Adventure Fantasy Science Fiction

The following is the transcript from the audio log discovered about ‘Planet B’ left for us by the great explored Robert Miller.

Bobs log number 1.

I have crash landed on Planet B, on landing my ship was damaged but repairable unfortunately on my first expedition into the wilderness of this lush green world I was attacked. The creature was hideous with two long hairy tails dangled from its deranged face and what a horror the face was, yeesh.

 There was a large red eruption coming from the lump in the middle of the face, clearly the atmosphere was toxic to this creature and it had large metal reinforced teeth. The monster seemed to delighted in destroying my vessel as it stamped on the fuselage. Fortunately I was able to escape deeper into the jungle, though I am left only with my Terror Blaster and camouflage cloak. The cloak should prove useful if the abomination. Yeah I like that, Abomination B. Anyway the cloak should hide me if I encounter it again.

Bobs Log number 2.

Ha ha sounds like poo. Ahem. I narrowly survived another encounter, while fighting my way through the dense foliage of the planet, a hissing alerted me to the danger. Turning quickly I saw a...a..em... Giant feline beast. Yeah. Its claws could slice straight through my protective space suit, instinctually I knew the cloak would be of little use here. This was a creature built for hunting, large eyes fixed me as needle like teeth parted to release another hiss, its tail whipping menacingly from side to side. Setting my Blaster to 'scare' I pulled the trigger. The tip of the blaster flashed red as the heat from the weapon dissipated and a terrifying noise was released onto the giant animal. It promptly fled in terror and so I continued my trek through the undergrowth looking for some shelter from the approaching night. Who knows what horrors will be out after dark.

Bobs log number 3.

I have reached the edge of the jungle, looking back I can see trees and strange plants towering into the sky. But in front of me I have discovered a residence. These creatures seem to have tamed the jungle and created a soft lawn from the wild grasses. The perimeter is distinguished by a wooden fence littered with bright colored flowers. It is unclear at this time if the flowers are to ward off creatures or to distinguish status to the neighboring residents. I am going to press forward. Alone on this planet I have little choice, I must find shelter and perhaps sanctuary.

Bobs Log number 4.

Disaster has struck the mission. I entered the residence through an open airlock, from the outside I could see none of the aliens as the airlock had a glass sliding door to it, so I felt the risk was worth it. There was no inner air lock nor decontamination chamber so I assume these aliens are native to Planet B and adapted to its ecosystem. On entering I hear loud noises coming from the adjacent room. Creeping forwards I rounded the door frame to see one of the Aliens asleep on some form of soft seating. It was a disgusting sight, the alien gripped a metal can of something in one hand resting it on his engorged belly. A loud snorting snore emanated from what I would assume to be the mouth of the alien. I made the assessment that these aliens were overweight and posed little threat to one of the space legions finest. Infront of the alien, we will call it the blob. Infront of the blob was a primitive viewing screen on which I could see other aliens running around and crashing into each other. It appeared to be some form of gladiatorial battle over an oddly shaped ball. I risked venturing deeper into the room, as I crept behind the blobs chair it must have sensed my presence as it released a noxious gas clearly designed to ward of predators. This is when disaster struck, gripping my nose to avoid loosing consciousness I rushed to the opening on the far end of the room as I reached the opening I caught a glimpse of the abomination walking freely throughout the home. I pulled my cloak over my face and froze to allow the adaptive camouflage to work. Holding my breath I listened as the steps paused in front of me then continued down the hallway. Releasing the breath I headed deeper into danger and the unknown.

Bobs log Number 5.

I discovered a staircase and followed it to the second floor of the alien home. I was confronted by a long hallway filled with doors. Pressing forwards, I quietly opened the first of the doors. The pungent smell of flowers and other scents violated my nostrils and made my eyes want to weep. Pulling it together I ventured into the den of the abomination. It was a messy beast, ragged clothes of different hues scattered the floor. It wasn’t clear what condition of cleanliness the clothes were in. Part of my mission is to collect data on these strange creatures, so I carefully approached the bedside table. Previous reconnaissance missions had discovered the location. Opening the drawer, I reached my hand inside and recovered the primitive data device the abomination recorded its activities on.

Bobs Log number em 6? I think.

I retrieved the data and made my way to the uppermost floor of this building. Here seemed to be boxes filled with treasures from a forgotten age. The area was dark and dirty, but it felt warm and safe from the aliens below. Opening the data device I began reading, horror struck me when I discovered that this creature seemed to write about the opposite gender and to quote “how cute their butts are”. I stifled a giggle as I read on only to discover that this abomination thought Mark from across the road was “Like, the hottest ever.” Pfft. Like she had a chance with him. A screeching from below alerted me that the theft had been noticed. Feet thundered down the hallway as the abomination stormed further away. It was clear from the shouting that the family unit was being mobilized for a hunt and I was going to be the prey.

Bobs Log number 7.

I threw the data device down the hall towards the abomination as it approached fists clenched and metal teeth bared. Shoving past it I lost the cloak to its grasp but was able to wiggle free and shove past the slow sweaty blob. Retreating to the jungle, lungs burning from the exertion I easily lost my hunters but I had also lost my shelter for the night and already the sky was growing dark. Without my cloak I felt a chill running up my spine as I approached the crash site to assess the damage to my ship. It was complete. The abomination had destroyed the entire thing, I am now stranded forever on Planet B.

Bobs final log.

I lay in the undergrowth looking to the sky as the stars began to shine. As day retreated the galaxy came to life. Countless worlds that I would never reach, races of advance aliens that didn’t gossip about boys or bully smart kids. My mind raced as I dreamt of the wonders that lay just out of reach, colorful nebulas, exotic animals and plants. I didn’t notice it at first, but a slow creeping feeling had swept over me. Small and insignificant. How could someone do anything to affect something so vast and timeless. Our tiny speck of dirt hurtled through the void as wars raged, cultures rose and fell. Yet the universe didn’t even notice our existence. Some people talk of higher powers or spiritual beings that are out there. Others say its empty. But I know one thing, no matter how much space you have in your toy box you always need more space. Everyone always needs more space, you can hardly get in the door of our shed. So I don’t believe that there is just empty space out there. There is something and I will find it.

Bob time for dinner!”

Oh that’s mum gotta go.

End of transcript.

Robert Miller went on to study astrophysics and engineering helping to develop the first interstellar spaceship. His sister, Barbara gave us this recording to commemorate his flight into the unknown. She had these words to say.

“He was a pain growing up, always dreaming and coming up with wild ideas. But I suppose that is what we need. Dreamers. Those who don’t hold back or accept that something can’t be done. Then again, he regularly called me an abomination so its really ups and downs with him. Love you bob, wherever you are.”

It has been three years since the interstellar ship left our solar system and Robert Miller ventured forth into the great unknown. With his efforts humanity pulled together striving to reach the unknown. This is his legacy as we begin construction on the second interstellar ship built by a united planet with the goal of answering the question. What is out there.

April 21, 2024 18:29

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