Thriller Suspense Mystery

Three families were went to complain at police station to complain that 4 girls (REKHA,PRIYA,ASHA,DEEPA)of 14 year old of same hostel was got pregnant positive. 

     As per the F.I.R they said that due to covid 19 lock down girls are came and staying at home only.suddenly girl's (chowhan's - REKHA AND PRIYA:ROSHAN'S ASHA AND CHOUDARY'S DEEPA )are feel down 3 - 4day different from each other loop of and then they visited to hospital where they come to know they are pregnant,this are the reports and blood test report.Sir we are requesting that not to publish this complain sir this is our girl's proud matter.

     "Ok we don't publish and we appoint a best FEMALE DETECTIVE for this how solve TEMPLE ROBERY, give ur contact number and leave we take caree of it"SAID A.S.P ( Of the station) and they leaved

    A.S.P : Hand over this case to "T" (name of detective TARA).

    a phone is ringing on a table,

    'T' lift the call and A.S.P told her about the case.She asked their contact number and address.

    "T" called a web meeting with girls one by one to what exactly happened but T was invisible to them.

    T to priya "How did u got pregnant,do have a boyfriend"

    'no medam i don't have a boyfriend and don't had a kiss till now' she replied

    T asked same to remaining girls 

    REKHA : I really don't know mam 

    ASHA :I DON'T KNOW I WAS FEEL DOWN WHEN I WAAS WORKING,when i open my eyes im at hospital 

    DEEPA : I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND MAM I just tall with boy just for collecting notes because im a class monitor.

    T started cross examine about them but she got the answer about other girl's like - we stay always together,we are bestie,she is good,so sensitive,good at studies no extra activities, behave good at hostel and communication of their family are good.

    She got confused,she going in writing notes on notice suspect Note.T started seeing CCTV footages at their homes of last few days.

    T to A.S.P arrange a web meet with their watchs.

    T to PRIYA AND REKHA as watch man -- how the behaviour of the entire family and about girls."mam they give salary late but they are good mam and the childrens they treat as uncle." 

    T: do you got any problems with outers or u seen any unknown person around building.'yes sir during lockdown 2 boy's are visiting mostly at night and at after noon.once i tried to catch them they beat me and they ran away.

    T: did they came back again."Yes but after children's came back from hospital" said watch man

    All of there watch men are answered same thing that CHOUDARY'S watch fighted with a boy at afternoon and ROSHAN'S WATCH MAN said that two boys were tried to give him money to enter into home at afternoon where boss and mam went to work.

    T collected their photos from CCTB footage and on next meeting she show photos to them they " said those are their classmates they use to love PRIYA and DEEPA.their name's are (ANIL,SANTHOSH - TO PRIYAS HOME KRISHNA,SHIVA WENT TO DEEPA HOME AND SAI IS JUST TALK ASHA ) their were a best friend as we are,they use to follow us every day till our hostel and most of time they use to scolded by our hostel wardan" said girl's.

    T contact A.S.P and said" we got the suspect, boy's of their classmates can u bring their and family details".'But why girls don't know about their harassment 'asked A.S.P 

    T: They use high dose of sleepy tablet which can easily mix up with any thing.

    Then T cut the call.


    When constable seen those photos he said to A.S.P : sir i know this 3 guys ( and shown photos if ANIL KRISHNA AND SANTHOSH)

    A.S.P: HOW? 'I have catch them with a prostituting girl at hotel riding.because of they are minor i worn and leaved' Replied by constable.

    A.S.P : Contact T and all this.

    Then T shared an idea with A.S.P that is to conduct a school meeting and then u collect some blood samples for DNA test and then we can match those boys DNA with DNA of Abousioned babies and put a eye on hostel of those girls.

    With the help of principal A.S.P announced the school reopening and we conduct covid test.As per plan they conduct school reopening and did covid test but DNA doesn't match.

    A.S.P CONTACT 'T' and said "we FAILED 5 boy's where missing" 'send their number' she replied.she trying to track them by mobile network,she came to know that they are at NEAR BHAGA BEACH IN GOA.She call local police and send their photos and said 'take 5 boy's in custody tommarow i will talk with them'.

    Constable from hostel contact 'T': Mam from last 3 days ( from when school started) no one visited night time but today 3 boy's on a bike came along with vise wardan and went inside from back sidee.'ok keep spying and update me' she replied.

    A.S.P BROUGHT THEM and tried to match their DNA.they to didn't match.A.S.P update this thing to T.She said" leave them, we investigating wrong suspects correct one's are having fun" 

    NEXT DAY constables set up cameras by visiting as wiring service.HOLE team in outers if hostel and T to watching all this.


    In kitchen someone talking in phone "heyy......need same one,im on my way" 'ok price will be 2x this time' he replied and they see that the cook was mixing some tablet in a rice in a some saparatee basan, slowly student's come for dinner She kept that separate basan be side all dishes and start serving all girl's from normal dishes then priya and her other classmates came,she kept that mixed dish to those 3 girl (classmates of priya )they eaten all food.cops watching all this and suite uping to start the action.Wardan mrs.ANJALI said that to priya and their classmates " girl tonight you  will sleep with me, she's has a most luxurious room in hostel were every one want's that.

    At mid vise wardan went near road and came with boy's but constable stop them and went along with wardan instead if those 4 boys.she took them from back door and then at in WARDANS room.Where priya and their classmates sleep without counsious.

    MRS.ANJALI to vise wardan : u said that our old customer are coming and now who are this guys. "We are COPS came here you to bring out your activities".they bring her out and inform T. A.S.P interrogated her.

    She told everything.......

    MRS.ANJALI :one day we seen that a boy having sex with my hostel girl at wall.he given SALICO dose which make people hipnotise.i asked that dose to use on my husband,but he said i want a girl when i need.i said ok.then he started bring customer and we start giving this dose throw food.We are making a good money before COVID 19 LOCK DOWN and we add anti pragnent medicine throw morning breakfast.Those 4 girl's were missed their breakfast and medicine due to that they got pregnant' 



December 15, 2020 11:14

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