The beginning to self destruction

Written in response to: Write the origin story of a notorious villain.... view prompt


Fantasy Sad Thriller

This story contains sensitive content

Warnings: Mention of blood, Family death

In a rural part of Japan there was a small cabin in an open plains. The area was surrounded by grass , trees , and wildlife. The closest neighbor being about 19 kilometers away. There was plenty of forest for exploring and a nearby stream on the nearby mountain. The cabin itself had colorful flowers grown around its rims and by the entrance were white spider lilies. Behind the cabin were sections made for gardening veggies, and fruits. Inside the cabin lived a simple family of two, a mother and her daughter.

The girl never fit in with normal kids and was often bullied. She came home with bruises, often crying to her mother. So her mother made the decision to move them someplace far from people so her daughter could get a chance to live carefree. The Girl never met a lot of her family. Her mom never gave a real explanation as to why they aren’t allowed to see her father, and she only saw her grandmother a handful of times. When her grandmother visited her mother often seemed displeased and to be completely honest her grandmother sometimes scared her. So for most of her life so far it has only been her and her mother but she was okay with that. Her mom was kind and always taught her to be kind to others. She enjoyed nature so the place she lived wasn’t bad at all to her and she felt free. She did try school for a bit but it didn’t go well resulting in more bullies so her mother landed on just homeschooling her. Ayano did always wonder why others never liked her when she did nothing wrong but her mother told her it wasn’t worth being sad over and one day she’ll find her group. So she smiled despite her misfortune.

On a particularly rainy night the small girl was left in the cabin. Her mother had left 3 days prior for work but the girl was used to this. Her mom would go to work for days and return for days. Despite the rain she was really happy because her mother should be returning that night. Over the course of the three days she had taken good care of the house and plants. She even had time to sew her first full dress. She was proud of her work and couldn't wait to show it off to her mother first thing. With too much energy to try and contain she repeatedly looked out of the windows in hopes of getting a glimpse of her mother walking in. However, it didn't happen. Exhausted, she fell asleep without meaning to as she hugged her newly made dress on a small cushioned couch.

The next morning the girl rubbed her eyes sleepily until she remembered what she was waiting for. She ran into her mothers room to see no one, much to her disappointment. Her sadness only lasted a few minutes when she heard the crunching of leaves by the entrance. With a smile she ran to the front door and swung it open to greet her mom. However, what she saw would be the thing that changed her life completely.

"MOM-my..." Her shout ended short as she saw the sight in front of her dropping the dress she was holding. On the once white lilies mixed with the leftover raindrops was splattered blood. Her mother kneeled at the entrance, blood trickling from her mouth as she held a bleeding wound at her stomach. Standing behind her mother was her father holding a silver blade with a weird inscription dripping blood to the ground. Her mother Hesitantly looked at her before smiling and reaching a bloodied hand to her cheek. As tears escaped her mother stuttered "p-please run. I l-love y--".

The girl's father stabbed the blade into her mothers back and it reached through to the other side completely piercing her mothers heart, before pulling the blade back out and smiling casually as a drop of blood landed on his face. Her mothers hand leaves her face leaving a trail of blood as her moms body falls. Her father casually reached out his free hand "Come on Ayano, it's dad, didn't you miss me?" He said with his smile like it's a normal day.

Ayano takes a hesitant step back as tears start to roll down her face, shaking her head in fear. Her father begins to frown "Come on Ayano, don't make this difficult" he warns taking steps around her mothers body to get closer. When Ayano moves further away he loses his temper and lunges towards her causing her to run. She goes through the back door and runs into the forest not looking behind her. After a while of running she approaches a tree with an opening and quickly crawls through.

Inside it is pretty spacious and has crayons and drawings scattered inside with a sketchbook and stickers. There are flowers growing along the inner walls of this tree that glow a greenish blue allowing her to see. This was her little spot she discovered ages ago and liked visiting, though she never thought she'd use it as a hiding place from her father. She crawled to the furthest end and curled up crying into her bruised knees for hours until she fell asleep.

After hours she can faintly hear a voice calling her name "Ayano~ come out~ I can't fit in there". She wakes up slowly but gets scared, she only calms down a bit when she notices that the voice sounds feminine. She slowly crawls her way to the entrance of the tree and peeks out to see a stunning lady with dark purple hair, crimson eyes, and rose beige skin. "Grandma?!" Ayano shouts as she crawls out fully and hugs her, flinching a bit at the pain of her bare feet that had cuts and scrapes along them now.

Her grandmother pats her head with a smile "it seems like your mothers foolish choice to fall in love with a human caught up with her" She giggles a bit.

"hm?" Ayano looks confused with her blue eyes.

Her grandmother smiles at her "Don't worry? We are gonna do things my way from now on. Starting with teaching you what you really are".

"what I really am?" Ayano asked even more confused now.

Her grandmother kneels to meet her height and holds her shoulders "Yes! You have so much power and I'll tell you about it. That way you can get revenge on that man, as well as harm back all those who harmed you! sounds nice doesn't it?"

Ayano stays quiet for a bit but eventually nods in agreement . She walks off holding her grandmother's hand to follow a pathway leading into the unknown.

Her grandmother revealed to Ayano that she was half demon thus why her mother often kept her away from humans. It was also the reason why her father saw it fit to kill the two of them once he found out about their bloodline. Ayano was still in a vulnerable state of mind so she absent mindedly accepted anything that was said to her.

“So mommy was killed because she was born” Ayano summarized, her fist clenching a bit.

Her grandmother smirked “Yes and because she stupidly trusted a human, I will tell you this Ayano. No human should be trusted especially when you are of our race”.

Ayano stayed silent for a bit before responding “ grandm—” She is cut off.

“Jeez! please stop it with that human term of endearment or whatever. From now on call me by name, It’s Lyssa!” Her grandmother scolds.

“Oh okay…L-Lyssa will you teach me how to live then. I don’t want to get hurt. And I know I can’t get mommy back but I at least want to…I don’t know how to make things better” She says hesitantly.

Lyssa laughs “Dear! Of course I can but just so you know you would have to ignore everything your mother taught you. Cast away your human emotions, think like the demon you are. Embrace your cruelty”.

“But-” Ayano tries to interject but is immediately stopped by Lyssa scowling at her.

“My daughter was a disappointment! She thought  demons could live in peace with other races and she was wrong! We have no allies, understand. Your mother was foolish, she was nothing but a fool. And if you want to get revenge for her you HAVE to understand that” Lyssa rants. 

Ayano nods silently.

“SAY IT!” Lyssa shouted at her eyes glowing a tint of red, making Ayano flinch.

“Mommy was a fool, I won’t listen to what she taught me” She said quietly feeling guilty.

“Good now anytime you doubt me, remember what happened to your mother and repeat what I told you okay” Lyssa says more calmly.

Ayano nods silently.

“I am your blood relative Lyssa Loeinsar The great sin of wrath! I hold tremendous power that flows through your blood and I shall teach you how to utilize it! Only if you wish though, this will be a journey that has no space for sympathy!” She holds out her hand to Ayano summoning a dark force around her, her eyes glowing red and her fangs starting to show. Ayano takes her hand, determined, “Yes, teach me! I will not make the same mistake as mom!” She exclaims

 Thus begins the journey of Ayano who is choosing  to freely follow a path that only leads to damnation in the end.

August 11, 2024 05:49

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