Accidental Superpower

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt

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Accidental Superpower

I'm Sabrina and I have a superpower. You think i'm kidding right? Well, I'm not. Hm? What was that? Oh. Of course I'll tell you how I got it.

"Mom! I'm home!" I called to her, dropping my bag on the floor. "Hi honey!" Mom called back. "I'm going on a walk!" I said, over the pot, boiling. "K." She answered, tasting the soup. I walked out to an alley, where people rarely go, and  sat down, and looked up at the blue sky. When I looked back down, there was a small diamond on the floor, with something that looked like electricity inside. I slowly touched it, and it glowed, until it blew up. There was smoke everywhere. I coughed and closed my eyes. Then when the smoke parted, I opened my eyes. There was electricity everywhere in the alley. There was a mirror in the back of the alley. I backed out to the back of the alley, and grabbed the mirror for shelter.  When I glanced at the mirror, I gasped. My strawberry blonde curls had turned into a whitish blondish hair-like Elsa in frozen 2. My outfit was blue, slowly turning into electric sparks at the edge. When I realized the electricity wasn't going to harm me, I put the mirror down. When  the electricity died down, a man ran in and took my purse. "STOP THIEF!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. As I said this, I was pointing in the thieve's direction. Instantly, electric bolts shot out of my hand, to the thief. "What in the world?!" I shrieked.   The thief collapsed onto the floor. I called an ambulance and the thief was saved. I rushed back to my house and said, "mom! I think i'm going crazy!"                                                                                                        Mom chuckled. "Why so?" She was clearly amused. "I think-I think I have superpowers!" I answered, hysterically. Mom laughed. "Alright, Alright look." I said, annoyed. I pointed hard at the mat. Nothing happened. "What?! It didn't work?!" I screeched. "listen honey, I love how you have such imagination, but we've gotta eat now." Mom said. "But earlier, when I went like this-" I pointed to the mat carelessly. Electric sparks shot out of my hand, and burned the mat. My mom and I both gasped. "W-what was t-that?!" Mom stuttered. "See?!!" I said. "No. I must be dreaming." Mom concluded. I pinched her. "OUCH! Sabrina!" Mom shouted. "Sorry. But you're not dreaming. I'm not either." I told her. "But this isn't possible!" Mom wailed. "Can you prove it?" I asked her. "" She answered, thoughtfully. "Exactly. But I can." I said. Mom took a deep breath. "Did you hurt anyone?"  I looked at her. "Well..accidently." I mumbled. "Sabrina!" Mom shouted again. "But he was a thief, and he tried to steal my purse. Plus, he is in the hospital." I argued. "Oh, well...still." Mom said. We were just looking at each other. Mom looked flustered. "Let's just tell your father when he comes home-at dinner." Mom said, still flustered. As if on cue, my dad came home from work.

"Hi! Sabrina has something to say to you." Mom said to him. "Oh?" Dad asked. I hesitated. "Well.." (See that I hesitated?)

"I have powers." I said, lamely. Dad burst out laughing. "HAHA! That just made my day!" He hooted. He waited for mom to laugh too, but he only saw seriousness. "Stop laughing and let Sabrina finish." Mom ordered dad. Dad obeyed. It's so strange how dads always listen to moms.

 A FEW MOMENTS LATER...                                       

Dad's jaw dropped to the floor. He lifted the burnt paper I just blasted. After my dad stopped gawking, I said, "let's have dinner." 

The next day was Saturday, no school. “Mom I’m going to do my daily walk!” I shouted to her, who was 1 floor up. “Ok!” She answered. I slammed the door shut and jumped off the steps. As soon as I stepped on the sidewalk, I saw one of my neighbors abusing a dog. “Excuse me, but you shouldn’t do that.” I said to the man. “And who are you to be on my property?” he asked. “I’m on the sidewalk, not your property.” I said to him. “This is none of your business!” The man shot at me. “Well excuuuuse me sir, that poor dog is being abused right now.” I shot back, as I pointed to the dog. Then suddenly, electric bolts shot out of my hand. But I must’ve aimed wrong because the bolts went to the leash and cut it right in the middle. The dog leaped behind me, shivering. “HEY! YOU COME BACK HERE!” The man yelled at the dog. Me being freaked out, ran to my house. When I got there, I turned around to see if the man followed me. But nope. Instead there is the dog-who is a corgi. “Oh!” I said, surprised. “It’s you!” I said.  The man scrambled to my front porch, and said, “Fine. let’s do this. Let the dog come to whoever he wants to, and the person can keep him.” The man said. “You didn’t even name him?!” I screeched. “Are you in or not?” The man said. “Sure.” I said. We both squatted down. The corgi, scared of the man, went to me. The man, angry, stormed back to his house. I carried the corgi in my house, and showed him to my mom. “Mom could we keep him please?” I begged. “Ok.” Mom agreed. 

Since I didn’t get to finish my walk, I continued. I stopped by Walmart to say hi to a friend who works there, but then, I saw a woman, chatting on her phone, against the wall, but the P Pharmacy was about to fall off. “WATCH OUT!” I screamed, as I ran towards her. The P fell. I ran fast as lightning and put up an electric barrier. The P hit the barrier, and burned into crisps. The woman gasped, as I took down the barrier. I sighed, relieved. That’s when I saw a crowd, recording. They were buzzing with questions. “How did you do that? What's your name? Who are you? Do you have powers? Who are your parents?” I backed away from them, but there was no way out, only up. Hmmm. That gives me inspiration. I made an electric rope, and made it fly over to my house. It tied to the chimney and I jumped. The rope took me all the way to my house. I undid the rope and it disappeared. I leaped in the house and saw my mom, staring at her phone. “Hi mom.” I said. She looked up. “What’s going on?!” Mom asked. “What do you mean?” I asked. “What do you mean what do I mean?” Mom asked, frustrated. “Look.” She said, pointing at her phone. I peered at the screen and gasped. There were videos of me on the news. The news! They had caught me on screen when I was rescuing the woman! “Oh! Well, I was helping her from the P.” I said, nervously. “Well I know that! But you could’ve gotten hurt!” She said. “Alright. I’m outta here.” I grumbled. When I went outside, there were reporters everywhere on my property. They saw me fling over here. I thought. My first thought was, run away! But then I thought it would be cool if I was famous. So I said, “What do you want to know?” 

“Who are you?” A woman asked. 

“I’m Sabrina, I'm going to protect this village from any problems.”

So yes, I have a superpower. Don’t think i’m kidding now right? Good. Because I didn’t leave anything out. 

June 27, 2020 23:19

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1 comment

Mya Robinson
18:08 Jul 17, 2020

You did great!


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