Happy Friendship Kids

In the city of la, There lives a girl named Kayla, and she is just an ordinary girl. She goes to a middle school ,and she has two friends .One day she was watching Tv in the living room. Kayla! Her mom said, Don’t you have a test next week? You should be studying! Well yeah but that’s next week Kayla said. So be ready and study! Kids have a lot of responsibility! Mom said. Ok Kayla said. She was going to her room. Just then her little brother Johnny ran to her. Hey Kayla! He said. Come play with me! I can't. I have to study for a test, Kayla said. Then she got to her room, and got to work.

The next week at school. It was the day for the test. Kayla went to her two friends. Jordan and Mia. She asked them if they felt ready for the test. They replied. I’m so ready for this test. Mia said. I’m ready I guess. Jordan said. What about you Kayla? Umm Kayla said. Yeah I’m so ready ,but inside she was not. Then at class the teacher gave them the test. Get started. The teacher said. Kayla was getting butterflies in her stomach. She did the test. A few days later. The teacher graded the test. Kayla’s friends did great! They got 100%! When Kayla got her. She got a 25%.That was not good. She felt so sad. She is going to be honest, and tell her mom.

When Kayla got home .She started to cry. What’s wrong baby? Her mom said. If I tell you, you are going to get mad. No I won’t just tell me. Her mom said. I Kayla said. I failed on my test. Just then mom's smile faded away. You failed? She said. Yes I did Kayla said sadly. Ok you are going to study more. Mom said. Ok Kayla said .I will go study now.

Kayla went up the stairs to go start studying. Just then she got a text. Her brother was behind her. You got a text. He said. I know I have a text. She said back. She went to her room. Her brother followed her. Can you go away. I’m going to study. She said. Ok he said. When he was getting out. He took Kayla’s phone. What is that text? Johnny said to himself. It was a text about a job. It was a job about cleaning in a junk stone. Johnny clicked on the link. Just to see what it has. Just then by accident he applied for the job. Oh No! He said. This is Kayla’s phone! This is a job she would never apply for! Then without Kayla looking. Johnny went back to her room, And put the phone back.

A week later, Kayla was hanging with her friends. Then she got a call from her mom. Hey mom. Kayla said. Hey  come home now. She said. Why? Kayla said. Just come you will see. Mom said. I will be right back. Kayla said to Jordan and Mia. Okay! They both said. When she got home. There was a Man. Mom said, He wants to talk to you. Uh ok? Kayla said. The man talked to her, And said you got the job! What job? Kayla said. You applied for the Job Remember? He said. No, I never applied for any job. She said. The man looked at her confused. It says that you Kayla Danny Orlando applied for this job. Wait I what? Kayla said, confused.  you got the wrong person. Kayla said. Well come on you are going to love this job. The man said. What is the job anyways? Kayla said. It’s doing work at a junk store. The man said. You think that’s fun!!! She said. Who would want to do that! Kayla! Her mom said. You should take the job. You need to learn responsibility. Ok Fine I’ll try. Kayla said unhappy. Great! The man said. Here is the store address, And come tomorrow at 5pm for you first day. Then the man Left the house. Mom! Kayla said. Did you apply The  job for me!? No. Mom said. It’s probably a mistake, But I want you to do that job. Uh Johnny said. Kayla can I talk to you upstairs? Ok She said.

So Johnny said. Last week I kind of applied for the job by accident. What! Kayla said. Why did you do that. I would never want that job! I know I’m so sorry. Johnny said you're going to kill me right? Well It’s Ok. Kayla said. Mom wants me to get a job anyways. I don’t really know if I would like cleaning in a junk shop, But I will try. Oh ok. Johnny said. I won’t to this ever again. Good. Kayla said. I’m not going to tell mom ok? Ok thanks sis. Johnny said.

The next day at school. Kayla told her friends what Johnny did. Wow Jordan said, And you said yes? Well my mom wants me to do work. So I will try it. Kayla said. Well that’s good what’s so bad about working in a Junk store. Mia said. Good luck. Jordan said. Yeah Mia said. Thanks guys. Kayla said. Come on let's get to class.

Then after school Kayla’s mom took her to the store. Hello! The man said. Hi Kayla said. I’m ready to start. Ok the man said. Go and wash your hands .Ok she said. As she went to the bathroom .She saw two faces that looked familiar. Mia, Jordan? Kayla said. Hey! They said. What are you guys doing here? Kayla said. We got text yesterday. They said. We applied so you had us here to do the job with you. Omg Kayla said. You guys are the best. I don’t know how I would live with out you guys. They all hugged each other. Washed their hands, And got to work.

The man saw Kayla talking to Mia and Jordan. Wow he said. You guys know each other. Well yeah. They all said. Ok the man said. My name is Mark. I’m going to be helping you around, And show you want to do. All three girls were ready, And got started cleaning.

As the day got Dark, they were working great! Then it was time to go for the day. Bye everyone. Mark said. The store is closing, And you guys can go home now. Kayla was so happy. Her friends were with her, And the job was not that bad. Her mom picked her up. Kayla said. Bye to her friends. So Mom said. your friends got the job to. How was it? It was great!!! Kayla said. We are coming back tomorrow .Well that’s great! I told you it would be fun!

Then at home, Kayla went to Johnny and hugged him so tight. Why are you hugging me? He said. The job was great! My friends are there, And you are the person who applied for me. Wait, he did? Mom said. Oh Yeah Kayla said. I just did not tell you. I love you bro. Kayla said. I love you sis. Johnny said. Well you guys can have a free day today. Mom said good job for both of you .No Kayla said I want to do chores Responsibility is fun! Oh ok! Mom said. I’m Proud of you so much Kayla!  

Then the next day, After school Kayla went to work with her friends. She was having a great time. With her friends, Boss, And her new Job.

December 17, 2020 00:14

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Ruby 💫
00:28 Dec 17, 2020

Hello my first story! You can tell me some advice, And I hope you like it! ❤


01:38 Dec 17, 2020

do you want some critique??


01:42 Dec 17, 2020

okee sooo you forgot to put quotation marks ("...") throughout the whole story, and then after commas there are unnecessary capitalizations. Also you missed some commas, so thats some critique for ya. Also look at other people's stories to get more creative ideas, so it's a bit more unique.😊 - Amethyst


Ruby 💫
16:28 Dec 19, 2020

ok thanks girl❤


16:28 Dec 19, 2020

np :D


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Sapphire 🌼
22:44 Dec 19, 2020

Hello! Yasss first storyyyyy!! Yeah, Like amethyst said, there are some grammatical errors throughout that I'm sure you will improve on as you keep writing. Adding them in would make it much easier to read the story :) This is very good for a first story! It was so creative and I enjoyed reading it! I recommend reading other people's stories and works, to help yourself improve! I do that too, and I find it is a great source for inspiration! Nice job Ruby! Saph


Ruby 💫
15:28 Dec 21, 2020



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