CW: Swearing
Her profile stated that she loves the colour periwinkle. I had no idea that she was talking about her latex-like skin. She said that she wants held softly, deftly --- as if she were the most delicate of hydrangea petals. I didn’t know it entailed caressing her nine protruding tentacles. She mentioned that she’s originally from far from London. Who knew that she hails from outside the Milky Way, from some dwarf planet called Lila Centauri?
As I observed this non-Earthling twist the flounced sleeve of her watermelon maxi dress with an “arm”, the huge, vermillion teardrop-shaped crystals dangling from her stub of an ear resembling droplets of juice, there was only one thing in my mind.
“Hi, it’s lovely to meet you,” I beamed, extending a hand. “Why don’t we sit down?”
Even in the low amber lights of this Soho restaurant, I couldn’t help grinning seeing her large almond eyes, right at the very top of a spheroid head, flicker downward towards the scalloped edge of the maroon tablecloth, a flash of apprehension tapping away at the surface. Her burnt sienna irises scintillated with tears as she wordlessly pursed her lips.
“I’m guessing you want to leave now. I don’t blame you,” she replied with a sigh, a meaty limb smoothing her skirt.
Taken aback, I culled my brain for a response.
“Why would I want to…?”
“I mean I watch your planet’s girls a lot, a partner on one of their only two extender appendages. I just thought it would be nice…”
“Hey, I’m not leav…”
“How dare I, I know. Daesmydera, my god, you’re so selfish in wasting the time of this fine young man trying to find someone to be with. Do you really think he’d…”
“I’m not leav…”
“Wake up! Look at this lovely man before you. Look at those Venusian atmosphere eyes, that supernova smile. Would he actually dare be seen with…”
“Hey, hey! I’m not leaving. Can’t you see? I’m not going anywhere,” I exclaimed.
Without even thinking, I grabbed one of my date’s “hands”, which in turn, painted the lilac of her complexion a faint rose.
“You…are…,’ she sputtered out, brown peepers bright as the sun.
“I’m staying, yes. How can I not stay when you intrigue me…uhm, what did you say your name was?”
“Daesmu..Daes…I’m so sorry,” I responded, my head bowed in embarrassment.
“No, no, it’s fine,” the beautiful creature across me muttered. “I know it’s a mouthful. I mean if it were up to me…never mind.”
“If it were up to you what?”
“Well,” she droned, biting a bow lip. “If it were up to me, I’d just be simply Daisy.”
“Well, your wish is my command, Daisy,” I answered, eliciting lightyears of twinkling in her tight, shy flash of pearly whites.
“Daisy, yes, I’m Daisy. And you are?”
I swallowed a gulp into my suddenly parched throat before speaking.
“It’s Stéphane. My family’s originally from Lyon, but I guess you can call me Stephen since everybody…”
“Stéphane, lovely name. Nice to meet you.”
For five minutes, the two of us just sat there. No words rocketed between the black lacquer table between us, and yet in just a chocolate on pistachio gaze, I felt galaxies being born.
You know, Daisy, I..”
“Uhm…uh…here’s your appetiser.”
We turned towards a scraggly boy with mop of titian curls and the crisp white button-down shirt of The Nebula’s servers. His legs quaked with every step as his face tightened into a tight coil grimace.
“Oh yes, I ordered some of their Fusion Sushi in advance,” I explained. I searched her delicate, lavender visage for a sign that I wasn’t being presumptuous in picking out food for her. “I mean, I guess if you…I mean, do you want…”
“Oh my goodness! That looks great, actually. You’ve got great taste.”
“Oh, really? That’s great, Daisy. I mean, I was concerned that…oh my!”
We both stare at two pairs of chopsticks --- one held by human phalanges and the other, by tentacles --- intertwined like lovers’ undulating bodies in the throes of passion. Blood rushed onto our cheeks, the pink streaking like a comet’s tail.
“Sorry about that. You can have it, Dais…”
“No, you have it.”
I was picking up the sea urchin roll when out of the corner of my eye, I observed our server with the turned-up expression still stuck on like a mask. He seemed to mouth out something that looked like the words “Thank goodness.”.
“You know what, Daisy, take it. It’s for you. Savour it,” I declared, my eyes never leaving the mop-headed boy.
With that, Daisy shrugged and popped the little uni wrap in her cylindrical suction apparatus.
“Is that a straw? What is she…. FUCK!”
We guffawed as we watched the restaurant employee dash to the kitchen, screaming.
“Ha! Serves him right!”
“Well, then again…”
“Then again what?”
I then noticed my date chewing her bow-shaped top lip with two of her incisors. She heaved her shoulders and let out a siren-like whimper.
“Stéphane, look at me. I’m purple! I’m not surprised that teenager…”
“Daisy, please don’t say that. You’re very…”
“You know, you’re really kind. But let’s face it, no one would call me…”
“Amethysts are prized because of their hue. You are an amethyst.”
It was just a sudden outburst, but it was enough for her earthen eyes to lift as if gravity didn’t exist.
“Well, if you say so, I…oh wow!”
I looked at Daisy whipping out her phone Android as it buzzed with a new notification. Immediately, an entire constellation sparkled in those brown orbs.
“Sorry about that. It’s just that my students sent me a photo of the entire class with ‘Good luck, Ms. Xholic’ on the board.”
“Students? You’re a teacher,” I blasted out, my mind grounded on a single word mentioned.
“I am. I’ve been an English as an Intergalactic Language teacher for adults for seven years now. Why?”
“I’m a laws professor at the University College London. My mates from school keep taking the mickey out of me for not going into practice, but they don’t understand.”
“Oh, I know what you mean. My parents keep making comments about being the only family member not in the field of planetary ring engineering. They just don’t see that…”
“Investing in people’s minds is a seed that will grow into something special.”
Two pairs of palms and two pairs of limbs without thumbs flew to our respective gasping mouths. We careened our heads towards each other and giggled.
“We just said the same thing together,” Daisy commented between peals of laughter.
“I know. Didn’t really expect that,” I replied. “Well, then again, I did.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
“Well, even in the expanse of space separating Earth to Lila Centauri, two souls can fit into each other like a hand in glove, as if G-forces pull them together.”
Once again, I observed a rose --- this time, bright --- spread itself underneath Daisy’s skin, turning it a lovely magenta.
“I…guess so, Stéphane. I mean…listen…I…”
“Oh no, not him!”
My eyeballs practically bulged as it took in a three metre-tall hunk of grey cracked leathery scales and protruding muscles. His reptilian fists were swung at nothing but air, almost as if he needed to punch even emptiness just to let the obviously erupting Martian volcano inside of him come out. His long, putrid, lemon yellow talon teeth were bared and his scarlet pupils flared out at me.
Before I could scream, Daisy fished a hardbound book from her purse and whacked the behemoth with it.
“Haythor! How many times have I told you to leave me well alone?”
“Is that a way to treat a fiancé?”
“Fiancé? Please! Our parents being friends and nagging us to be in a relationship does not an engagement make.”
“Well, it should,” Haythor replied. He then cast a red glower at me. “Certainly, that’s better than you being with this epidermis-covered poofter.”
“Don’t you dare…”
“Come on now, Daesmydera. Do you really think you’ll be happy with this bloke? This bloke?! He can’t even zap things with his fingers.”
“Sure, but can you win the jackpot in a French game show by beating a three-time champion and then, defending your crown?”
“Wait, how did you know,” I queried Daisy, my jaw to the restaurant’s Moroccan tiled floor.
“I…sort of…Google 5.0-ed you,” Daisy cooed. “What can I say? I really wanted you to like me.”
“Did you really…?”
With noxious gases billowing out of his slit nostrils, Haythor charged his way towards Daisy and me. A glowing beam of fiery orange light shot out of his bulbous red eyes.
“That serves you…”
Without even the time to react, I watched Daisy lunge herself in front of me, shielding me from the path of her rejected suitor’s laser gaze. The crystals dangling from her ears refracted the beam back to the very monster that cast it. He couldn’t help backing away, growling in pain as he limped backward and out the door of the bistrot.
“Oh, thank goodness he’s gone. Now, we can…Daisy? Daisy!”
I rushed towards my date, crumpled on the floor and rubbing a large gash on her delicate face. I immediately grabbed a napkin and dab her face with it.
“Daisy, are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“No, no. It’s okay, Stéphane. It’s just a wound. Besides, healing time for my species is three times faster than that of a human, apparently.”
“Well, that’s good that you…”
“Uhm, actually, I’m not okay,” she blurted out. “But not in the way you think.”
As I looked down to the purple complexioned extraterrestrial I spent the evening with, I noticed fat, diamantine teardrops dance their way across her cheeks. Her lithe body heaved as her chest collapsed inward.
“Stéphane, look, I’m sorry for not divulging everything about me in my dating profile. I just really wanted a shot with you,” she explained. “But now, I’ve ruined everything. Anyway, why would a very attractive human like you ever go out with an alien?”
My mind played back the entire evening --- the laughter that had me floating to the asteroid belt, the rocket fuel in my veins finding out we had the same passion as educators, her beauty that rivals Saturn’s rings --- and only came out with one answer.
“Hey, Daisy, I think you’re forgetting something. I’m a French bloke in England. I’m an alien too.”
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This is really sweet. The metaphors using colours for symbolism worked well.
Hi, Graham ! Admittedly, I had no clue what to do with the prompts the week I wrote this. Glad it worked ! Thanks for reading !
What a lovely story! Such beautiful description and I was hanging on every word, especially when Haythor burst in.
Hi, Eric ! I'm so happy you found it gripping and that you liked the descriptions. Yes, that Haythor. Always wanting his way. Hahahaha ! Glad you liked it !
I love the imagination, creativity, and whimsical nature of this story! The wonderful, witty dialogue and unique concepts and descriptions are great too! A delightful and enjoyable read!
Hi, Kristi ! That means so much coming from the author of such inventive, vivid stories like you ! I'm glad you enjoyed the descriptions. Thanks for reading !
thank you for writing such a joyous, fun tale. helped bring a smile to my face :)
Hi, Henri ! Thank you so much ! As I mentioned in previous comments, horror isn't my cup of tea, so I had to do a fun, quirky romance? Hahahaha ! Thank you for reading.
Well done. What a fun story! Keep writing, and I'll keep reading your imaginative and descriptive work.
Hi, Lynne ! I'm so happy you liked it. Like I said in previous comments, horror isn't my cup of tea, so I had to make do and think of something else. Glad you found it imaginative. Thanks for reading !
I fell in love with Daisy's quirks and flaws.
Hi, Shimmer ! Well, yes, Daisy is quite warm-hearted. And that's why Stéphane fell for her. Thanks for reading !
Oh! Alexis! Only you can write a love story I ever want to read!
Oh my ! That means a lot, Rebecca ! Glad you liked the story !
Hi Alexis,
hahahaha, What a statement at the end. I actually burst out laughing at that comment on a Frenchman in England. The way your descriptions elevate Daisy throughout is very effective, and your demonstration - hyperbole even - of time, with "galaxies being born", was great!
I particularly loved this sentence:
"Eliciting lightyears of twinkling in her tight, shy flash of pearly whites.
Hi, Max ! That all means a lot coming from a poet at heart like you. I just HAD to sneak in that line about being French in England. Hahahahaha ! A bit of a clin d'œil at...Sting and "Englishman in New York", actually. Hahahaha ! I'm happy you liked some of the phrasings in my story. I realise I'm in this poetry in prose mood...that I don't want to let go of. Thank you for reading !
hahahaha, we are all poets at heart. Ah, I had not realised you were alluding to Sting. I love the Police, though I have never listened to much of Sting's solo music. Never let the poesy in your prose fade, it is great!
Well that was 'out there' haha. A memorable date alright, and the waiter's reaction had me giggling. A little sting of a smile with the final line too. Very inventive and unexpected. But of course Daisy had to be a shade of purple! Cool piece.
Of course, Daisy had to be purple; that's my favourite colour. Hahahahaha !
Like I mentioned in other comments, I had no idea what to do with the horror prompts, so I...made a romance. Hahahaha ! Yeah, that waiter was terrified. Hahahahaha ! Couldn't resist doubling down on the significance of being an alien.
Thanks for reading, Carol !
This was a very funny and creative read. It played out like a satire of an initially mismatched but eventually successful (kind of) tinder date
Nice little punchline at the end also :)
Great stuff, Alexis
Hi, Tom ! Like I mentioned , I'm not at all a horror writer, so I had to think outside the box for this. I'm happy it worked. Couldn't resist adding that alien punchline (and making what was initially Stephen a Stéphane). Thanks for reading !
I listened to your story/poem "I'm yours" that you linked. Really nice stuff with an effective rhythm to it. It reminded me of a performance I once saw by Leonard Cohen that stayed with me. The writing wasn't necessarily the same but I felt the same level of intensity which I think is what you were going for. The link is below. I think you would like it. Really enjoyed ''i'm yours'' anyway. Well done :)
Wow, that means so much, Tom. Thank you ! I wrote that flash fiction piece for an Australian flash fiction short story competition called Furious Fiction. I wasn't in the winners list, but I felt quite proud of it. When my writing group asked me to record one of my stories on audio, that was the one I chose. I'm happy you liked it.
That Leonard Cohen piece cocooned me in its brilliance! I wasn't really going for intense; I just wanted listeners to feel the emotions of my protagonist. I suppose I'm glad you felt it and liked it. Maybe, my theatre background (did it from primary school to uni) and my weird accent helped? Hahahaha !
Thanks again !
Your accent was very nice. It was like listening to love poem by Manny Pacquiao 🤪 I am not sure my northern English accent would be quite as elegant 😂
I was travelling in 2013 and saw Leonard Cohen at Radio City Music Hall in New York. He did that piece and I had never heard of it before. I was totally shaken.
Oh, but I don't have a typical Filipino accent. Hahahahaha ! Apparently, mine is a mishmash of French, received pronunciation, Australian, and the dulled American I have to speak so people in the Philippines understand me. Hahahaha ! It was enchanting, that piece!
I think the intensity emerges from the repetition of the main line. Like the Leonard Cohen poem, each point is reenforced by bringing it back to that title line. I know stand up comedians use a similar technique when doing a segment to hammer home the throughline of the joke
Oooh, I do love how you put it there. Thank you ! Yes, the repetition was a sort of framework I wanted to establish !
I could literally watch this like a wonderfully vivid, colorful and animated movie in my head as I read. Loved every bit.
Hi, Myranda ! Wow !!! That means so much coming from a talented writer like you. I'm happy you found the story vivid. Thanks for reading !
Heart-warming and sweet. This had me smiling! I had the song “Englishman in New York” in my head at the end… an alien indeed!
Hi, Kate !! I'm so happy you found it sweet and heartwarming. Indeed, Stéphane is a Lyonnais in London Town. Hahahahaha ! Glad you liked it !
Imaginative and heartwarming. Great job, Alexis!
Thank you, Jim !! I'm very happy you liked it and found it imaginative ! Thanks for reading !
Lots of fun. Both of them are so unsure of themselves. It's sad about the jilted one resorting to violence. Somehow, these star-crossed lovers are not a match made in heaven. Totally unique, this one. Sweet ending.
Hi, Kaitlyn! Hahahaha ! I really didn't know what to do with the horror prompts (Hopefully, this week is the last set of them), so I had to think of something different. I really wanted the idea of the two of them being a bit shy with each other because of their "otherness" to come out. I think Daisy and Stéphane will make it work. Hahahaha ! Thanks for reading !
Color Overload! I actually had to look up a couple of these (titian, really?). Wonderfully imaginative descriptions of your aliens and just a fun story for them to live in
Thank you, KA ! I do love my colour, so it comes out in my work. Happy you found it imaginative. Thanks for reading !
Great fun, great ending and I enjoyed the originality. Loved the way you wrote these two.
Hi, Helen !! I'm so happy you found it fun and original. Thank you for reading!
Love this! I felt as if I were a fly on the wall of the Soho restaurant during their date. You have a great way of immersing the reader!
Hi, Ingrid ! Honestly, I have been struggling with the horror prompts because it's just not my cup of tea. I had to try something different. I'm very happy that you felt immersed in the story. Thanks for reading !
A memorable date, indeed! Nicely done!
Thank you so much, Nina ! Glad you found it memorable.
Alexis! You always comment how everyone else does a lovely job with imagery but take a look at yours, so vivid and clear! Such a cute story <3
Oh, Martha !! That means a lot. I do want to plunge my readers into the worlds I write, including my protagonist's minds. Glad you found the imagery vivid. Thank you for reading.
Very cute, loved the colorful imagery. "He can't even zap things with his fingers" was particularly good. I would watch a lot more soaps if they were intergalactic
Hahahaha ! Thank you, Keba. I must admit that horror isn't my genre, so I had to go at it a different direction. I quite liked writing that line. Thanks for reading !