American Drama Fiction

So this is it. I'm doing it. I'm walking up there and killing the guy I know nothing about and I won't feel guilty about it I mean, there must be a reason aunt Lacy wants him dead. Right? People don't just decide they want someone dead. Right?

But hell, I'm the last person to talk about ethics and morals. Just yesterday I stole a couple of candy bars at Walmart. In my defense I was hungry as fuck and the owners of Walmart probably do not need the money as much as I do. Ask my landlord and my embarrassing bank account. So technically I am justified. I mean, before my mother died she used to make me and my dad read the Bible every night and even though my faith took a plunge when my mother was killed in a hit and run, my dad upping and leaving me a year later, I still somewhat believed in a higher being. This is possibly punishment for this Luca Moretti's sins, I mean I'm just a vessel to one of God's plans. Right?

Dammit, I couldn't start talking myself out of this. I mean, how hard could killing someone be? James Bond does it all the time. Besides, according to Forensic Files, I won't even be a suspect, I mean, I don't even know the man. No way anyone would suspect me for this. I'll just shoot the guy, pray then go and collect my reward. I refuse to think of myself as a murderer. The word is too harsh. I'm a bounty hunter that's what I am. A bounty hunter who is about to be a million dollars richer.

The man in black had arrived a week ago. He had wrinkled his nose as his huge frame stepped into my dingy apartment and looked over at me in silent judgment. I on the other hand was going over every thing I had done, trying to figure out how on earth I could have got a six foot five man knocking on my door.

I will admit none of it made sense. I mean I had heard about my aunt Lacy, my mother's rich sister who cut ties with my mother because of her "poor life choices". After I was left alone I didn't bother seeking out any relatives because I knew no one would want me. I settled for doing odd jobs where I could and getting an apartment at the worst parts of city. Luckily I hadn't been stabbed on my way home. Atleast not yet but it is safe to say I am barely getting by.

So even a strange brooding man who looks like an ax murderer opens a black briefcase and tells me my aunt said I could have it all, a million dollars, I would get it if I could prove I deserved her help, if I could prove I wasn't a spineless wimp. Like my mum she had said in the letter the man had shown me but taken with him. Just to be safe he'd said.

I would have to prove my spine-ness or whatever by killing some guy she hated. I would have to devise a plan all on my own and make sure I don't get caught. Some guy who she apparently wanted to burn with in hell is who I'm supposed to kil. How could I refuse when one million dollar was on the line. When I had opened the refrigerator to find a single eggplant inside, I knew what I had to do. The convenience of finding a shady guy who agreed to get me a gun "real cheap" futher confirmed my God's plan theory.

I should have done some research like in the movies. Hell if I know, it's been a while since I've watched television. But I figure I could have gone to an Internet Cafe and typed his name in, he has to be rich if he got my aunt's attention to such an extent. Right? I look at the picture the hitman impersonator left with me, a clear picture of Luca Morreti and sigh. I'll have to pull the trigger fast. God knows he could pummel me to death with such a body. I had been left with the basic information about him, including his work place and his address.

I chose to do it after he knocked of work. His house surely had more security. I guess non of the guards standing by the building doors so me as a threat cause I was let in with no hustle, the gun burning a hole in my pocket. I am truly doing this.

Yes. Yes he is rich. The black Rolls Royce Phantom makes that pretty clear actually. Mr Moretti finally arrived at the parking lot were I was carefully hiding and avoiding the cameras when most of the cars where gone.. It was sometime after ten pm, I had dozzed off against an old red pickup truck at the far corner but had risen quickly when I had the resounding footsteps drawing closer. I acted on impulse and jumped out from behind the car and ran straight towards Luca, gun raised high. It hit me then. I had no idea how to use a fucking gun.

Fucking great.

I had to continue though, so I schooled my face to the most menacing expression as I stood in front of Mr Moretti, gun held up even though I was freaking out inside. What the hell had I been thinking agreeing to this.

"Fffreeze?" I manage to croak out, my face growing hot as the hottest man ever looks down at my shorter frame in amusement.

"Was that a question?" he asks Leaning against his car leisurely and smiling in the most disarming and unfairly gorgeous way. He is clearly patronizing me.

Well now I won't feel so bad about killing him.

"No, I'm here to kill you." I declare confidently.

"Right, how about you actually point the gun at me and not yourself first." he says, laughing as my face flushes, realizing the gun is pointing the wrong way.

"So, what will you do with my body, I mean there are cameras here, and your gun doesn't have a silencer,as soon as the shot goes, the guards come running in." he points out, a highly amused expression on his face.

I find no reply for his question so I just gape at him.

" You really didn't this through."he points out.

I really didn't.

"Well it doesn't matter, I'll just drive away in your car real fast and be out of the country by tomorrow." I say when I finally find my voice.

"Hmm, I guess that would work, if the gun was real" he says smugly. Then it clicks.

Why the gun feels so light. The shady dealer swindled me. I shoot at Lucas's side and water spurts out of the gun I'd spent every last bit of my saved money on. Fuck my life!

I bang my head against the expensive car, hoping for death. Badly. Luca on the other hand is having a blast, laughing like a goddamn hot angel.

"What's your name?" he finally asks after he gets it all out.

"Adrian" I mumble.

"Well Adrian, let me buy you dinner while you tell me how you are related to Lacy Sabbat and how she got you to agree to kill me." he says opening the cardoor and gesturing for me to enter. What the heck right.

Turns out, I made the right choice by trying to kill my now husband three years ago.

December 14, 2020 23:47

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Raquel Rodriguez
00:20 Dec 15, 2020

Hey! Another Melanie reference from 'Milk and Cookies!' Okay, so I really like the storyline, great job! You crank out stories fast, huh? I have a few tips: 1.) '" You really didn't this through. "he points out.' '" Well it doesn't matter, I'll just drive away in your car real fast and be out of the country by tomorrow"' Delete the space between the quotation marks and the first words, then (for the first sentence) delete the space between the period and the quotation marks, and space out the dialogue tag from the dialogue. 2...


Arynn Diaz
12:36 Dec 15, 2020

Thank u so much for the feedback, I'll fix it. And yes, I'd like to think I have a story for almost everything inside my head ..lol


Raquel Rodriguez
12:59 Dec 15, 2020

You're welcome! Alright. Lol, same, but I have to dig REALLY deep to find them, lol


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