It was the only way to find a way to exit out, yet this was not one of those open options, not in the slightest bit. It begins to become unbearably hot and there is no relief in sight.
You run under and over things, looking for anything moving suspiciously. You sense danger when there is none. You breathe heavily and it keeps your adrenaline pumping.
You rush towards openings in walls, racing towards doors that slam shut or windows that are barred from you exiting them.
You are paranoid and looking around, you are not sure whether you will remain sane and find a way that will allow you to head off and outward.
You see things that do not exist, your mind plays tricks on you, and you feel a tough knot in your stomach. You turn around to meet with the ugliest creature, no wait, ugliest creatures that you have ever had the chance to meet in your life or better yet in the dark as the lights all go out.
You light up your flashlight only to be met with a very nasty foul- smelling creature (just picture the worst evil creature from one of the many Hollywood villains multiplied by 10.) and yet you are not sure which emotion to express as this one crowds you like a drill sergeant during the first week of basic.
You reach for a gun only to be met with a piece of metal, and it feels gross and slimy. You try to dive for a gun laying near the corner when you are met by a dead corpse instead. How do you find the courage, find the strength, find the will to fight and remove all that you fear as your obstacles? You are then certain that this is not real and will go away.
Stinks to be you at this moment currently in this place not knowing how you arrived here, and why you have yet to leave or try to leave.
You last remember the moment you were taking a test, then was asked to choose a black pill to help with sleep.
You laid down in the chamber strapped into the inner chair when the lights dimmed, and you believed you came here. Where here was is not a certain thing, where and when is not definite, though you feel like you have been here all along and you have never left.
Those doctors and nurses are not people nor are the others who are here anymore people than from before. You manage to find one person who turns to face you, and their face is missing half its features and showing wires and other components that make it no longer appear human as once thought to be.
You reach up to scratch your nose, when you feel part of your face starting to melt off. You are aware that you are not human either, only with the functions of your creator and even if they are not human. They are not as intelligent as you are, but they control everything you do.
You slide down onto the floor and the room vanishes. It becomes a green screen room, flashing with bright lights and loud sounds, which make you feel like you want to evaporate.
You send out a signal that you are not wanting to continue, with a jolt you stand straight up. You are frozen and start to float upward.
You tug at and feel large cable and hot wires around your body that make you feel less human as you pull at them harder.
In an instant you free fall bumping the floor then bouncing then floating again as you see a mirror on the ceiling. It then shows you what you had feared all along. You stare in horror; with a tight twist you fall downward and are tangled in the vast array of wires and boxes below.
What started out as a game of wits and mind skills became more of a sick minded person's joke. With the idea of such happening you look for a way to be removed from the one room, which is not a room and focuses on the outer door.
As you become free you head to the exit door and seek out the current room filled with those very people who are being asses. You reach a large door, open the door, and enter the room. The room's emptiness flows nicely as AI controls the whole matter.
You are exiting when you are blocked by large machines who are known as shapeshifters. Deadly in many ways as they can go from one to the other without hesitation. They start out small then appear to be growing bigger as they become larger than you are and overpower you.
You struggle in their grasp trying to free yourself. They feel what you are doing and only tighten the grip. You struggle harder and they reach a large oven, with a quick motion, you are thrown inside.
You are falling, expecting to either be burned up or to hit the bottom. The latter happens and you rise to see the green screen reappear. It is like before. It is worse than before and reality does not exist at all. "How can you know which is which?" "Who is making you feel that this reality is no more real than any other?" You are just imagining this and all the others without them letting on they know what you are thinking without letting you know this.
Looking up to the small opening a large metal detector drops down on your damaged half human face, pulling you apart while leaving your mind circuits intact. The rest of you leave and a new you replace the old, with many added features and gadgets.
A camera rubs your face to take a snapshot then you are stood up and moved to the new arena that will start this entire process over once more. You are not amused nor are you finding this funny in the slightest.
"What is the worst that can happen?" Then you flash back over the previous times and realize that you may have spoken too soon or thought about it too soon.
"How are you going to leave now?" "How can you decide what you can do to end this charade?" "Do you want this charade to ever end and how soon?"
Mind you that first you start off simply and over time you gain more information than you could ever handle or make use of. A lot of it has no bearing on the very mission or task you are presently involved in.
I hope the next time it will work out differently or even better than before. The trap door below you opens and off you go.... down.
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