Haze of Black and White (Zetta Grace Sequel)

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt


Sad Romance Teens & Young Adult

Note: this is the sequel to ‘Top Ten Things Zetta Grace Excelled At’, wooo! That story received way more positivity than I expected (like 60 likes and a ton of comments in six days??) and I felt like it was kind of unfinished, so here’s a part two. Like the first story, this is a...STRANGE 2k words. Also like the first story, this is darker, more romance-y, and a lil’ more emotional than my normal writing, just to give some closure on Zetta Celestine Grace and a glimpse into her final moments and memories. Enjoy!

I can’t see.

Can’t hear.

The world is a haze of black and white.

No. There is no world.

Or at least, my mind draws a blank.

Nothing is in there, in my brain. Memories vanish. Sucked into the black hole of time.

Time and space.

Haven’t I written an essay about that?

I don’t know. 

Waves of nausea roll over me, an ocean of diced confusion. Confusion. What’s going on? I try to trace my life back.

Where am I?

What’s happening?

Who...am I?

My name? My family? It’s like I remember Earth, but not my personal life. Did I even have a personal life? I’m lost in a blur of question marks. 

Life is gone. All that’s left is...existence.

Color. Sound. Light. Piercing brightness, burning into my eyes. Pain hammering at my head. I can’t feel anything, my physical body lost in a void somewhere. My mind tattered and torn, scattered among the stars. Heart cracked, body bruised. 


All I remember is the wetness.

Fat raindrops splattering against the sidewalk.

The grainy concrete beneath my scuffed black boots. 

The smell of rain hangs in the air, a sweet smell of youth and life. Seeds dropped into soil, the shells cracking open as delicate green sprouts emerge from the soil. Breaking the surface, soaking up the sunlight. A city stretches on in front of me.

A city.

A lingering thought in the back of my mind says it should be the city.

In my other life, my other world, I’m familiar with this place. My home is this city, the roar of cars background noise. Or was it? Maybe I just felt like it was my home, like I was destined to be here, among the scents and sounds and perfect randomness.I was taking a walk, I think. With...somebody. I forget who. They laughed, telling me I smelled like orange blossoms and vanilla. Like smiles and sunshine. They said this was my scent, and I laughed too. The sky was clear, just a few puffs of cotton lingering against the sapphire backdrop.

Then it changed.

Sky transformed.

Dark clouds rolling across the sky.

My shattered memories. I try to piece together the scene...

Him. This boy, my life, whom I don’t remember.

The rain. Scaring away pedestrians, cars disappearing from the streets. 

We don’t care. Me and...him. Laughing under the sky, smelling the dewdrops. Running. Through the city, feet slapping against the sidewalk. Storefronts beam at us with welcoming light. Warm air meets cool rain. We smile.

Then something happens.

An accident.

The glinting bright blue of a car, shades echoing in my eyes. I remember how much I hated cars, my fear of them. Hunks of metal that can end your life. Airplanes were another story. They terrified me but...took me places. Like here. Made my life worth living. But even through me despising cars, I loved their coloring. Sleek shades, glittering in the sunlight. This one was the color of oceans we used to draw as children before we realized our polluting, among other things, turned oceans into dark greenish, sludge greenish. But colors are only pretty if you have a positive view of what the shade decorated, and soon...


And then...

I’m whipped back to the present.

No. There is no present.

I’m lost.


Like my old life and memories are there, in my mind, but hidden under a tarp. I sense their existence. They’re here. I just can’t break through the sheet. Can’t be that seed. I can’t access...this.



All that happened.

Why am I here?

In my mind?

Struggling for air?

What’s happening?

Like a dream. The last few moments of a nightmare. Scenes blurred but the fear is real. You’re there, tossing, turning, mind in the wild waves of the scene. Reality disappears from your thoughts. Just a haze, patchwork of fear and pain and you, so broken you can’t tell yourself it’s fake.

Time isn’t real.

Not here, anyways.





New York.

New York. Is that where I lived?

How does my mind get a location from a word but can’t remember my relation to this place? 

My mind dissolved into another flashback.

I point to a dot on the map. Our country, broken into states. My purple-painted fingernail lands near the top right. “Let’s go here next. Does that sound fun?”

That boy...he squeezes my hand. “Z—”

I stop. The thoughts. Kind of. They broadcast behind my eyelids but they fade into the background noise as the blurred voice in my head thinks, Z? Is that the first letter or my name? Who am I?

I tune back in.

It’s like the scene was paused.



“Listen,” he says, “traveling with you is fun but…money doesn’t grow on trees.”

I laugh, not giving the recurring statement a second thought. Well, this time. I’d worried before but...YOLO. “What’s paper made of?”


“And what’s money made of?”

“Paper…” his voice trailed off. He slaps me and grins. “Ze—”

Zeh? Is that the first sound to my name? My mind blanks on the rest, but I’m getting somewhere.

“I get it, you’re funny. Among so many other things. I swear I need to make a list one day. But for now…” his playful smile disappears. “Don't you think we should save money? Our student debts aren’t going anywhere. We need to put money in the bank instead of traveling. Pay off our debts, start saving for a home…”


Hold up.

A home?

How old was I?

Am I?

Graduated from college, maybe?

In it?

Still. A home? That seemed a bit much. 

Then again, I’m here.

In this reality.

My mind.

Then, in the real world, so many centuries ago…

Ze loved this guy. As a friend. As a partner. As another half.

“I know,” she says, “but A—”

And then it stops.

And I’m spinning.

Spinning, whirling, twisting, smiling. An object in motion will stay in motion. Zooming through sound and shapes and shades, orange blossoms and vanilla captured in bottles. The scene fades and I’m stuck, back in a world of pain crashing through my mind.

Through the blood and cries and hollers of people universes away from my current state, I think, ‘Ah’. Not pronounced like ‘aw’, but like screaming: ‘AHH’. first sound to...his name.

The world is fading back now. Time is still dead, impossible for me to comprehend with everything in my mind. But now...it’s not. I’m still trapped here, in my shattered memories, but I start...feeling.

Concrete. Wet, cool concrete.

No. Maybe not concrete. It’s kind of rocky, like roads.

Sounds, wailing sirens in the distance. I hear people, but their nervous murmurs fade into a hum at the back of my mind.

Another memory flashes to existence, this time a longer scene.

Sunlight streams in through the colored window panes, dust dancing in the light. I always hated church. All that nonsense and weird names and magic. Myths. My mother always scolded me for not being in touch with my spiritual side, being too down-to-Earth, but that’s not true.

My mind. I was the master of my mind as the boy put it. He always sat with me every Sunday. His blond hair capturing the sunbeams as he peeked over my shoulder. I loved poetry, the abstract sense of choppy words or perfect stanzas. Thoughts inked. Another spiritual concept, as Asher said.


That’s his name.


My whole body—mind—still throbs, but excitement briefly pounds through my veins. Asher. What a beautiful name. Musical. Mystical. Light. Like it belongs in a fairytale. Asher was—is—important to me.

I zone back in on the scene.

As I doodled in my notebooks, sketches and poetry and the funny remarks Asher whispered to me when people were busy chanting, my mom glanced over, her dark eyes somehow matching the bright shade of red lipstick she always donned. “Zetta Celestine Grace, you put that notebook away this instant! Stop wasting that time with that nonsense. Poetry will never pay the bills. Being naïve and crazy won’t help you in life so it’s time to plant your feet back on Earth. You’re a legal adult and you need to get your life together. Now chant.”

At first, I’m too lost in the secondhand fury to register my full name.


Even now, I’m my fragmented thoughts, I’m mad. I can feel the fury of me that day, rolling waves of red. And here, witnessing this scene like a spector, I’m mad again. How dare she?

Then...I remember.

She said my name.

My full name.

My mind didn’t blank.

I know it now.

Zetta Celestine Grace.

That’s beautiful, too. Musical and lyrical like Asher’s name. Our names click together: Zetta and Asher.

The whole church is staring at this point. I wipe my damp eyes. “I don’t care what you think!”

I storm out of the room, slamming my textbook shut and racing through the open door. I don’t stop running until I’m at the small playground for little kids half a mile from the church. Framed by meadows, it’s a small play structure in a sandbox. I sit down on one of the strings, struggling to catch my breath after the sprint.

My vision blurs through my tears. I hear thuds, more feet in the sandbox.

I glance up. It’s Asher. I’m a long-distance runner but he’s insanely fit too. He doesn’t even look out of breath as he sits down next to me. “Listen, Zet,” he says in a low voice, “your mom is wrong.”

I sniffle and look up, wiping at my tear-stained cheeks. “She is?”

Yes,” he emphasized. “You’re amazing, okay? Sweet and funny and kind and thoughtful and— Well, I could go on all day. And I would, but you don’t need me complimenting you to make your qualities true. Your mom’s view of you doesn’t define you. You’re a strong, confident person with a lot left to give the world. Don't you remember what Ama used to say?”

Ama was his great-grandmother who had sadly passed away last fall. Asher and I loved her.

I say it with him: “‘Naïve just means you have big dreams.”

We smile at each other. He always knew how to make me feel better. “Thanks,” I whisper.

Three memories.

Three scenes.

And I’m still there as a second person, dancing through the cosmos.

Until I’m pulled out of my orbit.


My daze.


A haze.


Time ticks back to life, reality flooding in.

My eyelids flutter open.

The sky is dark, thunderclouds dripping with rain. My face is wet. Some from water, but I see glimmers of red. The raindrops and stir, clouds...like that first scene. Everything is how I remember it. How much time had passed since...the car? It doesn’t seem like much. People line the roads. I’m collapsed in a sea of black street. A blue car bumper clogs half my vision when I look straight up. My arms and chest are sticky with blood, the pain piercing me. 

The other half of my sight is…



And I’m Zetta.

I remember.

I’m trying to hold on. Trying to not let reality slip through my grasps again. But I’m destined for that final black hole. I can feel my breathing slowing down like my legs at the end of a race. My lungs feel like they’re clogged with cement. I can feel the end creeping up on me and it feels like he can sense it too.

“I’ll see you again,” the boy whispers, his golden blond hair shining as clear tears slip down his cheeks. His eyes capture my attention: blue and green swirling together, fuchsia undertones catching in the nonexistent sunlight.

“You will,” I whisper, my scratchy voice surprising my bloody ears. I thought I had a pretty voice. This boy—Asher—had said it was like honey, smooth and rich and beautiful. I remember honey.


Gold, like his hair.

Amber, like my eyes.

Which I hadn’t seen since the last mirror. When was that? I didn’t both myself with my looks even though many complimented on them. Mirrors don’t reflect beauty—they reflect looks, and those are completely different things.

“In another life,” he agrees, his quieter tone yanking me back to the conversation.

I can’t muster a nod. All I can do is weakly smile, my unspoken words hanging in the air.

But for now, goodbye.

And just like that, my consciousness fades into black.

December 31, 2020 03:20

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03:23 Dec 31, 2020

So...I was super skeptical about this when I randomly started typing, but I actually kind like final product! The first Zetta Grace was fun to write but it was very vague, so I hoped this (also abstract) story provided a little more information on Asher and Zetta and their characters, glimpses into their relationship and scenes and whatnot, and some more closure on what happened. As said in the author’s note, this is way more dark and romance-ish and sad than most of my stories 😂 Hope y’all liked part 2!


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Wow Aerin...thankfully you wrote a sequel to this story!!! I loved it so much. Great job and keep writing. =) Happy New Years Eve/New Year!


19:19 Dec 31, 2020

Thanks so much! Thx! You too!


Your welcome! Also, thank you! :)


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Amany Sayed
04:00 Dec 31, 2020



04:02 Dec 31, 2020

EEEEEEEEEEP THANK YOUUUUU!!!!!!!! Like wowww means a lot shank you for the enthusiasm!!!!


Amany Sayed
04:02 Dec 31, 2020

WELCOMEEEE <3 did you see my side note???


04:05 Dec 31, 2020



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16:54 Dec 31, 2020

WOWEEEEEE Aerin you do write a great romance! (i don't usually read romance, but this was great!) those names. Zetta. Asher. LOVE DEMMMMMM XD - Amethyst edit: 🍌


19:18 Dec 31, 2020

THANK YOUUUUUU Lol shanks :) - Aerin Yayyyy lol


20:25 Dec 31, 2020



01:57 Jan 04, 2021

jimenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌


02:56 Jan 04, 2021

Yayyyyy cool thx lol


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Sunny 🌼
15:22 Dec 31, 2020

Great sequel and a great explanation for the first story. Also, I really liked the way you formatted this story and the language you used. I'll try to list some examples. "All I remember is the wetness. Fat raindrops splattering against the sidewalk. The grainy concrete beneath my scuffed black boots. The smell of rain hangs in the air, a sweet smell of youth and life. Seeds dropped into soil, the shells cracking open as delicate green sprouts emerge from the soil. Breaking the surface, soaking up the sunlight. A city stretches on in fro...


15:43 Dec 31, 2020

Eep! Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Snowflake!


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Aww... so sweet and sad. You deserve to be number one after all your great new stories!


15:43 Dec 31, 2020

Thank you so much, Jade! :D


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Jen Park
10:08 Dec 31, 2020

Last time you gave me the perfect Zetta Celestine Grace, ideal and beautiful and all, standing at the middle of the story like fairy unicorn(if fairy unicorn makes sense hehe) but now you give more realistic and darker view of her. Either way, I loved reading about her. I liked how you perfectly comprehended and described a mind of a person who lost her mind, and characterization of Asher(nice name). Not here, anyways. Anyways. Any. Ny. NY. New York. This was my favorite line. :)


15:45 Dec 31, 2020

Wow, thanks so muuuuuch for reading and commenting, Jn! Means a lot :) Shank you :D HAPPPPY NEW YEARS!


Jen Park
06:24 Jan 01, 2021

You're welcome and happy new year!! 😊


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Niveeidha Palani
07:04 Dec 31, 2020

You are gifted Aerin. Believe it. Engrossed into another emotional world when reading it. I absolutely enjoyed the short sentences that you put in here to create more effect and drama. Keep it up, looking forward to more like this. :)


15:46 Dec 31, 2020

Omgggg, thank you so much, Niveeidha P!! It really means a lot. HAPPY NEW YEARS!


Niveeidha Palani
04:21 Jan 01, 2021

Happy new year to you too! And you can just call me Niveeidha. :)


04:26 Jan 01, 2021

Thx lol! And haha, I think I was actually trying to do that (like I normally just call you Niveeidha??) but uhhh? I guess I missed the ‘:’ in my :P? I’m confused. Whatevs. Shank youuuu


Niveeidha Palani
04:28 Jan 01, 2021

Ah, haha, no worries about that. And no problem. :)


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Maya -
04:10 Dec 31, 2020

Wow- this was amazing! My mind is completely spinning! It was a perfect continuation for part one, you vaguely mentioned the car accident in part one so it's great that you went into more detail in a second story. You showed so much character development in only ten seconds! This was so uniquely written, the way you slowly reveal memories as she tries to remember who she is. The ending was so sad, but it's truly amazing how you can make the reader feel for the characters so much! Both part one and two were such beautiful stories! I'm looking...


04:11 Dec 31, 2020

Wowwww thanks so much for solid paragraph of feedback!!! It really means a lot. THANK YOUUUU MAYA!!!!!! You tooo :D


Maya -
20:33 Dec 31, 2020

Btw, Aerin, I put this story in my Story of the Day spot in my bio! :)


21:20 Dec 31, 2020

Aw, thanks so much!


Maya -
21:21 Dec 31, 2020

My pleasure! :)


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Maya -
04:12 Dec 31, 2020

You're welcome! I really enjoy reading your stories!


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Kate Reynolds
20:59 Jan 04, 2021

Hello! THIS STORY WAS SO SADDDDDDD!!!!!!!!! It was so beautifully written and was a great second part to the Zetta Grace sequel!


02:08 Jan 12, 2021

Yikes, I forgot to respond, sorry! But eeeeep, thank you so much!! Love, Aerin’s other account cuz she’s bored


Kate Reynolds
02:25 Jan 12, 2021

It's okkkk!!! Npppp!! :D XD


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Hey Aerin! Don't worry! I'm reading your bio! (Actually, I have a fun fact for you. Whenever I go to your profile, the first thing I even see is your bio. It is so colorful and just...AMAZING!!) So don't worry, I'm reading it! :)


16:10 Jan 03, 2021

Haha shank you XD


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Amaya .
02:14 Jan 03, 2021

what's a marshmallow?????


02:33 Jan 03, 2021

Oh haha, it’s like this group of people (who call themselves Marshmellows) all about being nice and upvoting in response to downvoting. I just joineddddd lol. Check out Jenny’s page for more info: https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/jennie/


Amaya .
03:12 Jan 03, 2021

aw that's so sweet of them! thanks!


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Amaya .
03:12 Jan 03, 2021

just read her bio, that's so cute and nice and wholesome of you guys :)


03:23 Jan 03, 2021

💛 Shank you! Anyone can be a Marshmellow if you wanna join XD


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20:57 Jan 01, 2021

good job!!!!!!!!!🍌


22:05 Jan 01, 2021



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Izzie Chan
15:15 Jan 01, 2021

Hey Aerin!!!! OMG I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS I loved the parts where Zetta slowly started to regain her memories in pieces, like this: “Not here, anyways. Anyways. Any. Ny. NY. New York. New York. Is that where I lived?” This is an amazing story, Aerin!!! I would hit the like button a million times if I could! Also, YAYYYY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 🎊


15:44 Jan 01, 2021

Eeeeep, thank you so much!! YOU TOOO!


Izzie Chan
22:56 Jan 01, 2021

No problem!!! YAYYYY!


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21:53 Mar 09, 2022

ur mom comment on meeeee


02:09 Mar 18, 2022



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Lily Kingston
16:09 Feb 06, 2021

I like the way you blur past and present by mixing the italics and regular font. “Naïve just means you have big dreams.” —amazing line. Keep up the good work and keep writing!!


17:07 Feb 06, 2021

Thank you!


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18:04 Feb 05, 2021

dang. dang, dang, dang. all I can say is, you seriously deserve to be at the top of the leaderboard.


19:27 Feb 05, 2021

Awwww thank you!


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Answer to your riddle: Mail-stamp. I like the ending of this story the best. Keep writing!


12:44 Jan 07, 2021

Correct!! Shank youuu!


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hey! sorry to bother but i have some new stories out if you dont mind could you check them out thank you and its fine if you dont :)


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20:59 Jan 05, 2021



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