Adventure American Friendship

Sarah walked into the room and saw something as white as a sheep. Sarah was super frightened. She is scared easily. 

“What is this place?” said Sarah. 

The room looked dark. Sarah could only see a few feet in front of her. There was a weird pool in the middle of the unusual room. The pond was the only thing giving off light. The pond was practically glowing, but not very much.  It was about as bright as a lamp. Sarah Smelled something very musty. She thought to herself. “I might have to bail, But I can’t believe that my friends dared me to do this.”   Suddenly she heard something. She told herself that nothing could live here. So she was just imagining noises.  But then something or someone said home in response to her question. Then she ran out of the room. But the person who said home followed her. Sarah was scared to death. But she just kept on running. She ran to her car. Then she dialed 9-1-1. 

“ Hi, my name is Sarah Rain. I would like to report an unusual occurrence,” said Sarah very fast.

“Hello, Sarah. I would like you to calm down and tell me what just happened.” said the operator. 

“Okay,” said Sarah. 

She then told the operator what had happened. The operator then got the police to show up at the room in an old house. 

“Why would you want to go into that old house, to begin with?” said the police officer.

Sarah felt embarrassed. 

“I was at my friend’s house last night and it was a dare.”

“Of course.” said the police officer.

“Well I will let you know of any further updates.” said the police officer.

“Thanks. Talk then,” said Sarah.

The next day Sarah got a call from the officer. Sarah answered her cell phone.

“ Hello, Officer,” Sarah said.

“ Hello,” said the officer.

“ Find anything?” Sarah asked.

“ Actually no,” Said the officer.

Sarah was surprised.

“Wh wh what do you mean no? “ 

“ All me and my partner saw were some old chairs and a moldy couch.” Said the officer.

Sarah was so confused.

“Then how would you explain what I saw?” Sarah asked.

“ Oh your friends probably were just messing with you.” said the officer.

“How is that possible? I saw a pond in a room!” Screamed Sarah.

“Well if you don't believe me come with me to the house tomorrow morning and you can check it out yourself with me there.” said the officer. 

“ Okay let's do it see you at 9:30 at the house,” Sarah said. 

“ Sounds like a plan. Talk then. Bye.” said the officer. 

“Bye have a good day!” Sarah said.

Sarah hung up.  Sarah was confused and a little frightened at the thought of going back to the room. 

The next day she went into the house with the officer. Then she went down the hallway in silence. The officer opened the door to the room. There was no pond. Certainly nothing other than an old room with moldy stuff.

“Maybe my friends were pulling a prank on me,” said Sarah. 

“Yeah well I gotta get going,” said the officer.

“ Okay, I am going to just sit here and call my friends,” said Sarah.

“Ok see ya. Make sure to call if anything unusual happens.” said the officer.

“Will do. Bye” said Sarah.

All of a sudden Sarah was alone in the old house. She dialed her friends' numbers.

“ Hey what’s up,” said Kaitie. 

“Yeah we have not heard from you much about the sleepover.” said Lily. 

“Well the normal I guess calling the police because I decided to do the dare my besties gave me,” said Sarah sarcastically. 

“Wait what. Why did you call the police,” asked Lily?

Then suddenly Sarah's surroundings started to turn into something else. Before she knew it she saw a pond. Sarah screamed and she lost her friend because the signal went out. Then she saw a woman approach her. She screamed again. 

“Shh it's okay just calm down and I will help you.” said the woman.

“W wh who are you?” said Sarah.

Sarah is so scared she trips and falls down but quickly gets up.

“ Oh, my name is Chelsey. “ Chelsey says calmly.

“ My name is Sarah.” Said Sarah. 

Sarah regrets telling this woman her name.

“ oh I know I have been trying to reach you for a little while,” said Chelsey.

“Really?” questions Sarah. 

“Well of course,” says Chelsey.

Sarah is unsure on how to respond to that. 

“ Why have you been looking for me?” Sarah asks.

“ You have unleashed a spirit and you will forever have bad luck. Unless you can get rid of the ghost. Her name is Jane. When you find the ghost you must become friends. Then you must find a mythical ring in a cave by the sea. Once you both touch the ring the spirit will be where she belongs. “

“ WHAT?” Sarah screams.

“I know sweetie it will be hard but you must do it,” Chelsey says.

“ Okay but where is the ghost?” askes Sarah.

“ I am sorry but I do not know,” says Chelsey in a sad voice.

Then chelssy disappears out of thin air and the pond disappears too. Then she is sitting in an empty disgusting room. It was as disgusting as a dead rotten fish! 

Sarah was still in shock. Sarah was in her car looking for the ghost. She arrived at an old cemetery hoping she would find the ghost. After she was not able to find the ghost she felt sad and disappointed. Sarah drove back home, sense Sarah was not too far away. When she got home she went to bed. Sarah dreamed that this had never happened. When Sarah got up she went back into her car after she showered. She looked for the ghost once more but she grew very tired. She decided to stop at a nearby motel. Sarah approached the frail woman at the counter. 

“Hello, I would like to stay in a room please,” said Sarah. 

“ What is your name?” Said the old woman. 

“My name is Sarah.” 

Sarah felt a little uneasy because of the motel's condition. She was too tired to even care though.  Sarah went up to her motel room. Sarah heard a scratching noise coming from the motel room closet. Sarah slowly approached the noise. Then Sarah opened the closet. Sarah saw the ghost, Jane! 

Sarah was startled to see Jane. Sarah screamed. Nobody heard her except Jane. 

“Hello, my name is Sarah. Are you Jane?” asked Sarah. 

“Yes, my name is Jane. Are you the one who will help me get back home?” Jane said.

Sarah stood there for a minute taking in what was happening. 

“Yes, that is my hope,” said Sarah.

“Okay so do you know how to get me home?” asks Jane. 

“Yes, we have to become friends and then we must find a ruby ring. Deep in one of the Pacific caves.” Says Sarah. 

“Wow that is going to be hard,” said Jane.

“I know. But at least we will be friends by the time that time comes along,” said Sarah.

“Yeah,” says Jane. 

“I am tired so I am going to go to bed. Good night,” says Sarah.

“Night,” says Jane softly.

All Sarah could think about that night was how was she supposed to be friends with a ghost? Sarah just layed in bed for hours thinking about how this is all going to pan out. Sarah was frightened that she would have to be friends with a ghost. That started to freak her out. Sarah did not fall asleep till 1:20 in the morning. 

The next morning Jane and Sarah woke up. They decided to start the journey to find the ruby ring.  Sarah checked out of the motel. Then Sarah and Jane got in the car. Sarah drove for a few hours. Then they came to a state forest along the pacific coast. Sarah and Jane got out of the car. Then they approached the cave. 

“So how will we know if it is in the cave because we could not see it?” asks Jane.

“Chelssy told me that I will know it when I see it. I am guessing it will be hard to miss,” said Sarah. 

“I hope so. I am starting to miss my family,” said Jane.

“ I am sorry that I got you into all this,” says Sarah. 

“No, it is not your fault if I had not run away none of this would have happened,” said Jane. 

“That's okay, I was bound to have something exciting happen,” says Sarah. 

Soon Sarah and Jane see something glowing red!  It was as red as a rose. They both run toward it. Then they both yell


“ Well I guess this is goodbye. “ said Sarah. 

“ Yeah I guess,” said jane. 

I will see you when you pass away and can't wait till then. I will be waiting with my family.” said Jane.

“I can’t wait but it might be awhile. I am only 28,” said Sarah. 

“You never know. I died when I was 23.” said jane. 

Right after Jane said you never know she made me touch the ring! So that creeped me out a little that she said that and now I won’t see her again. At least not for a while. I hope. 

The next day Sarah went to her friend’s house. Sarah wanted to tell her friends everything. When she just about knocked on the door she heard her friends say. “ Be prepared for a web of lies from Sarah.” 

Sarah was hurt that her friends did not believe her. She knew that she no longer had real friends. Sarah knew that real friends would believe you no matter what. Sarah left the house with a depressed feeling. Now more than ever was Sarah realizing that Jane was a lot better friend than Lily and Kaitie will ever be. But there is one thing Sarah learned from all of that stuff with Jane was that a true friend is not always the first person you see. Sarah decided to go out to eat.  When Sarah got back home she went to watch a ghost movie, because she was thinking about jane. 

Sarah went to the coffee shop. Sarah saw the officer and decided to talk to him about Jane. 

“Hello,” said Sarah. 

“Hi, How are you?” said the officer.

“Good, I would like to talk to you about Jane. Is that okay?” Asked Sarah.

It took a moment for the officer to respond. 

“Yes, of course. Is something bothering you?” asked the officer.

“No, no. I want to tell you about what a woman said to me after you left that building,” said Sarah. 

“ She told me that I had to find a ghost that I unleashed. Then I had to become friends with the ghost. After that I had to find a magical ruby ring!” said Sarah.

“ umm, a nice story can't wait to hear more.” said the officer who was laughing.

Sarah left realizing that she should have never gone over to the officer’s table. Sarah told herself that maybe no one will believe her. But at least I know that it was real.  That was enough for Sarah. 

April 15, 2021 18:06

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