
The sun is rising as Ricky and Angela wake up in their sleeping bags. 

“Ricky, wake up. The sun is beautiful right now!” Angela said this in a quiet, calming whisper. “Hurry!”

Ricky was now wide awake and ready to watch the sun rise. “Let’s go! I do not want to miss a second of that beautiful sun rise.”

They get out of their tent and head to the hill on their campsite. Both, Ricky and Angela, put their blankets on the grass. Angela thought that the sun was the most beautiful thing in the world, and wished that she could watch it rise every morning. Ricky, on the other hand, was more of a moonset person, so he enjoyed this way less.

“Isn’t this the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. The glowing, bright, yellowish, orangeish, sun rising over the horizon far in the distance, but looking so close you could touch it. Better yet, it's just you and me, no work, no distractions, nothing to bother us.” Ricky just sat there and awkwardly agreed. They talked about life, fun memories for 2 hours, and eventually got to the subject of their favorite breakfast foods.

“That reminds me,” Ricky said as he looked down at his watch. “We should probably get ready for breakfast. Ricky was a very on-schedule person. “Where should we eat? I can make reservations for us at-” Angela cut Ricky off.

“Just relax! We will figure it out as we go!” Angela hated when Ricky tried to create an itinerary. “Well, while we’re on the topic or breakfast, we should eat at Gran’s Bakery. I heard that they have really good food there.”

They headed off to the bakery. To Angela’s surprise, when they got there a table was prepared for them already.

“Ricky, did you make reservations on the way here?” Angela said, flattered.

“Maybe.” Ricky said with uncertainty, not knowing if Angela was mad or not.

Both of them got a French Toast Combo Meal, that had 4 slices of french toast each, and a Hot Chocolate. They talked some more and obviously had tons to talk about because they were talking for another 30 minutes.

“Okay, let's go hiking now!” Angela said with loads of excitement in her voice.

“Shouldn’t we wait for our food to settle?” 

There he goes again, trying to plan every minute of our adventures. Angela thought to herself. “It’s a one hour drive. Trust me, we will be fine.”

    One hour later, they arrive at the hiking trail to see a sign for ziplining.

“Ooh, we should do some ziplining!” Angela said with excitement in her voice.

There was a sign that looked outdated that said: ZIPLINING IN 2 MILES

“Okay, but we have to hike a while, the sign says  we have to hike a while.” Ricky said.

“Well then, what are we waiting for?” Angela said, wanting to have a great adventure.

Half of a mile into the hike, they find a sign that says: BEWARE!! UNCHARTED TERRITORY FROM THIS POINT ON!!!

Angela gets even more excited at the sight of this. “OH MY GOSH! This is going to be such an adventure!”

Eventually, they get to the first station.

“This looks really old and outdated, are you sure you want to do this still?” Ricky said as he inspected the station. The harnesses were so dusty, out of date, and covered in cobwebs. The floor was made of broken boards and creaked with every step they took. The worst part was that the whole place was overtaken by overgrown plants, spiders, and worst of all, rats. The rats chewed everything in sight. Ricky found a letter during his inspections.

Dear whoever is reading this,

    Please stay off this zipline. You are in uncharted territory (as the sign says). With this being said, you could get hurt. This is a warning that these ziplines are dangerous because they are from over 50 years ago when technology wasn’t the greatest. Something went wrong and they had to abandon the project. Please, whatever you do, do not go on the zipline.

                    -Mark Smith, explorer    10-03-1999

Ricky panicked. “Angela! Stop!” He was too late, Angela was already headed to her doom. He knew that he had to go after her, but he couldn’t go on the zipline. 

‘How am I ever going to find her?’ Ricky thought to himself, wondering if he was ever going to see Angela again.

Angela was having so much fun that she didn’t even realize that she was right over a lake. She was laughing so much, she didn’t even hear the cracks and snaps of the line every couple seconds. All of the sudden, she hears one big SNAP! As she falls, maybe to her death, she realizes that she is going to fall into a lake.

‘I didn’t know that there was a lake here, I should’ve brought my bathing suit’ Then she realized that she might be falling to her death and started screaming. Angela

 was starting to regret anytime she told Ricky “relax”, or “Don’t worry”. Luckily, in the distance, she heard Ricky say “I’m coming! Hold on!”

Ricky doesn’t get on the zipline, instead he finds a map with another letter inside.

Dear whoever found this map,

Please keep this map safe. It is the only map of this uncharted territory. Use this wisely, because it might save you in an emergency. If somehow you land in the lake, I put one years worth of unperishable supply in a submarine. I put that submarine right under the zipline. I understand that intense wind might’ve moved it a little. I wrote a letter 2 months ago telling you not to use the zipline, but it's safe now because of the easy access submarine.

-Mark Smith, explorer    12-12-1999

    Ricky was relieved that Angela might still be safe.

     “Ricky! Help me! I’m falling int-” Angela’s body gets surrounded by water. It felt colder than ice, and- ‘Wait, what the heck is my arm touching?’ Angela thought, very confused on why she was touching… metal? Angela was touching a submarine! An actual submarine, right next to her! Angela is saved, all she has to do is climb in the submarine and hope that there is food in there. Instead of finding a bowl of ramen and a soda in there, like she wanted, she finds a letter.

    Dear whoever climbed into this submarine,

        I have placed one years worth of unperishable supplies in this submarine. This submarine works more like a boat, so please keep it on the surface of the water. There are instructions on how to use the submarine all over the place.

                        -Mark Smith, explorer   


    “This food is 20 years old, gross!” Angela was disgusted. “But at least I still get to live. I wish Ricky was here, I don’t even know if he is alive!”

    Ricky was tired of walking and still wanted to have some daylight so that he could set up camp. He knew that coming prepared would come in handy one day! He set up his tent and got busy making a fire.

    Angela pulled up in her submarine and got out. She saw a tent, but that tent looked like Ricky’s. She couldn’t have come to the shore exactly where Ricky set up camp. 

    “Ricky!” She called out. Nothing. “Hel-” Ricky pops out from behind his tent with a big stick.

    “Show yourself! I’m armed!” A couple seconds later, Ricky realized that it was just Angela standing there. “Angela! I thought I’d never see you again!” Ricky was relieved that she was still alive.

    “Oh My Gosh! Ricky, you will never believe it. I found this submarine, and I found this letter, and I fell into the lake, and I have a year's supply of food, and-" Angela was breathing so hard, she struggled to talk.

“Angela, calm down! I know all about the submarine.” Ricky said, holding out the letters he found for Angela to read.

“I found one of these too! Here.” She held out the one she found. They were both in shock that they were still alive.

“Well, I’m tired, hungry, and soaked.” Angela said.

“Okay, well, let’s eat, then you can change out of those clothes into the clothes in your backpack. Tomorrow we can go back and get off of this lake.” Ricky knew that now was a good time to make a plan because Angela couldn’t tell him that plans did nothing for him.

“Sounds good! Let’s see what food there is in the submarine. I just really hope we don’t die from that!” Angela was back to making jokes again.

They ate and Angela got into dry clothes. Ricky noticed how the moon was reflecting off of the lake, and smiled. They both went to sleep, having one of the greatest adventures of a lifetime.

November 20, 2020 01:45

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