Fantasy Teens & Young Adult Black

I think I had made a mistake trusting her. My mom, that is.

She put me in this river of gold that passes for a dress and made me come to this Coming of Age party. She said I would have fun and asked me to trust her. I could see now how big of a mistake that was now. But looking into her blue striking eyes, it was hard to disagree.

But the truth is I had wanted to ignore this ball. To pretend it wasn't happening tonight. Here in this glowing and luxurious hall with rivers of glittering gold and diamonds and rubies and sapphires that came in the form of purses, jewelry and dresses. And their outrageous haidos!

It didn't matter that I was hungry and I could smell something appetizing in the distance. It didn't matter that the Musician was playing my favorite song, almost driving me to dance a few times. I wanted to leave as soon as possible.

These people were horrid. All the smirking Princes and mocking Princesses. Some of them pointed me out openly like I was a disease. All because our skin colours were different.

I'm human too, I wanted to tell them. My black skin does not stop me being alive and healthy. But I kept shut and swallowed, fighting the hot tears that rushed to my eyes each time one of them pointed.

Humiliation. I had felt it since the very first day of my birth, I was sure. It was engraved so deeply into my soul that I felt it had become part of me. Even before I knew what I was, I was pointed at, laughed at. For being a Naka. A piece of trash. A dirty Black.

Somewhere in the middle of my self depreciation and deep regret, I hadn't noticed the golden platform in the center of the room. I squinted. Where did the platform come from? It hadn't been there a few moments ago...

"Welcome to the coming of age ceremony, my dear bright ones," the woman on the platform said. Elegant, sharp looking, in a form fitting hot red dress and with clear white skin. I swallowed in envy. The gods clearly had their favorites.

The woman smiled, a striking smile, as though sensing my thoughts. "It is a joyous occasion and a cause for celebration that all in this room are coming of age. You are now officially ready to take over places of power and importance in your various kingdoms." This elicited applause from everyone. Except me.

"But," she continued, "I bear even greater news."

I had barely been listening to her speech before, hut now she had my full attention. What, in the name of the gods, could be more important than telling these whites with bright futures: "look, now your life will go from being good to being great!"

That was when I noticed the two people standing behind the woman. A man and a woman. They looked... expensive.

The woman persuaded her face to look sad. "Fifteen years ago, the King and Queen's two year old daughter was kidnapped by a man seeking revenge on them. It was assumed the man had killed her to finish off his revenge. The King and Queen were disheartened." She paused, watching for the effect of her words. Silence so deep and tangible sat perfectly still in the air.

"But, this past night, the Princess' gem started to glow. The gem that glows when you are about to come of age. It could only mean one thing: the Princess was still alive."

There were gasps and sounds of shock or surprise flying around. My breathing ceased when the woman turned to me.

"The King and queen had trouble birthing children and so they went to the great water spirit and got themselves a child. They were told the child would have black skin." The woman smiled at me. "It can be nobody else but you."

My mouth fell open, my hear racing. "Wh—what are you ta—talkin...?"

"But just to be sure," the woman said, opening her palm. "We will test you."

I swallowed. "I..I don't underst—"

I looked down at her outstretched palm. It held three greenish gems.

"One of them is yours," she said, looking into my eyes. "You will know it when you touch it."

Fighting to keep my breathing even and trying to ignore all the stares and whispers I was attracting, I put my hand on the first gem. Solid, small rockish thing. I touched the second one, swiping my finger on it.

Maybe I wasn't the Princess. Maybe I had let this woman get in my head with her stupid story and convince me I was worth more than a hideous piece of trash. And even worse...maybe this was just an elaborate joke.

I touched the third one and instantly felt something click in me. It was warm to my touch. It was perfect. It was mine. I clasped it, a small smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. "I think this is it."

"Indeed!" The woman said, smiling brightly. "Inhabitants of Gajar kingdom, I welcome, after fifteen years of enstrangement, your Princess!"

The claps started little by little but soon the whole hall had joined in, whether with happiness or not. I hadn't noticed an expensively dressed woman come in front of me and give me an emotional, tear-filled hug. I could feel her anguish pouring into me like rain onto the soil. A man who looked as expensively dressed as her with...my eyes. Blue eyes. He pulled me into a hug too.

And they took me on the platform to stand with them. I had never thought it. Me, a mere Black, an ugly broken pot in the middle of this river of beauty...I was their Princess?

I don't know what the warm feeling that came over me was. Happiness? Validation? Acceptance? My heart was light and fuzzy and I soon realized just how dejected I had felt all through my life.

But now, on this platform that they had to look up to, I felt...not so ugly. But soon my heart stopped with a jolt. If these were my real parents, then who was the woman I had called 'mother' all my life?

May 12, 2021 22:41

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