The Witches Gathering

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about a group of witches meeting up on Halloween night.... view prompt


Fantasy Holiday Teens & Young Adult

The Witches Council, comprised of the three most prolific, powerful and notorious Witches within the entire Witching World, gathered three times a year to discuss many topics relating to the Witching World- new Witches being born, changes to the hierarchy and the changing of Witching World Laws, amongst other things. This meeting would be the 1000th Halloween Night meeting and the 3000th meeting of the Witches Council since it was founded.

The three Witches of the Witches Council are Madeline Franklin, Helena Georgeson and Isadora Woodsbridge; the current most powerful Witch of all was Madeline, head of the Witches Council, who could use all forms of Magick, could make someone else a Witch, or take their powers away if they were troublesome, breaking the laws or using Magick for bad, and her say was final; she was very fair with her decisions and always took the advice and ideas suggested by Helena and Isadora, along with the rest of the Witches, to ensure the best decision is made, for the Witching World as well as the normal World.

While both Helena and Isadora were able to use all of the Magick that the Witching World had to offer, they did not have the power, authority or notion to be able to gift Magick onto another Witch or take it away. Due to the status and power of the Witches Council, Madeline, Helena and Isadora were immortal; so far they were all over 1572 years old. Many other Witches did not have as long a lifespan as the Witches Council, usually only limited to 500 years on the Mortal plane. This upcoming Halloween Triannual Meeting will be a very important; a first for the Witching World, a human would be attending the meeting this year.

Each member of the Witches Council was able to choose a singe member of the Witching Community to join each meeting. This time around, Madeline chose a newly joined Witch, Kerlyn to be her plus one, hopefully to be giving new ideas to benefit the Community and new members to ease into the new Witching World; Helena chose an older Witch, who had been a part of the Witching World for over 300 years, Theodora, who lived in the Human World, changing her appearance every twenty years to stay young and to not arouse suspicion with the residents of her village. Isadora chose a close friend of hers to join the meeting, Joy had been to a few meetings before, and was good at keeping notes and record of the meetings that she had been in attendance.

The Witches Council and their guests met for their Halloween Meeting at the Cauldron Inn off Broom Avenue and Wolfsbane Street in the Witches World at 6:30pm to have a quick drink before commencing the Witches Meeting at 7pm sharp. The Witches Council and their guests discussed who would go to the Human World to collect their special guest, and decided that it should be Theodora and Madeline who would venture out to the Human World; Madeline as she was in charge of the Witches and Theodora as she was accustomed to the Human World.

To get to the Human World was simple, just a small teleportation spell, dictating the location you wished to arrive three times, closing the eyes and then slowly exhaling, when you inhaled and opened your eyes you would be in the location you had asked for. It was getting a Human into the Witches World that was going to be a problem, the Witches could get back the exact same way as they would arrive, but a Human would need a stronger, more complex spell.

They arrived in the Human World out of view of everyone, on Halloween Night in Colorado, America. Children were out with their parents, dressed up in cute little outfits as vampires, princess’, knights, witches, robots and zombies among other things, knocking on doors, collecting candy and running and laughing through the closed off streets. As they walked through the streets towards their special guests home, they blended in with all of the teen and young adult Halloween Partygoers, headed to party locations all dressed up in fun and freaky costumes.

Their special guest was a lovely young woman by the name Danellia Marksman, she studied herbology and holistic healing at Colorado University. She loved the folklore of Witchcraft, both Pagan and Wiccan, bringing their traditions and tales together, creating her own unique take on Human World Magic. Danellia wasn’t too far off real Witching World Magick, and at the meeting, the Witching Council, their guests and Danellia would discuss Human and Witch Magick comparisons.

To get back to the Witching World, Madeline, Theodora and Danellia had to get to Theodora’s hideaway cottage. At her home, Theodora had the incantation book to get a human into the Witching World. From Danellia’s house to Theodora’s cottage, the Witches and their special guest walked all the way through the neighbourhood, still perfectly disguised. At Theodora’s cottage, she pulled out her incantation book, read out the transportation with a Human spell and they all closed their eyes. As they opened their eyes, they appeared back in the Witching World right outside the Cauldron Inn.

Danellia looked around her in admiration and slight amazement at the wonderful and beautiful Witching World. Theodora and Madeline invited her into the pub and began the Halloween Night Meeting. Firstly, welcoming their special guest to their World, quickly explaining what the meeting would be about and introducing each member of the meeting.

“Danellia, following your studies in University, would you like to be a part of the Witching World? Theodora has been watching you closely during your Human Magic rituals, and we would be grateful to have you be a part of our Community.” Madeline asked their special guest after introductions. Danellia looked at Madeline in shock and looked around at the rest of the Witches in the room, who all nodded in agreement and encouragement; Theodora smiled sweetly at Danellia as she pondered the idea of being a real Witch.

“You would really have me?” Danellia asked her new friends. Madeline nodded and smiled at the question that their special guest had asked.

“We would love to have you join our Community, you would even be able to choose to stay in the Human World or join the majority of Witches in the Witching World.” Theodora explained, with a big smile on her face.

“I only have another two semesters left at Uni until I graduate. Would I be able to visit during my half terms before I come here permanently after I graduate?” Danellia asked the Witches Council. The Witches Council agreed to allow her to visit during the Winter and Spring Vacations and they discussed how she could travel between the two Worlds. By the end of the Meeting, the Witches had a new member of their community.

Theodora and Danellia travelled back to the Human World together after the meeting. Madeline, Isadora, Helena, Kerlyn and Joy stayed at the Cauldron Inn for an addition drink after the meeting, going over the notes that Joy had taken during the first ever Human attended Meeting of the Witches Council.

October 27, 2020 19:14

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