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Funny Sad Creative Nonfiction

Standing by the side of the pillar, spotting the lady standing by the bench, she was looking at her watch and then moving her eyes in all directions and trying to find the reason she was here for.Seeing that I thought “what would I say to her, why am I late??”. Well she is my best friend. I will tell her the truth that convincing my parents to allow me to come here took a bit of time. Walking through the crisp type air similar to the feelings that I was having, I reached to her , stood behind her like a statue for two to three minutes and then gently placed my hand on her shoulders, horrified she got up and turned around hurriedly and said “ You!! Oh god Vanessa you scared me” , “ Sorry for that , well how are you??” I said in a cheerful way , praying to god she doesn’t ask why are you late.Well I think god did not listen to me this time, in the answer to my question she replied in an annoying way “ Come on!! Vanessa!! How could you ask a girl who is waiting for like…. at least 2 hours! Where were you?” There it comes, the question I was running from! What should I say to her, the truth?that my dad was not allowing me to go with you to this party? No way!! I am not ready to hear that “ Do you have to take permission before going anywhere newbie” No!!

“ Vanessa! Where are you??.... I asked, `` Why were you late??” I stammered but gathered myself up and tried to say “ Oh yeah! Why was I late? Yeah why was I late? Umm… the taxi!! The taxi was late!! Veronica!!” Oh!! that was pretty fast!! Well done to yourself! “Oh ! That was sad……… Vanessa!! What type of shoes are you wearing?We decided to wear the matching pair” she said in a shocking way.

Why do difficulties only see me?? Why do they only come to me?? Should I tell her that the pairs you bought me I didn't like them or like... I didn’t want to wear them? Exactly I should say that to her and she would throw that bag she is holding into my stomach and no new year party and most importantly the 9 years friendship would be destroyed!! “ Vanessa!! Come on!! Didn't you like the pair I bought for you?” she said in a kind of mood changing voice.“No No Veronica!!No!! Um… I actually lost them, you know… um.. my closet ! It needs a cleanup” I said as fast as I could and as clear and realistic I can be but of course she suspected something but she didn't try to show it “ Well okay then, come let's go I do not want to get late , we are just at time thank god, or I thought you were looking forward to make us late today” she said and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the counter “Oh really!! Thank God your investigation is finished. You were literally acting like a police officer!Why are you late? Why are you wearing these? Come on ?”I said and got pulled towards the counter by her, “ No I was just a bit angry …. like you know I was waiting for you like 2 hours , it makes you feel tired and then you turn up with different pairs of shoes like that was annoying”she said in a bit better and joyful voice ,I was about to be happy that at last all the blunders I have done are safely hidden under my lier blanket where no one could suspect them , when suddenly or accidentally I noticed the board up the counter “ Ticket Receiver ” it said in bold letters, I looked at it slapped my both hands on my face! I HAVE FORGOTTEN THE TICKETS AT HOME . Gosh!! Gosh!! What will I say to her? I was lazy and I forgot it and….. no! She will be so mad at me! I could say my dog teared it! No! She will think the same of me again! Why do I forget so many things? Why can’t I just pack my things before time? I wish I had listened to my mom when she told me to be more responsible and the other main problem is that I can not say what I really want to like what I really mean about that situation, always we are supposed to think that what will the person in front of us think if we said the truth “Vanessa what’s wrong??Come on you had the tickets give them those so we can have fun….. Venassa!! Are you okay?” She said in a horrified way, I was going pale, how could I forget the tickets and what should I do now… think brain! Come on work, I wish I have done some riddles or brain teaser so it could be of some use now!........I don’t know why I just got a feeling to tell her the truth… I don’t know the impacts but I am going to tell her the truth.. or half a truth? Whatever I am supposed to be prepared for the impact! I said with confidence and in a completely clear voice I said, “ I am sorry Veronica,I forgot the tickets home, I am very sorry, I didn’t mean this , I was too lazy to grab my things or check them…… I forgot I apologize for that” I said and ended up with breathing so fast , this maybe the very first truth I have spoken ( All true) She was glaring at me with open eyes ,tears now started to roll down her cheeks she ran away while crying and stopped beside her car and before sitting she said “ You know how much I loved this concert and how I tried to gather money for this!! but it is okay , no problem and Thank you ” She sat in her car and drove it towards her house. I was crying too, I should be happy to that I have such a good friend but that was my mistake and I am the one who should get be treated like this , crying and taking out the handkerchief from my bag to swipe my face, I found something that was unbelievable, the tickets were in my bag!! I brought them but I forgot that I brought them!! Who was I telling this too?? Myself!! Ughhhhhhhh!! I am such a disaster, I promise to myself that my new year resolution is that I will speak what I really mean to say or at least I have concluded that my truth and lie saying timings do not have right times to be spoken and try to at least make my friend understand my feelings when I am talking....Oops!! I have to convince her ,God bless me and hope I am able to speak what I mean!!!

But this is what I suggest to you believe in yourselves and speak what you mean, your true friend would never judge you if you are wrong.It is always very hard to say what you really feel about the current situation but you don't say it as you think about the troubles you will face, this is true we do face situation were we are not able to say things we have in our mind and wanted to say but thinking of the feelings others will end us speaking very little or a lie when we get the chance

January 11, 2021 08:42

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A.J. Brown
01:26 Jan 21, 2021

Good advice, a lot of people have trouble with this


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