Fantasy Happy Suspense

This story won't make sense if you don't read the first two. Just a warning.

"Hey, little brother. Hey, Angel face." JJ says.

I cross my arms and look away from him. “Don’t call me that.”

“Why not?” He asks, grabbing my chin, and pulling it towards his face.

I shove his hand away. “You know why.”

“Leave him alone, JJ.” Arlo says, stepping in front of me.

JJ raises an eyebrow. “”Why should I?”

“Because. Leave him alone.” He says.

I sigh. “It’s alright, Arlo.”

I push past JJ, walking down the path. Blaze trots beside me, his tongue hanging out.

“You dated him?” Arlo asks, coming up beside me.

I nod. “Bad idea.”

“Why?” He asks. 

I shake my head. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Okay.” He says.

Chase walks on the other side of me. “He’s following us.”

I look behind me, and sure enough, he’s floating around behind us.

“What do you want?” I ask, turning around.

He drops to the ground. “I’m supposed to help you.”

“No thanks.” I say.

He tilts his head. “I don’t think you really have a choice.”

“Why not?” I demand.

He taps his ear. “Crazy angels. They aren’t far. I can get you to safety.”

“How can we trust you?” Chase asks.

“Do you have a choice?” 

He’s right. Again. Like always. 

I groan. “What do we do?”

He grins. “Follow me.”


“JJ, we’ve been driving for three hours.” Arlo complains for the fifth time.

I’m sitting with Chase in the backseat, since both of us refused to be near JJ. He has a thing about ghosts. Blaze is lying on my feet.

JJ’s driving us somewhere, but he won’t tell us where. I won’t let him touch me, the sword or the dagger, which annoys him. I don’t want to, but we have to trust him. I don’t think he means any harm, but that doesn’t make me like him any more, especially not after what he did.

Chase nudges my foot with his. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah…” I say.

He frowns. “No you’re not.”


“What is it?” 

I sigh. “I don’t like him.”

“But you did?” He asks.

I nod. “Yeah.”

“What happened?”

“It’s not important.”

“Are you sure?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

I don’t think he believes me. I don’t believe me.

“We’re here!” JJ announces.

I look outside. We’re parked at the edge of a large empty field. JJ hops out, and shuts the door behind him.

“I don’t trust him.” I say. Arlo turns to look at us. 

He nods. “I don’t either. But I don’t think we have a choice.”

“This is your only brother?” I ask.

He nods. “Yeah, he is.”


“Why do you hate him?” Arlo asks me. 

“He...made me really upset.”

I hear someone pounding on the door. “C’mon!”

We all sigh, and get out of the car. He’s sitting on the top of the car, and jumps off when he sees us. I pull the sword and dagger out with me, holding them at my side.

“Finally.” He says. “Let’s go.”

We follow silently. He whistles as he floats in front of us. Then he stops.

“Here is fine.” He says loudly, turning. Suddenly, Chase and Arlo freeze. 

“Guys?” I say. They don’t move. “Arlo, Chase. What happened?”

I look back at JJ. “What did you do?”

“Nothing.” He replies.

“Liar.” I say. Blaze growls at my feet.

He shakes his head. “No I’m not. I didn’t do anything.”

“Then what the hell happened?” I yell.

He gives me a bored look. “They’re frozen.”

“Yeah, I can see that. Why?”

“Because I don’t need them.”

“And you need me?”



“You’re going to go with me to the land of the ghost, and rule with me.”

“No I’m not.”

“Yeah, you are.”

“How are you going to make me?”

“Well, I could kill your little boyfriends.”

“You’d kill your own brother?”

“If it came to that.”

“Why? Are you jealous?”

He whips around. “Excuse me?”

“I think you’re jealous.” I say.

“What would I be jealous of?” He demands.

“You don’t want me to like anyone else.”

“I-I didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t have to. I knew you well for three years.”

 â€śI-I’m not jealous!”

“You are.”

“You’re just mad!” 

“You know what? I am. I am really mad. At you.”

“Me? What did I do?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because you threatened to kill Chase and Arlo. Maybe because you think I still like you. Or, maybe, it’s because you cheated on me for my sister.”

I look away from him. He’s quiet.

“That’s why you ignored me?” He asks. “How did you..”

“I saw you guys making out.”

“I-I didn’t mean for you to-”

“Please. I don’t care anymore.”

“I’m sorry.” 

“You know, sorry would’ve been nice two years ago. But sorry doesn’t fix it, does it?”


“And the worst part? I actually loved you.”

“...You did?”

“Yeah. You were the only person that cared about me. But clearly not enough.”

“B-but you never..”

“Because I couldn’t. I didn’t realize I loved you, until you broke my heart.”

He’s crying now. “I-I didn’t know, I thought you hated me.”

 â€śNo. I never hated you.”

“I-I’m so sorry.”

“I already told you. I don’t care. Unfreeze them.”

“I can’t.”

“Then leave.”

“I-okay. Fine.”

He turns, wiping his face. He starts to fly away, but turns around. “I love you.”

I look away. “Goodbye, JJ.”

When I look back he’s gone. I collapse, sobbing into my hands. Blaze drops his head on my shoulder, wrapping his tail around me. 

I haven’t said that to anybody. I never thought about it again. I decided love was stupid, and I wouldn’t let myself fall in love again. I never thought about him again. I kept myself busy by working. I didn’t talk to people so I didn’t risk falling for someone.

I feel arms wrap around me, and I look up. Chase and Arlo unfroze, and are hugging me. Instead of yelling, I let them. They don’t say anything, we just stay there quietly.

I promised myself I would never love another person. Somehow, I fell for these two.


“Uh, guys?” I hear. I open my eyes, groaning.

I sit up, and see Chase doing the same. Arlo’s standing with Blaze, and they turn to us.

“Where are we?” I ask him.

We’re not in the field anymore. It looks like a cave, but it’s huge. There’s a river beside us, but the water is dark red. Other than the river, there are just brown rocks. 

“I don’t know.” Arlo says. We get up, and he comes over to us. “I’m scared.”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“What happened?” Chase asks.

“We fell asleep.” Arlo tells us. “Blaze woke me up, and we were here.”

“Where’s here?” I ask.

“This the Dark Cavern!” A voice booms. “You are here to meet your fate!”

October 16, 2020 21:57

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Unknown User
15:04 Jan 24, 2021

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Kyra Haskin
16:35 Jan 07, 2021

OMG yasssss I love the unpredictably ending! Can't wait to read part 4 in class hehe


Ari Berri
23:06 Jan 07, 2021



Kyra Haskin
01:35 Jan 08, 2021

I am already done..... You should make more of these hehe :D They are really interesting teehee. You shall make more MUAHAHAHA XD


Ari Berri
15:16 Jan 08, 2021

I might.


Kyra Haskin
01:31 Jan 09, 2021

Yayyyyyyy! They are so cool :D


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Kyra Haskin
01:31 Jan 09, 2021

Yayyyyyyy! They are so cool :D


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Kyra Haskin
01:32 Jan 09, 2021

Yayyyyyyy! They are so cool :D


Ari Berri
03:32 Jan 09, 2021

Thank you!


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