Thriller Mystery Drama

Life can pass you by really quickly, Quicker then anyone really notices. One minute were playing catch with our dad's and the next we're graduating college. I took life for granted. I wish I could have done more but I didn't. now I'm stuck in this metal box that could possibly be my steel coffin. I wanted to go get a coffee from downstairs as the boss told me I had to work overtime tonight. Boss seems to like to take advantage of me a lot. Don't know why he does it to me though, maybe because I am easy? Either way once I get out of here I'm walking up to him and calling him out on this and I'll quit if he does it again. There are hundreds of employees he could ask but I'm the one who says yes every damn time, always because I'm scared of losing my job. Before I hopped in the elevator I decided I should maybe take the stairs for good exercise i really wish I had not been so lazy. I look over and notice some breathing almost forgetting that a man walked in with me a few floors ago.The man beside me, from what I remember, he works on the floor below mine. what he does, i have no idea, but he seems like a decent enough fellow... smells nice too. Ok but like seriously can this elevator just drop and kill me? I'm getting sick of waiting for it to start again and I have got places to be so either drop or let me do my thing my god. Funny I have been here for ten minutes and I'm already waiting for death. It is just a little power outage the fire station will get me out in no time I hope. Or maybe everyone went home and no one called emergency services and were gonna be trapped until morning? I really hope not. Maybe someone is still here but It is pretty late now. Will I be stuck in this elevator all night? I mean I would not die or anything but still Not how i planned on spending my tuesday night. I check my phone hoping for some service to call someone but not a single goddamn bar. There is a message however that I have been choosing to ignore for the last few hours that i no longer can respond too. I put away the phone and I glance over in the direction of the other man "hell of a tuesday ain't it" I wait for a response but get none in return  however  I can now hear him chuckle Lightly "you can say that again. So what did you do on the other side?" I glance at him weirdly "other side?" I say "yeah man on the other side of the steel door"  "ohhhhh right I sell office supplies and such kinda boring honestly what do you do?" "ah i see I'm just the janitor" I give him another weird look "how come you never come to my floor?" "Multiple janitors man two to be exact" I nod then realizing he wouldn't be able to see the nod but too lazy to correct myself. "You ever get the feeling like your boss is out to get you?" He asks me I take a second to think about it as I wanna make sure I mean what I say. "Yeah my boss just hates me in particular for no reason and once I get free from this elevator I'm going to go and stick it too him" he gives out a louder chuckle "hell yeah man stick it too the man". I laugh and I stop when I remember that I know I'm too scared to ever do that I'm a coward and I don't like getting out of my comfort zone. "It almost feels like everyone is out to get me though."we sit in silence I regret saying that i wish I had not done that. The elevator starts to rumble and I hear the man scream really loud I must have too except I could not even hear it over his wail of a cry. This is probably gonna be the end. We are all just gonna go crashing down any second now. The elevator however  stabilizes for a few minutes and I start to feel somewhat safer. I check my phone still no service but that text that i received from before is still there. It is time I read it there is not much time left for us anyways. I open it up and the message says "Screw you I hope I never see you again ever again. You're a horrible person and I hope you die" that last part keeps bouncing around in my head.  I can't even respond to it and I may never get that chance to make things right. Why was I such a horrible person? Because I told her I had to stay late. She probably thought I was cheating. When she finds out about this she'll feel bad for me. Hell maybe she'll finally stop mentally abusing me who knows. Why do I stay with her? She needs me I guess. Or I need her? I'm not exactly sur- within that moment the elevator begins to rumble again and drops down a floor. I realise I'm held onto the man beside me and he holds onto me. I can hear him pray beneath his breath. We're not gonna die. At least I'm not. And no god is going to prevent that from happening. This sudden urge comes over me... hunger. We've been on this elevator for what feels like days now. I cant handle this anymore. I just wanna go home I pull out a freshly sharpened pencil  from my chest pocket and I stab him. I stabbed him 23 times right in the eye. I have no idea why I did it but It felt good. It felt really damn good. It almost  felt empowering. I feel in control of my life for once, Nobody telling me to stay late, No one telling me I'm a horrible person, Just me and my accomplishment beneath me. I sit down and smile and pat the janitor guy on the belly "guess nobodies gonna clean this up now" I chuckle to myself. The darkness makes me sad. I can not even look at the man. The man who changed my life for the better. I am sure he had a wife and kids or a family who cared about him at least. But now they can be happy with the fact that his death brought out the best in a man who was so lost and empty. A light within the dark confines of this elevator.The lights then come back on. Jazz plays from the speakers and i jump up startled. The doors open and as the screams echo from my work peers waiting to use the elevator. I do not notice them and stare at where  the man once was. He was no longer there I killed him with my own hands where did he go?. Stuck in the elevator for a few hours and I resort to murder a murder that never even happened apparently. What is wrong with me? Have I always been like this? I do not know but these screams are starting to really agitate my brain.

September 11, 2020 10:51

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