Submitted to: Contest #86

The House That Built Me

Written in response to: "Start your story with one character pointing out the first sign of spring to another."

Middle School American

Author's Note: This story is based on the song The House That Built Me by Miranda Lambert. The credit of the entire storyline (minus the ending) and some of the sentences goes to Miranda Lambert. :D Make sure to check the song out! And I do know that this story doesn't go with the prompt.

My hands shook as I stepped off of the bus. I nodded to the driver, and he waved before flying down the road. A cloud of dust blew up from the tires. I swatted it away from me, remembering my twelve-year-old self doing the same thing when I watched Daddy drive away to work.

With a deep breath, I made my way to the house. The siding was still painted white, but it was chipped and worn. New bushes and flowers sat in front. The long porch caused a memory to hit me like a wave. Momma sat in the rocking chair with me in her arms, singing softly. It was my favorite song at the time.

My eyes became watery. I wiped the tears away, pushing the thought to the back of my mind. One foot in front of the other, I walked until I stopped at the porch steps. As clear as day, my hand imprints were there on the second step. I shook my head and trudged up to the front door. I opened the screen portion, then knocked on the old wood door with stained glass.

I stood in front of the door for a moment, about to walk away when it opened. A middle-aged woman with shocking raven hair was standing there, drying her hands off on a dishtowel.

“Hi. Can I help you?” the woman asked me.

Here goes nothing, I thought.

“Ma’am, I know you don’t know me from Adam, but these handprints on the front steps are mine,” I replied hesitantly. “My name is Miranda Lambert. … this place is my childhood home. Here--this is a picture of me when I was young on the day that I first moved in with my family.” I chuckled, nervous, pulling out the picture of my past self with my younger brother. The woman took it from me, and a look of realization came across her face.

“Is your mom Bev Lambert, hon?”

I hadn’t heard my momma’s name in so long that I was a bit taken aback. But, of course, anyone who lived in this town knew my momma.

“Yes, ma’am. She passed away a few years ago.” At this point, I was tired of the niceties and ready to go inside. “If I could just come in, I swear I’ll leave. Won’t take nothin’ but a memory from the house that built me.” The woman stared at me, then the picture, then back to me. My blurt had clearly surprised her. To be honest, it surprised me, too.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Of course. Come on in. My name is Leeanna Boyer,” Leeanna stated. She opened the door wider, allowing me to walk in. I shuffled through the hallway, to the stairs that were next to that little back bedroom. Those were the places where I did my homework and I learned to play guitar.

“I bet you didn’t know: under that live oak, my favorite dog is buried in the yard.” I pointed through the window to a ginormous oak tree. Bunches of daisies grew beneath the tree’s branches.

“Oh. I’m so sorry. What was its name? My family would be happy to put something up to honor the pup,” Leeanna said cautiously. My chin began to quiver, but I stopped it before the tears came.

“No, that’s okay. Her name was Daisy. That’s why we planted daisies over her resting place.” I smiled sadly while making my way up the stairs. Where there had been pale pink carpet was replaced with a white-washed hardwood. Momma loved that carpet. Daddy thought it was ugly, but he let her keep it. I’d always thought it was terrible, but looking at the house without it made me realize how homey it made the place feel.

With Leeanna following close behind, I roamed to my old bedroom. When I lived in that room, it was covered in everything that had to do with Nashville. Singers, guitars, music notes… Now it was just a storage space.

“Momma cut out pictures of houses for years from Better Homes and garden magazines. Daddy thought she was crazy for wanting a big house. But he loved her with all his heart and he gave life to Momma’s dream,” I mentioned suddenly. With a sigh, I sat down in the center of the room. For the first time in a while, I let a river of teardrops flow down my cheeks. They were silent, but tears nonetheless. I reached out and ran my hand down the now-blue wall.

The unfamiliar hardwood disappeared as I imagined I was sitting in my room again. The soft carpet, Daddy strumming a song on his guitar, Momma yelling at my little brother for getting into the pie, the wind blowing in from the open window, and the smell of barbeque wafting up from the grill outside all hit me.

I don’t know how long I stayed in this dream world before I realized that I was bawling into Leeanna’s shoulder, who was now kneeling on the floor beside me. With that, the water poured down harder. Leeanna was acting like Momma. 

“It’s okay, Miranda. You’re home,” Leeanna whispered. I nodded. Maybe that was the source of my outburst. Maybe it was the memories.

For many minutes, the two of us sat there. Leeanna wrapped her arms around me. I could feel respect for her growing inside of me despite the circumstances.

“Thank you,” I said, barely above a whisper, when my tears began to fade away.

“You’re welcome.” She took a deep breath. “I did the same thing as you a couple of years ago.” I pulled away from her, wiping the salty drops of water off of my face.

“What? Crying on a person-I-just-met’s shoulder?” I questioned, only half-joking.

“No. Going home. I knocked on the door, and then I ran away. I’ve always regretted that day. I am so glad you didn’t make the same mistake as I did.” She paused as if remembering the day. “Now, you can leave and forget this ever happened, or you could have dinner with me.” Leeanna gave me a small grin.

“That sounds great,” I replied. I returned Leeanna’s smile as she pulled me up from the floor. I followed her through the oh-so-familiar hallways, ending up in the kitchen. An older woman, a man about my age, and a teen girl all stood around a peninsula. I inched my way forward.

“Miranda, this is Hailey, Joe, and…” Leeanna stopped before saying the older woman’s name, glancing at me. I could immediately sense something was wrong. There was something in the air that didn't sit well with me.

“This is Bev.”

“Hi,” the three greeted in unison. Their voices sounded robotic. As I pondered this odd notion, I noticed it.

Joe had been my high-school best friend.

I had babysat Hailey when she was little.

Bev… Bev was my momma. But my momma was gone. Right?

“Your momma never died,” Leeanna whispered in my ear. “I took her. And the rest of the people you love will be here soon and don’t even think about trying to leave me. Whether you’ll believe it or not, I’m your only family now.”

With those words ringing in my ears, my world went black.

Posted Mar 25, 2021

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33 likes 162 comments

Hi Brooke...


19:41 May 10, 2021





22:30 May 10, 2021



YAY!!!! I'm so glad!!!! How are you?


19:46 May 12, 2021


Me okkkkkkkk
(don't ask lol)



Lilliane Wei
17:23 Mar 28, 2021

🎉🎉🎉Happy 70th story, Brooke!! 🎉🎉🎉
This was so beautiful, I loved the way you based it off a song, it was so original. I was listening to the song at the same time as I read this to see the similarities lol and you used so many lyrics, it's amazing! The ending was . . . interesting, very interesting and it was a great touch to the story!


01:54 Mar 29, 2021

Thank you so much!
Aw, thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sososososososososososososoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is 'interesting' a good thing?


Lilliane Wei
03:32 Mar 29, 2021

Hahaha, interesting meaning I totally wasn't expecting it so DEFINITELY a good thing!!!


03:51 Mar 29, 2021

Okay, good. XD


03:51 Mar 29, 2021

Do you think there's anything that I could change/edit/revise?


Lilliane Wei
04:29 Mar 29, 2021

Hmmm...I think it's pretty good as it is. The only thing I would say is that everything fits just a little too perfectly. Idk if that makes any sense, probably not lol but I dunno how else to phrase it.


15:55 Mar 29, 2021

Uh... I think I know what you mean... Like it all seems too... routined? I don't know how to put it, either. XD Like, with the ending, Miranda shouldn't have it click together perfectly and Leeanna shouldn't just tell her? Idk lol


22:55 Mar 26, 2021

HAPY 70 STORIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊💖💖💖💖💖💖

that's an insane amount XD

that end......;O


I know in your bio you said you wanted critique, but I-

this is too perfect already XD :D

ilovethissssss <3333

~ Amethyst


02:02 Mar 27, 2021


XD Just a lil bit.

Hehe. I loved writing it. I felt like an evil villain. Mwahahahahaha!

Awwww, thank you so much, Ames! It means so, so much to me coming from you.

Which I do-

OMG, no it's not, but thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!! XD :D

awwwwwwwthankyouuuuuuu <3333

~ Brooke


17:25 Mar 27, 2021



writing them is fun; reading them is a bit cruel XD

:DDDD npppp it's true ;)

YAS IT ISSSSS but idk what to critique (sry) so ehehehe

:DD np <33333


17:35 Mar 27, 2021



Just a little bit... lol

Awwww :DD

NO IT ISN'TTTT but thank youuuuuuuu oh it's okay

<3333 :DD


17:37 Mar 27, 2021






<3 ;)


17:49 Mar 27, 2021





<3 ;)


Plz sign my petition to help save helpless cows and spread the word:


10:29 Jun 07, 2021

Sure, but what does that mean? "Helpless cows"?


It means when cows are abused for milk and meat.


20:12 Jun 09, 2021

Oh, then, of course! :)

Edit: Sorry, I can't sign the petition. I totally support the cause but would prefer not to include where I live.


Its no problem Brooke! I can totally understand! But can u at least pass the word?! It'll be great help!


22:38 Jun 11, 2021

Great! Of course! I'll put in it my bio and mention it to some of my friends. :)


B. W.
00:02 May 29, 2021

How have you been?


01:30 Jun 01, 2021

Good! How about you?


B. W.
06:32 Jun 01, 2021

Eh I'm decent, though I've recently got some exciting news that I've been trying to tell some friends and stuff, could I tell ya? ^^


21:54 Jun 01, 2021

Of course you can tell me! :D


B. W.
04:24 Jun 02, 2021

Well, I'm becoming a Voice Actor ^^


20:23 Jun 02, 2021



20:24 Jun 02, 2021



Valerie Robinson
19:30 May 21, 2021

i love ur profile picture :)

Professor McGonagall is my favorite Hogwarts teacher, sooo, yeahhhhhhhh


21:26 May 22, 2021

thx! :)

who's your favorite character?


Valerie Robinson
12:45 May 24, 2021

Cw: Major Harry Potter geeking out and some spoilers if you haven't read the whole series and the cursed child :)

Hmmm... I can't choose between Neville, Ginny, or Draco.

Now, I know Draco is supposed to be the bad guy, but he was just raised in a bad environment. I don't think he wanted to be a death eater by choice... I think he would be good if he was raised in a different... environment. Besides, book Draco is so much worse than movie Draco.

Neville is the hero at the end... if u read cursed child, u would know that if it wasn't for Neville, Voldemort wouldn't have died.

And Ginny... she's self explanatory :)


20:33 May 25, 2021

Don’t worry, I’ve read all of them. 😊

Lol all three of those are great characters and your reasons are awesome! Ginny IS self explanatory haha.

My favorite character would have to be Hermione, Luna, or McGonagall.

I’m a student just like her, and she is such a wonderful friend to Ron and Harry.

She’s so quirky and doesn’t care what people think; that’s why she’s one of my fictional role models.

Self explanatory. 😆

What is your least favorite movie?


Valerie Robinson
21:44 May 25, 2021

Yeah, I agree :)

I don't really have a least favorite movie... I'm gonna watch harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 and 2 this week, but I know I'm gonna love it... I would say my least favorite is maybe the first one... I love all of them tho :)


PS: I completely forgot about luna! She is in the top five, for sure :)


01:33 Jun 01, 2021

Gotcha. The Deathly Hallows is awesome! My least favorite is The Triwizard Tournament because of how much it leaves out from the book. :/

P.S. I feel like there's very few people who don't have her in at least the top ten... XD


21:22 May 16, 2021

Okay so first things first...
HAPPPPPY 70 STORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg that’s totally crazy!! Amazing and congrats!!! 🎉🎊🎈

Moving on, wow this was good! I found the idea of basing a story off a song super unique and fresh. I think Miranda Lambert but I dunno if I’ve heard this song :D This flowed smoothly and I love the little touches of imagery; short and sweet fit well!

Also JSKWNQKSJJQ the! Freaking! End!!! Again, I don’t think I’ve listened to the song, but omg that cliffhanger worked well for a story. Or, idk if it was even a cliffhanger, but it was kinda confusing and crazy so whatevs 😎😎

Oh and I was totally getting Southern vibes the whole time 🤠✋

In conclusion, awesome jobbb and welcome back!!


20:51 May 17, 2021


one of da best comments I’ve eva gotten.

I’m so glad you got those southern vibes bc that’s what I was going for

omg thank you so much!!!!!

and thank you again!!!

ooh, you should listen to the song. It’s so good! Also listen to something bad by Miranda


18:36 May 19, 2021


ack omggg thanks lol <33

Eeeep my pleasure!!!!!!!!

Ah I will! :D


01:08 May 21, 2021


wait… why do we always start with a j?

no problem lol 💛




12:56 May 22, 2021


I mean if we wanna get literal it’s because that’s the home row resting key for our right index finger, so it’s probably the one right-handed people press first lol




21:24 May 22, 2021


oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. *looks around in dumbness bc i had no idea why* that's smart.... ahahahahaha




Echo Sundar
22:22 May 11, 2021

Great story! And perfect use of the prompt :)


19:39 May 12, 2021

Thank you so much!


Lilliane Wei
00:19 May 07, 2021

come backkkkkkkkkkk


19:40 May 10, 2021


hahahahahahahaha me back


Lilliane Wei
20:05 May 10, 2021



20:07 May 10, 2021

are you actually happy or are you just sayin that

i'm curious


Lilliane Wei
20:22 May 10, 2021

I'm happy, why wouldn't I be? :D


22:31 May 10, 2021

Okie! :D I'm happy to be back, too.

How have you been?


why does your bio say that no one cares if you'll be back? the only reason I haven't been commenting is because everyone hates me so im juts doing them a favor. but people DO care.


19:41 May 10, 2021

because no one cares. no one hates you; you're one of the best people on this site, and dat's da truth, so you're not doing anyone a favor. they don't tho.


T-H-E-Y D-O!!!!


22:30 May 10, 2021

Yes, they do like you. No, they don't care.


they do but why do you think they don't?


19:43 May 12, 2021

I just got this feeling that people don't. And whenever I have a feeling, it's true.


Megan Sutherland
02:39 Apr 11, 2021

I don't know if you're seeing this, but I came backk... :)


Mazie Gray
16:33 Apr 13, 2021


also you can probably tell why i'm not responding with the brooke d. (inactive for a month-ish) account lol bc it's inactive so yeah


Megan Sutherland
16:48 Apr 13, 2021



Mazie Gray
16:56 Apr 13, 2021

so yeah...

how've you been?


Megan Sutherland
19:50 Apr 13, 2021

Pretty good. My track season is starting soon.


Mazie Gray
16:19 Apr 15, 2021


I've been good too. School & dance have taken up my time, and so has talking to me irl friends lol


19:01 Mar 26, 2021

Hey, Reeders!

What do you guys think? I tried to do better with the plot since I already had the entire thing planned out (except for the ending) for me, so let me know how bad and/or good it was. Thanks!

Have a fantastic, spring day!

Your fellow Reeder,


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