My story is entitled The Quarrel among some three Pirates who were John Doe, James Robinson and Jerry Somebody in a ship which they kept the passengers as hostages.

Submitted into Contest #105 in response to: Write a story from the point of view of three different characters.... view prompt


Adventure Mystery Creative Nonfiction

My story is entitled The Quarrel among some three Pirates who were John Doe, James Robinson and Jerry Somebody in a ship which they kept the passengers as hostages.

Once upon a time, the story about the Quarrel among some three Pirates who were John Doe, James Robinson and Jerry Somebody tells of how a ship by name the Hispaniola was able to manoeuvre and then sail to a certain island in order to find some valuable treasure which according to an old chart had been buried there entirely.

However, on his arrival the three Pirates by name John Doe, James Robinson and Jerry Somebody tried to take command of the ship in order to get all the treasure for themselves. They then escaped to a hut erected on the shore of the sea , taking Joseph Hawkins with him but after some moment they decided that Joseph should be killed or imprisoned.

Also the Pirates who were John Doe, James Robinson, and Jerry Somebody experienced a sudden growl among themselves. It was during this moment that one of them drew a knife and Joseph Hawkins thought it was his last hour. John Doe however held the others off , although they faced him angrily till he was able to shout them down. When any of them wants to fight with any of the Pirates they must know the rules.? Also let anyone that dares take a knife and then I will see the colour of his inside . I do like that boy. He is more of a man to me than any two of you rolled together into one.

Again the next thing was that the men went outside to discuss this issue among themselves. Immediately they were gone, John Doe came close and whispered to me.

They are going to dispose you, Joseph Hawkins but I promise to stand by you through thick and thin in issues. You seem to be hairs breadth from death but we will stand together with you. I will also save your life , if I can possibly do so. Also you can possibly save John Doe from hanging if you are able to get the chance.

Within another minute, the man returned and one of them slipped something into John Doe's hand . It was the Golden Black Spot said John Doe. I thought so. You have almost finished with me have you.? Well, he commented that “I am still your captain till you are able to speak your complaints and I reply.

You seem to have ruined everything on this voyage said a man named Michael Jackson and now there is this boy. So, I seem to have ruined everything, have I.? cried out loud Jerry Somebody.

Also he commented that you all knew what he really wanted and if that had been done he and the other Pirates John Doe, and James Robinson would aboard the ship, which was the Hispaniola this morning and with the golden treasure too during the period of thunder.

Also a young boy was also kept hostage by the three Pirates who were John Doe, James Robinson, and Jerry Somebody. The Pirates opted for the young boy to be killed.

The doctor in the Ship had wanted to see the boy and warned the Pirates not to harm the innocent young boy. Also as the young boy spoke he threw down the golden treasure that he got from Jerry Robinson at the feet of the two other Pirates John Doe and Jerry Somebody.

The two Pirates then jumped and leaped upon the golden treasure like some sort of cats upon a mouse. Also, John Doe commented that he lost the ship and he had found the golden treasure. Who was noted as the better man.? Also when I resign by the period of thunder and I will choose what captain I like. John Doe, then cried, John Doe is the new Captain.

Other people who were kept hostage in the ship started to panic and created all sorts of disturbances which could not be solved. They were shouting loudly, that made James Robinson one of the Pirates gave a warning shot, that nearly killed one of the hostages in the ship. It took a longer time before they were rescued in the ship.

Finally, the men and women in the ship who were kept hostage by the Pirates were rescued by the American Navy Force who were sailing on the sea. There were gun shots and quiet a number of people also loss their lives whilst others sustained injuries during the gun shots.

The Pirates were not willing to release the hostages, because they demanded huge sums of money from the hostages and they were extorting money from them by force means through pilfering into their bags and other suitcases. As noted, anytime the Pirates came across money, they became excited and wanted to share it among themselves. The main mission of the Pirates was to rob the travellers who were now kept as hostages of their little money and other valuable items.

Jerry Somebody who was also one of the Pirates during the gun shots experienced some injury , he got himself wounded that he almost fainted during the incident. After the gun shots , the three Pirates had no other option but to surrender or else they will be killed by the American Naval Force. The three Pirates had to surrender because they were frightened and scared as to the number of American soldiers in the ship quiet outnumbered them. Some of the American soldiers also got themselves injured during the gun shots that they also sustained wounds and had to be taken to the hospital by Ambulance when the ship got to the sea shore.

Later the young boy who was about to be killed was also rescued from captivity from the Ship by the American Naval Force. Lastly the three Pirates who were John Doe, Jerry Somebody and James Robinson were imprisoned for life in a Prison by the American Naval Force when they got to the shore after sailing on the sea. 

August 02, 2021 20:15

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