Submitted to: Contest #135

An Unbreakable Bond

Written in response to: "Start your story with someone stepping outside their comfort zone."

Teens & Young Adult

This story contains sensitive content

TW: Sexual manipulation

Maria stepped into her house and flicked the lights on. What a day! She yawned. I need a nap! She dragged her feet into her room and opened her chest of drawers. She pulled a pair of red PJ bottoms out and lifted her leg to step into them then she stopped. Why dont I sleep in my Huggies No one will see. She tossed her pants on the floor and climbed into her bed. It wasn’t even five minutes before Maria fell into a deep sleep.

 Golden light streamed into Maria’s room and hit her eyelids. She opened her eyes. “Holy shit!” she exclaimed and thought, I mustve been tired!  As she noticed a light sensation on her legs. What the… Oh, yeah! Areal smiled at Maria as she looked at her Little Mermaid Huggies. Her legs were bare. I slept without pants. She couldn’t believe it! She had always worn pants to bed as far as she could remember. I mustve been extremely tired.

Maria hopped out of bed and stretched. It’s been, fun but… she took her diaper off. Hmm? Should I shave? 

The doorbell rang.

Who could that be this early? Maria wandered into the hall, not caring she was nude. She strolled to the door and opened it.

“Maria! Where are your clothes?”

“I just woke up.”

“Well, put some on!”

“Why? You’ve changed me. You’ve seen my…”

“Good point.” Clarissa walked in.

Maria closed the door. “So, what brings you here?”

“Well, I thought maybe we could hang out, you know, get to know each other more.”

“Uh, ok, what do you wanna do?”

“I don’t know? Just talk?”


Clarissa stepped in. “Aren’t you gonna put some clothes on?”

“Why? It’s just you and me.”


“Ok, I’ll put clothes on.”

“No, you’re fine.”




“Your mom’s at work, right?”

“Yeah, all day,” Maria rolled her eyes.

“Oh, sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

“So, what do you wanna do?”

Maria’s stomach rumbled. “Eat. Haven’t had breakfast.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok, you want anything?” Maria entered the kitchen.

“Maybe a Coke… if you have…”

“Diet or…”



“Hey, you have a sister?”

“Yeah, but she’s at college.”

“Oh, I saw the picture.”

“Yeah, I, miss her. We used to hang and talk about boys and shit.”

“That’s nice. I don’t have any sisters or brothers.”


“Yeah. It’s just my aunt and me.”

Maria returned, carrying a bowl of fruit loops and a Coke. “I guess being in a gang together is like being sisters.”

Clarissa tried to avert her eyes away from Maria’s bushy nether region but couldn’t.

“It’s ok, you can stare.”

“Oh.” Clarissa’s face reddened.

Maria handed her the Coke.


“So, what do you think about our gang?”

“I like it! Luke’s nice.”

“What about… you know…?”

“Well… its… unusual, but I’ll wear them. I thought what the fuck when Luke told us we had to wear diapers, but I could use something to be part of so I joined.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean.”

“Are you wearing?”

“Yes… oh, what the heck?” Clarissa took her shorts off.


“And I bought an extra. Just in case.”

“That’s great!”


Maria finished her cereal. “Hey, wanna shave me?”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m too hairy, I was about to shave when you came.”

“Sure? Why not?”

“Great! I’ll go get the razor.” Maria ran in the bathroom. 

“What a weird girl!” Clarissa muttered and pulled her phone out.

Maria walked her naked body back and handed her the razor.

“Are you sure you wanna do this?”


“Ok.” Clarissa hovered the machine over Maria’s head.

“Woah! Wait what are you doing?”

“Shaving your head.”

“I mean down here!”

“Oh… no!”

“I’ll do it.”

Maria passed the razor over to her.

“Uh… ok.”


“Don’t you have any couth?”


“You’re shaving your pussy in front of me?”

“Yes.” Maerua shaved down her crotch.

“Impulsive much?

Maria stopped. “Sorry.”

“No, it’s ok. Finish, I’ll get more Coke…” Clarissa stood up and strolled into the kitchen.

Maria put her head down. What is wrong with me? She probably thinks Im weird.

“I’ll go get dressed.” Maria walked into the hall.

“What? No! Stay as you are.”

“But, isn’t this weird?”

“I don’t care.”


“Yes, as long as you’re comfortable…”

Maria smiled. “Thank you! You’re a good friend! Even better, you’re like a sister.”



“I guess I was nervous… I need a change.”

“No prob, lay down. My sister used to change my diaper when I was a baby.”

Clarissa did as Maria ambled over.

“You got Baby Wipes?”

“They’re in my bag along with my diaper.”

Maria pulled the box out. She undid Clarissa’s diaper and slid it out. Then she lifted Clarissa’s blouse up.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

“I thought you might be more comfortable. You know, bare-chested. Try it!”


“C’mon., Nobody else is here.”

“Are you hitting on me?”


“You promise?”

“Yes. My sister and I used to love running around naked.”

Clarissa bit her lip. “Fine, you can…”

“Atta girl!” Maria wiped Clarissa’s privates then finished unclothing Clarissa, putting her shirt, bra, and shorts in her backpack.

“Well, this is different,” Clarissa said.

“Yeah, feels great, doesn’t it?”


”So, what grade are you in?”

“Uh, tenth,” Clarissa said. “I thought you were gonna put a diaper on me.”

“I wIll. Before you leave,” Maria replied.

“Uh, ok.”

“Is something wrong?”

“No, not at all.”

“You said you drew comics. What are they about?”

“Well, one is about a bear who keeps having unfortunate things happen to him.”

“Oh, yeah? What kind of things?” Maria asked and squirted some lotion on her stomach.

“Uh, What are you doing?”

“Just rubbing lotion on me. Want some?”

“Sure, what the Hell?”

“Spread your legs.”

Clarissa rolled her eyes and spread them.

Maria rubbed lotion on Clarissa’s privates.

“Uh, thanks.” She really hated confrontation. She wasnt going to be a bitch, but she felt uneasy. Maria was too impulsive. Was she hitting on her?

“So, have you taken creative writing?” Maria asked.

“Yes, I took two classes with Ms. Larky.”

“Ms. Larky? I thought she retired.”

“Umm, no.”

“Ok. Hey, wanna cut your hair?”

“What? Why?”

“Well, you’re in a gang and I think you look badass if you’re bald.”

“You mean my head hair? I don’t know…”

“C’mon…” Maria rubbed Clarissa’s privates.

Clarissa squirmed as she said, “I like my hair.”

“Please, Clarissa.” She stroked Clarissa’s clit.

Clarissa jumped away. “You didn’t put a diaper on me.”

“I thought you’d be more comfortable…”

“You rubbed lotion on my vag.”

“It looked like it needed some.”

“And now you want to shave my head?”

“We’re in a gang, Clarissa.”

“Are you gonna shave yours?”

“Uh, no.”

“Then, no!”

“Come on, let me.” Maria rubbed Clarissa’s butt.


“Let me. Please. You’ll feel so much better!”

Clarissa felt Maria pressing hard against her rear.

“No, I gotta go.” Clarissa grabbed a diaper and put it on. Then put her shirt on. “You…creep me out!”

“I’m sorry. I must be messed up!”

Clarissa ran out. A tear fell down her cheek. She neared the end of the street. What am I going to do? Shes part of the Diaps! I can’t rat her out. Theres no way of knowing what she would do. Dammit! I wish I had more backbone. I am so desperate for friends! She ran back into Marias house, “OK, shave my head. I don’t care” Clarissa tore her clothes off.

“Screw off!”

“Please, Maria! I want to be your friend.”

“Touch them,” Maria said.

“Excuse me?”

“Touch them,” Maria repeated, shaking her chest.

Clarissa reached out and shyly squeezed Maria’s nipples.

“Good girl” Maria petted Clarissa’s privates.

“Thank you,” she squeaked, nervously.

“Now, for your hair…,” Maria said and disappeared down the hall.

Clarissa sighed.  She felt trapped, but this was the way it had to be. She could not tell anyone. Maria had her in the palm of her hand. She sighed. Maybe it won’t be that bad if she treats me kindly.

Maria returned with the clippers and turned them on. “Say bye-bye to your hair!” Maria said and passed the machine on top of Clarissa’s head as she filled with a sense of power.

A tiny moan escaped Clarissa’s throat.

“Shhh, it will be over soon enough, and you will feel so much better.” Maria rubbed Clarissa’s butt.

Clumps of hair fell to the floor. Maria buzzed the sides.

“Why are you doing this?”

“I own you now and your hair must go.”


“Hair is a symbol of individuality and you can’t have that, can you?”

“No.” Tears welled up in her eyes.

“Good girl.” Maria shaved the back of her head.

I guess I’ll go buy a wig after I leave Maria’s house. Or else my parents will freak.

“No more hair!”

“Thank you, Maria.” Clarissa ran her hand through her scalp. So rough.

“You’re welcome,” Maria said, and stroked her privates.

Clarissa moaned.

“You like that, don’t you.”

“Yes,” she whimpered.

“You will shave your head every day. No more hair.”

Clarissa sobbed, “Yes, no more hair.”

”Good girl.” Maria kissed Clarissa’s scalp. “I can see we’re gonna best friends!”

Posted Mar 03, 2022

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9 likes 25 comments

McCampbell Molly
23:57 Mar 08, 2022

Charlie, you seem to have some writing skills. But truthfully, not a type of story that I enjoy.


Charlie Murphy
17:18 Apr 30, 2022

I understand. Thank you. Can you read my new story, Lumberjack Camp? It's not at all like this one.


Tommy Goround
21:36 Oct 14, 2022

Big claps.

Housekeeping note: you really have to keep these girls over 18 years old. (If it turns into Lolita or Polanski...I'm out).

Ok. Let's assume the women / girls mean that college is like grades 13 and 14.

Best diaper story yet. Kind of surprised that you wrote the other ones after this one.

Kind of surprised that the person that calls himself a real world "shrink" didn't go to town with this one.

Observations: you appear compulsed to write about these things for at least 4 weeks. Excellent. That's what makes a great writer and theme.

-this probably should be in an anthology.

This particular story about diapers and women really does a great job of mingling cult / gangs / hair /uniforms / initiation.

Current title is like a B minus. "Initiation" has been done before.
No worries. The story has an excellent flow. The dialogue is fully appropriate and does not intrude this time upon the story arc. You have excellent timing about bringing out new details. Comedians should learn from you about your timing. It is very good.

Analysis: "hair is a woman's pride" & and he used to separate the pagans from the believers. Go research yamakas and the reason that some Pentecostals wear hats all over the place.

So you psychologically took this woman's pride. Two points. You had it girl on girl and so we are not weirded out.

The cult of the diaper or pamper?

There's a group of people that only use natural diapers and have a service that comes by once a week to clean them. They are trying to save the Earth.

So let's pretend that you purposely want single-use pampers. A product that was invented by Procter & Gamble or someone maybe 60 years ago. A product that was invented at the same time that women received fertility power in "the pill" and huge changes in our society came forth.
Women were not prisoners to their husbands reproductive passions.

What is the pamper symbolize as a diaper? Is someone else is taking care of you. You have the freedom of releasing your bowels at any time you want. You can be smiling to the Congress of the United States and just let it go

In one of your stories you talk about the character wearing "normal" pants instead of a thong.
The fashion will have to change so that people can wear diapers with skirts and with dress slacks etc.

Suppose Mimi/Mary/Maurine or one of your other diaper characters is actually doing it because their grandparent is incontinent and will not wear a diaper because they stick out in clothing

That would be an interesting and important reason for the pamper club.

Right now? A clockwork orange in the first half. Maybe a little Rumble fish and The Outsiders in this one.

You've already created stories that are very inclusive of dialogue and would probably format easily to screenplay. Netflix?


Charlie Murphy
19:07 Oct 15, 2022

Thank you. I wrote a third story, but I'm not sure if I want to keep it.
You can read even more stories of mine on Booksie


Graham Kinross
10:35 Sep 04, 2022

I wanted more description woven through the dialogue, but the dialogue itself was strong. You have a big paragraph of set up and then switch from description to speech, if you can weave them together, you'll have magic.


Charlie Murphy
03:10 Sep 11, 2022

Thank you! Did you like the plot?


Graham Kinross
09:02 Sep 11, 2022

It’s out there for sure. An odd sort of gang at that age. It feels more like some cult that would live on a reservation where they can hide it. It’s definitely a fetish that everyone involved should share and be left until they’re old enough. This feels like the stories about the NXIVM sex cult.


Palak Shah
14:23 Mar 19, 2022

This is quite a different kind of story and the way you have crafted the story is skillful.
Well done :))
Could you please read my latest story if possible? :))
Thanks :))


Charlie Murphy
18:43 Mar 19, 2022

Thank you. Could you elaborate? I will read yours.


Palak Shah
19:21 Mar 19, 2022

Well Clarissa should've stood up for herself as Maria was being pushy and her whimpering made me upset. I know this is quite outside of your comfort zone but highly creative.


Charlie Murphy
19:30 Mar 19, 2022

Thank you.


F.O. Morier
19:41 Mar 07, 2022

I like it!
It´s different. I don´t know why, but I kind of get a New Orleans feeling reading it...
I would call it risquee in a french kind of way -
Yes! Good work.


Charlie Murphy
20:17 Mar 07, 2022

Thank you. I don't know, should i remove the dirty parts?


F.O. Morier
07:59 Mar 10, 2022

Oh please……
Leave them in
If people have a problem with that it’s not the material they have a problem with
I’m a free spirit ( and a shrink)
Don’t worry about it
You should NEVER change your work to make the reader “ comfortable “
I mean I love hallmark and everything- but I also love something that challenges my brain.
If people react negatively on it- they have a problem themselves
And please please please
Don’t ever play again with the idea of changing your writing for the comfort of the reader
You’re better than that!
Don’t belittle yourself
( I wrote a sexual laden story a few months ago- I had the same- people loved the story except for the explicit parts- sorry, but not really)
Just follow your muse!


Charlie Murphy
20:03 Mar 10, 2022

Thank you. I mostly write scifi/horror, so i guess I was experimenting. Should I publish this story on Booksie?


F.O. Morier
19:50 Mar 12, 2022

Only you can and should answer that!


Charlie Murphy
19:45 Apr 26, 2022

I'm going to publish it and see what happens.
Can you read my new story, Lumberjack Camp?


12:25 Mar 04, 2022

This story really is weird and creative! Clarissa should have spoken up and told Maria to knock it off! There is alot of going out of your comfort zone and I am sure Clarissa felt that she had to go along with this because if she pisses off Maria there will be hell to pay. But still....Just walk away!! Too wierd to just stay there and be bullied by a "friend"? At least that is the way I saw it.. way out there of the comfort zone!!!


Charlie Murphy
16:12 Mar 04, 2022

Thank u for reading! Can you like it?


20:01 Mar 04, 2022

I honestly am not sure I liked it. sorry.


Charlie Murphy
20:28 Mar 04, 2022

It's cool. I've never put out something that risque before. I guess I'm just experimenting;


Cliff McElrea
03:14 Mar 04, 2022

Another far-out story, Charlie! Your creativity is amazing.


Charlie Murphy
03:38 Mar 04, 2022

Thank you.


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