Sad Inspirational Speculative

Dedicated to my magical parakeet, Meg, who passed October 12th. I hope you're happy soaring around in paradise, Meg.

I'm flying.

Mama, I'm flying again, so free! I feel so independent! The cage is gone!


Where are you, Mama?

Weren't you holding me in your warm hand just now?

Weren't you looking at me and smiling?

Why was there sadness in your eyes, even though you were smiling? Mama, what happened? Why did saltiness roll down your face and fall into my mouth? 

It didn't taste good, Mama. Please don't feed that to me again.

Why was your face twisted in agony?

Why did you disappear?

It's getting cold here, Mama. It's cold, like the time you forgot to bring me close to the heater in the winter night. I remember you held me afterward, Mama. You apologized to me so many times, even though I kept telling you it was fine, and I was fine!

It's okay, Mama, I am fine. I'll keep flying. I'll keep going, and I'll never forget you, okay, Mama? Don't worry about me.

I feel bad, Mama.

I pecked and scratched you so many times. Blood seeped out of your cuts, but you didn't get mad. You smiled and told me not to.

I won't do it anymore, as long as I get to see you again, Mama.

Where am I? The sky is so white, so empty. It doesn't at all look like the sky I stared at through the window of our house. That sky was bright blue, the same color as my feathers. That sky had thick, puffy clouds and sent warmth through the window to me. This sky is cold, not too cold, but it's colder than usual. I miss you, Mama. I miss our house and my cage, and my seeds and my toys and my friend.

I miss your giggles as I smacked against the window, excited to fly around. I miss your warm, soft voice, murmuring beautiful words as you worked. I never knew what those words meant, Mama, but they sounded magical because they came from you.

I even miss when your voice got faster, weaving in and out with your sister's voice until you turned your backs to each other, and Grandma and Grandpa had to sort it out.

I even miss your worried squeals and shouts when I went behind the couch or bookshelves. I miss you scolding me gently for pecking my friends. I miss you reading to me, pronouncing words for me, in high hopes I'd mimic you. 

I never could, though, and my words always came out as chirps, and yours didn't.

Mama, I miss your warmth.

Everything about you was warm; your words, sweet like the fruits you put in my cage, your laughs, bouncy like the small rubber balls you brought home from the doctor's, your hands, smooth like my perch, your breaths, light like my feathers, your coffee eyes, hypnotic like the mirror hanging beside me.

I hope you still have your warmth, Mama. 

I'll remember it as I travel to my destination. I don't know how, but I know that where I'm going won't be warm. I know it'll be cold and barren and boring and too quiet to be called a real place. I'll keep your warm words and warm laughs and warm hands and warm breaths in mind, Mama.

Mama, I remember I wasn't a good bird.

I hurt you and yelled at you, and I always tricked you by escaping the old black cage after finding a large gap in the wires. I remember you came home, and I was exploring, and I heard you call me, so I answered.

You called me so many times that day, Mama, and I answered every single time. Then you found me, walking around under the bed, and breathed a warm sigh of relief, and picked me up, and put me in my cage.

You brought home a newer, larger, white-and-blue cage a week later. I couldn't find a way to escape from that cage.

It was probably for the best, Mama, wasn't it?

That's right. Mama, you always wanted the best for me. You brought friends so that I wouldn't be lonely. You let me out regularly because you wanted me to have freedom. You always gazed at me with your twinkling, warm coffee eyes, and then Grandma would come in and tell you to focus on your work again. 

Your voice was constantly there. You were always in my room, and if not, I heard your voice from the next, and if you were downstairs, I heard your voice echoing through the vents of our house, and if you were in the backyard, I heard your voice from the window, and if you went somewhere, I heard your voice in my head.

I miss your voice a lot, Mama.

There's no one to talk to me here, to bathe me in their warm voice, to look at me and call my name. 

I guess, for now, I'll keep listening to your voice in my head. I'll keep listening to you calling my name, whispering secrets to me, repeating your name to me so I could say it myself, you jokingly teaching me how to get food for myself. 

Mama, I miss our house. I miss flying around indoors with my friends, and I miss hiding from you, and I miss perching atop the bookshelf or a picture frame. I miss the smell of curry and rice and samosas flitting through the air along with me when Grandma and Grandpa cooked. I miss the scent of the air freshener. I miss the citrus scent of my seeds. I miss the smell of my friends, Mama. When will I see my friends?

Mama, is my friend all alone now? Will I be alone when I reach my destination? There aren't any friends around me, Mama.

Mama, it was so strange when you were looking at the bird wrapped in a tissue and calling it by my name. I chirped for you so many times, Mama! Mama! Mama! But you kept looking at the bird and shouting, Meg! Meg! Meg!

Mama, I'm Meg! Why didn't you look at me? I was right behind you, why didn't you look? I was chirping and chirping!

Now I'm alone, and I'm going to a cold place without you, Mama.

Mama, where are you?

October 16, 2020 19:39

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B. W.
03:16 Nov 18, 2020

its random question time again, whats the weirdest thing that has happened to you in the middle of the night?


Laiba M
16:28 Nov 18, 2020

Not really anything. You?


B. W.
18:30 Nov 18, 2020

I don't think anything either, though i guess the scariest would be running into a big spider in the middle of the night while I was going for a midnight snack


Laiba M
23:38 Nov 18, 2020



B. W.
00:27 Nov 19, 2020

wait, you remember that cover art i was asking you to do?


Laiba M
00:29 Nov 19, 2020

Yeah :)


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Amaya .
03:11 Nov 13, 2020

Laiba what happened to your bio?!


Laiba M
14:08 Nov 13, 2020

Honestly? I don't even know. I wasn't feeling great, and looking at my happy, energetic bio was kind of... annoying, if that makes sense. Knowing I wrote such a positive bio in my state was strange to me, so I just deleted it. Thankfully, I saved it somewhere else to put up when I felt better~ :)


Amaya .
15:16 Nov 13, 2020

aw I hope you feel better soonnn I totally get what u mean


Laiba M
16:03 Nov 13, 2020

Thanks!! How are you? Are you doing online school?


Amaya .
16:35 Nov 13, 2020

yup, online school. starting in one minute...


Laiba M
17:18 Nov 13, 2020

Haha :) I'm doing classes online as well, although lectures are so much more boring, it's harder to focus, and I don't retain any information~


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Amaya .
16:35 Nov 13, 2020

what do you think of these prompts?


Laiba M
17:18 Nov 13, 2020

Hmm, I don't love the ones where it specifically tells you to start and end with a given line. But I do like the one about telling a secret, that's my favorite for this week :)


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B. W.
01:48 Nov 13, 2020

why dont you have a bio again?


Laiba M
14:09 Nov 13, 2020

I wasn't feeling great, so looking at such a peppy, excited, energetic bio was kind of annoying, if that makes sense, especially knowing I wrote it. I saved it somewhere else to put back up when I felt better, though :)


B. W.
17:20 Nov 13, 2020

well alright i guess that makes sense. Hm, whats one of your favorite animals and why?


Laiba M
17:24 Nov 13, 2020

My favorite animal is probably a snake, I'm scared of them, but they're so gorgeous :)


B. W.
17:56 Nov 13, 2020

I've always had a phobia of both snakes and spiders, I always freak out and stuff when I see them :/ especially if its at night and a random spider just appears out of nowhere


Laiba M
18:03 Nov 13, 2020

Hmm. Yeah, I hate spiders and crawly things-I can manage to kill one, but I will scream and jump around for quite a bit before doing so :D


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B. W.
19:02 Nov 12, 2020

do ya maybe know any jokes or random questions for me?


Laiba M
19:49 Nov 12, 2020

Hmm, what was the last book you checked out at a public library?


B. W.
20:35 Nov 12, 2020

Hm, i think it was a percy jackson book but I'm not entirely sure. I think I remember getting to school halfway through it or something and I remember being about 30 minutes early to it before but I don't know why with either of them. what about you?


Laiba M
20:49 Nov 12, 2020

It's been so long, I don't know the last book :) But I think when I used to go to school, the latest I ever went was by 50-ish minutes~


B. W.
21:14 Nov 12, 2020

I mean, i fractured something a few years ago and had to go to the hospital the next day, so I was probably 20 minutes late or maybe higher


Laiba M
21:30 Nov 12, 2020

Ohh, okay :) Hmm, if you could only speak one word for one day, and every time you wanted to say something or answer a question you'd have to say only that word, what word would it be?


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Laiba M
19:50 Nov 12, 2020

Also, by how much time were you late to school on the day you were the latest to school you've ever been?


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11:11 Nov 12, 2020

Hii, Laiba Sorry to intervene, in this brutal manner, I have a request for you would be kind to give a single glance over the vehicle which my team had been working over months. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHX5VUPBJOp/?igshid=5f72nb3cgg30 Sorry to take your time and If possible like the post.Because this would help team to win


Laiba M
13:17 Nov 12, 2020

No problem! I love the vehicle; its shape, design, colors, everything is perfect!~ Great job! Which contest are you entering, vehicle design?


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B. W.
05:40 Nov 12, 2020

Hey, i know this is a really random question but I'm just asking some people because I really wanna try and make one. do ya maybe know any good apps or anything like that, so that i could use it and possibly make a game?


Laiba M
13:22 Nov 12, 2020

Make a game? No, sorry. I've never done that kind of thing before... hope someone can give you a good recommendation!


B. W.
17:28 Nov 12, 2020

Yeah, i guess ive sorta been trying to make a game with another friend for a while now, probably a year


Laiba M
18:52 Nov 12, 2020

Ahh, okay. Good luck with that!


B. W.
19:01 Nov 12, 2020

can we still talk?


Laiba M
19:48 Nov 12, 2020

Sure! You asked an interesting question in a different thread, so I'll respond to that!


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16:51 Nov 06, 2020



Laiba M
17:05 Nov 06, 2020

Two people said yes so far, including you :)) I'm thinking after 5 or so, I'll go ahead and do it :)


17:20 Nov 06, 2020



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04:16 Nov 06, 2020

Hi, Laiba!! Can you check out my new story?? Also, I feel like we haven't talked in forever, so...how are you??


Laiba M
13:53 Nov 06, 2020

Hi!! No problem :) We talked yesterday or the day before that, but I'm always up for a long comment thread! Still getting downvoted, but other than that everything's great!


15:57 Nov 06, 2020

Aww, that sucks! :(


Laiba M
16:43 Nov 06, 2020

Yeah :(( Upvote spree? You'll get a lot of upvotes because of your new story, lol~


16:51 Nov 06, 2020



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B. W.
01:02 Nov 06, 2020

Hey, are you maybe there? I could use some more help with something else, I don't think we've talked about it that much.


Laiba M
01:51 Nov 06, 2020

Okay, sure, what is it?


B. W.
01:53 Nov 06, 2020

well ya remember how i was telling you about 'saving a friend' and how i'd turn it into a novel?


Laiba M
02:05 Nov 06, 2020



B. W.
02:15 Nov 06, 2020

ya know all the stuff with Hopper?


Laiba M
14:07 Nov 06, 2020

Yeah, you told me twice~ So I remember well!


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Avani G
13:48 Nov 05, 2020

Hi, Laiba! Please check out my latest story, 'an unexpected surprise'!


Laiba M
14:02 Nov 05, 2020



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B. W.
01:04 Nov 05, 2020

Hey, i just found something out that you'd possibly wanna know about. It's with a down-voter.


Laiba M
01:16 Nov 05, 2020

I do. I've been getting downvoted so much lately, it's horrible.


B. W.
01:23 Nov 05, 2020

Do ya want me to tell ya? something kinda happened and now im not entirely about a few things now


Laiba M
01:49 Nov 05, 2020



B. W.
02:06 Nov 05, 2020

Never mind never mind oh gosh i feel like an idiot, it was something else. It turns out I actually DONT know who the down-voter is and it isn't them, I'm sorry for kinda doing this, I thought they were until something happened.


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Laiba M
02:06 Nov 05, 2020

Is everything ok? You usually respond fast... Hope whatever happened didn't get to you or anything!!


B. W.
02:08 Nov 05, 2020

huh? what do ya mean?


Laiba M
03:23 Nov 05, 2020

That's before I saw your reply saying "Never mind never mind oh gosh i feel like an idiot, it was something else. It turns out I actually DONT know who the down-voter is and it isn't them, I'm sorry for kinda doing this, I thought they were until something happened." I was referring to you saying "something kinda happened and now im not entirely about a few things now"


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B. W.
21:46 Nov 04, 2020

do ya maybe wanna hear some jokes or something?


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B. W.
17:00 Nov 04, 2020

okay, so new thread: Besides your character there's still some other stuff I could use some help for it


Laiba M
18:57 Nov 04, 2020

Okay!! Like what?


B. W.
19:06 Nov 04, 2020

well, i wanna try and kill a character off or do a near death but I honestly have no idea on what to do for it


Laiba M
20:51 Nov 04, 2020

Demigod or mortal?


B. W.
21:01 Nov 04, 2020

Lets just say Harmony or Arren so I guess demi-gods


Laiba M
21:27 Nov 04, 2020

Then by a god/goddess who doesn't like their divine parent.


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B. W.
02:44 Nov 04, 2020

hows it coming with the story by now?


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B. W.
22:22 Nov 03, 2020

Im not even sure if i already asked you this or not, but you still remember "Saving a friend" right? well I plan to turn that into a novel, because I really like that one ^^ could ya maybe help me with it?


Laiba M
23:05 Nov 03, 2020

Fun! That's cool, lol~ Sure!


B. W.
23:24 Nov 03, 2020

I basically need help at the moment with what exactly the 'prize' would be and why it would help Hopper live, what Hopper exactly is because he isn't a human like the other three characters and just stuff like that


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B. W.
20:24 Nov 03, 2020



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B. W.
07:23 Nov 03, 2020

Hey, i just made a new story :D could you please check out "Saving a friend" and then leave feedback for it?


Laiba M
14:02 Nov 03, 2020



B. W.
17:33 Nov 03, 2020

thanks ^^


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B. W.
04:05 Nov 03, 2020

oh, i think i could use some help with something else


Laiba M
14:10 Nov 03, 2020



B. W.
17:37 Nov 03, 2020

You know the story you read?


Laiba M
17:53 Nov 03, 2020

Which one?


B. W.
17:54 Nov 03, 2020

"Saving a friend" is the one


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B. W.
19:29 Nov 02, 2020

hey, do ya maybe remember that adventure with friends thing?


Laiba M
19:40 Nov 02, 2020

Yep, of course!!


B. W.
19:59 Nov 02, 2020

i could use some help with it


Laiba M
20:02 Nov 02, 2020

Sure :) What do you need?


B. W.
20:27 Nov 02, 2020

i guess the plot for the next part


Laiba M
21:07 Nov 02, 2020

Did you not like my plot idea I shared quite a few times?


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B. W.
17:42 Oct 31, 2020

Hey, do you remember how we kinda talked about the zodiacs a small bit yesterday? what's this about a new zodiac? what's it even about? Ive never heard of it until now and I'm kinda confused :/


Laiba M
18:40 Oct 31, 2020

I'm not sure if you saw my reply, but basically, NASA posted saying the new zodiac was fake (Babylonians discovered it a long time ago, but didn't use it in the zodiacs to balance 12 constellations with 12 months, so we don't use Ophiuchus) and everyone's zodiac was the same as before.


B. W.
19:01 Oct 31, 2020

so we're all still our regular zodiacs then?


Laiba M
19:10 Oct 31, 2020



B. W.
19:17 Oct 31, 2020

thats good


Laiba M
19:58 Oct 31, 2020

Yeah, haha


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