm yelling for my girls to get ready, I meet face to face with my handsome husband.

"Good morning my beautiful lady," Good morning my handsome man." The softness touch of his lips stickered against the face of my cheekbone. "Honey you know I love you so much." Levi exclaimed "Of course baby I know you do." "Riley, there are few things I got to let you know about," the horrible expression on Levi's face left me feeling uneasy about whatever information he was going to convey. "What is it honey? What's going on?" "Well, number one, there's been a decline in sales for the marketing business, profit gaines aren't looking too good for the company, and two..." "And two..what? What is the second thing your hesitating to tell me about? "I made an awful mistake a few months back that you never knew about". "An awful mistake like what Levi!" "I sort of messed around with someone for a short time at work" I-"You what!?" Hearing the two words 'messed around' from my one and only husband automatically took me to pissed mode. "I didn't mean it, I was drunk, I don't have any dealings with her no more!" "I can't believe you Levi!" We've been married 12 years since Tan'iyah was born and you go and do some dirty unfaithful crap like this!" I can't believe you!" "Babe look- "Don't you dare call me babe when you built up the nerve to go and cheat on me with your work woman! When were you going to tell me Levi?" I'm so disappointed in you!" The girls enter downstairs walking into a kitchen full of fury with puzzled looks on their faces. "Mom, dad, what is going on down here?" Tina asked in concern "We're ready to leave, but I see we won't be leaving anytime soon," Tan'iyah added. "Girls, just know that right now is not a good time for us." Your father has gotten himself in a world of trouble and won't be staying with us for a little while." "Uh-oh!!" the girls exclaimed simultaneously. "Dad whatever you did to upset mom, it wasn't worth it, but I hope you both can still love each other and move past it in due time.." the mature knowledge of Tina replied in a moment of rupture. "It will definitely take some time, but your father and I will always love each other, just not right now!" I said sarcastically out of frustration. "Girls, of course we'll always love each other; daddy made a big mistake and I got to work hard fix it.." explained my cheating husband Levi. One moment I was on top of the world, then next thing I know, my dream life comes crashing down abruptly with no warning. First, my husband's business is declining and now I learned the truth of his infidelity. Good grief! What's next?

Here we are 2 months later, my daughter's are doing wonderful in school, staying out of trouble and behaving well (especially with the boys!) We had to move into a regular house, trade in my Toyota Innova for a cheaper older vehicle while coping with my husband and I not connecting the way we use to. The marketing business closed down, my marriage is broken, my husband I are currently moving through a divorce although we've both agreed to co-parent and still raise our daughters-just in separate households. I now have to become the glue in order to piece my life back together... I guess this situation has taught me to never brag, be greedy, and to always show gratitude for what I have in the moment, because I could lose it all in the blink of an eye. But, my life could be much worse..so for now, I'll enjoy the lessons on the way.

July 24, 2023 23:33

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1 comment

Sade Eatton
20:23 Jul 26, 2023

I wanted give insight on this non fictional short story to show that even though a person is currently living the good life, it can all change in an instant. It is always good to appreciate what you have whether small or big.


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