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Fantasy Fiction

"How much money?!" I ask the man. "I told you already, 1,000 coins. But only if you bring me her heart." I sit there in silence for a bit. "So all I have to do is bring you her heart," I say my voice shivering. "but if I fail?" I ask. "Then nothing happens." I grin. He knows I could not say no to this. To no longer live on the streets? Amazing. It's a good thing I know a little witchcraft though. It will help.

I stand in front of the palace. He gave me beautiful clothes to impress the king. I curled my hair with my fingers. It took all night but it worked. The guards see me and are enchanted. "Sirs I am here to see the king about the maid position," I tell them. They let me in no questions needed. When I see the king I almost barf. The usually handsome king was covered in grime and had puffy eyes. "What is wrong your majesty?" I ask him. "The queen died yesterday," he tells me between tears. I gasp, pretending to be sad. I quickly pat the air headed towards him with my hand. He breathes it in and looks at me with a glisten in his eyes.

A week later we got married. I know it's weird. I'm only five years older than his daughter but this is normal in most kingdoms. Anyway, his daughter won't be around for much longer. But that night she started talking to me. "Hey...I guess you're my stepmom now." she tells me awkwardly. "Don't think of me that way, think of me as your older sister." I suggest. She smiles and hugs me. Everything was fine for five months. But then the king had a heart attack. He died while we slept. Both me and his daughter were distressed. "Snow...I'm sorry your father died." I told her through tears. She gave me a bitter smile. I pulled her closer, gave her my shoulder to cry on.

A couple years past and I got a letter. It told me if I didn't give him her heart soon he would reveal the plan to everyone. I went to my magic mirror and asked if it was true. He said it was and I was torn. If I didn't I would be revealed, but Snow would be safe. If I did Snow would be dead and I could run from the kingdom rich. I turned cruel on her but every night kindly put her to bed. One day I called in a huntsman. I told him my problem and how I couldn't kill her myself. he agreed to go kill her.

He had finally returned and gave me a pigs heart. I threw it across the room and started to cry. I locked him in the dungeon for his cruelty. I had to do it myself. I brewed up a poison apple, and using my magic mirror found her location. I disguised my self as an old woman and went. The girl was gullible like she had never been before. I gave her the apple and she dropped to the ground. I raised a knife in the air then dropped it. I couldn't. I turned and ran. Soon the spell wore off. I went back to the streets. I just couldn't hurt her. Sweet gullible Snow White. I sat on the streets until one day Snow came with a prince throwing coins on the street. My hair was short and my skin dirty but she recognized me. She got off her horse and came to hug me. I called her into an empty ally and stabbed her. I cried as I did it but I needed to get of the streets. Her face was twisted in pain and betrayal.

"Is the deal still open?" I asked the strange man. He turned and saw me. I handed him the box with her heart in it. He smiled and handed me a huge purse. It was filled to the brim with the coins. I bought a horse then fled town. Sorry Snow but I have to look after number one. I saw a pretty kingdom. I bought some other nice clothes and twisted my graying hair up. I introduced myself to a kind man. We had two ugly daughters than I fled him. I introduced myself to a different man who already had a daughter. "Hello Ella" I told her. She just stared at me. Another child who just lost a mother. I married her father. I was truly happy. But then he died. I turned his daughter into my maid. "Cinderella come here, I need my tea." I told her the day of the ball. She agreed. I tipped a potion into my tea and drank it. It would make me young again. Would take all day to work though.

That night I had to flee my life again. I came to the ball after my daughters, a beauty. I was going to dance with the prince but Cinderella appeared beautiful. I growled but ran. I needed to hide. I ran to a quiet village and sat under a tree. A young man came up to me. "You look like you've lived a hard life" he told me. I smiled at him. I didn't want to leave him but my death was nearing. I wen't on a walk one day and didn't comeback to my king. Once our son turned eleven I turned the young prince to a beast. It was the hardest thing I ever did. I didn't like all the betrayal I had done, but if I were to die it would be extravagant. I didn't think I could turn him. But after doing I closed my eyes as I cried. I opened my eyes just to see him growl. Then the strange man appeared and leaned down next to me. "You did well" he told me. I smiled at my father. He had believed in me and my ability to betray them.

November 12, 2020 13:34

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1 comment

15:37 Nov 18, 2020

Thanks for all likesπŸ€— Really didn't think it would do well. I'm just a budding writer. Much preferred my story "The Rain" over this one I wrote but both I felt were just weird


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