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Mystery Thriller

It was a cold night in the town of Lawrenceville but underneath the Hazel curse of the dark, the doors Creek in the alleys were empty darkness spread of murder. The best type of murder storybook kind where everything was laid out perfectly. blood ran through the town's cracks and rivers running towards it

Ring the bell rang in Lauren James emerged she was as beautiful as she was strange. The classroom was empty except for her, her best friend Nancy was normally there but today she was strangely absent and Lauren walkthrough The Halls Alone with nobody by her side when slam a couple of boys slammed on her 

"freak" some boys yelled 

Lauren felt like fighting back but it was useless they would never leave her alone 

" where is Nancy," she thought the worst anyone in this Abyss. But the horrors of Lawrenceville we're still to come. Ring the second bell rang and the end of the hallway. And so more was to come 

Chemistry it started has started to spread 

" she died " 

" the murder " 

" nancy " 

But Lauren thought nothing of it for Rumors were always there. it's part of human nature to try and make others feel horrible about themselves. But as soon as she heard 

" 1744 Wendler Drive" 

Nancy's address 

Lauren bolted for the door but was stopped by Tom McAllister the bully 

" hey " tom started 

" tom out of the way now " 

" why " 

" cuz I'm not in the mood" 

" Are you sad about Nancy " 

" she's Not Dead she is sick all right" 

" Keep telling yourself that Lenny" 

" my name is Lauren, not Lenny stop calling me that, please " 

" whatever " and with that he let her go 

Lauren ran as fast as she could so she wouldn't stop she couldn't stop she didn't stop" 

Knock knock 

" go away no more reporters" 

" it's not a reporter just me Lauren nothing to be scared of" 

Raven Grace answer the door nancy's mother 

" oh deary" 

" what happened where's Nancy " 

" she had an accident last night " 

" What kind of accident " 

" the horrible kind" 

" is she dead" 

Raven nodded 

" NO" 

Lauren ran upstairs to Nancy's room it was all covered in deep blood the room started spinning and the noises became banner and then suddenly bam Lauren Hit the Floor out cold. 

She would not wake up for several more hours even after that she may not wake up but she was not dead just devastated. 

Chapter 2 

When Lauren woke up she was in her room her mother was crying around her there were reporters all over the lawn

" what happened" 

" you were out cold sweetie" 

" is Nancy really " Lauren started but got interrupted by her mother 

" yes dear she's dead " 

" It can't be how" 

" last night somebody broke into her house she was shot" 

Lauren started to cry the tears ran like the blood pulsing through her veins her head hurt her eyes turn to a wave of blood-red anger she was going to find the culprit who murdered her best friend it wasn't over yet. 

"why are there reporters"

"they think you killed her"

" mom get out" 

" yes sweetie I'll give you some time to heal " 

Lauren rolled her eyes 

" Yeah I'll heal all right just after I kill whoever killed her," she said under her breath 

She laid out a bunch of evidence on the bed she took out her notepad and started to write down all the list of suspects 

Her dad 


The principal 


Maybe she killed herself 

But one thing was for sure that through everything she would find whoever did this to her. whoever it was had no right to do this to an innocent girl who never did anything to anyone so she started on the case. In a world where everyone hated everyone this case would be hard especially because Nancy was under the radar no one even knew who she was so whenever she went to question someone “who” is the most common answer. 

So she decided to start from the very beginning nancy's dad. After her parents divorced he developed a hatred for Nancy he blamed her for the reason he and his wife split up so she thought that he would be the main suspect seeing as he did have a criminal record and many public offenses. Lauren fell on her bed. Solving this would be a lot harder than she originally thought because the killer would be hidden and that dark corner where nobody goes. They would be hidden in the dark alleyway behind your house the place where nobody wants to go. as it drew closer to the days ending she figured out that she would just stop by nancy's dad's house to interrogate him. She entered her closet she called out is fake policeman costume she got for Halloween she thought it would help her a little bit. 

Chapter 3 

ahe walked out side and she was swarmed by reporters

"did you kill nancy grace"

"no please go"

"did you here you have been reqested to play the part of the part of the killer in the movie killing spree"

"please go away"

"why did you kill her"


lauren ran to her car and drove away inKnock knock 

" hello bob grace are you in there" 

" what do you want" 

"I'm here from the FBI my name is Gretchen McClain" 

" come in" 

Lauren walked in she looked around the place it was filled with beer bottles and smelt of weed. 

" did you know that Nancy Grace has passed on " 

" no that did not come to my attention " 

" I see where you were last night exactly around on maybe on 10 p.m" 

" wait you think I killed her" 

" you said it not me I never said she was killed I just said she had passed on " 

He rolled his eyes Furiously 

" listen I was out with one of my buds okay" 

" Okay I believe you" 

She crossed her fingers behind your back when suddenly she saw his phone was sitting on the couch right beside her, her finger grabbed hold of it and hid it under her 

" well I think it's time I will be about leaving thank you so much for your time " 

" goodbye please don't come back," he said sarcastically 

" Trust me I won't," she said under her breath when Lauren got home she looked through all her evidence including Bob's phone. She tried everything to open it but it was locked. Lauren tried everything but the phone wouldn't open she tried his divorce day, nancy's birth, even his wedding day but then it hit her on the head nancy's death. 

It open but soon her case ran dry 

Ding ding bob's phone went off 

" oh my gosh last night was the best night of my life" 

" yeah yeah " 

And with that now she knew he wasn't lying he was out last night 

"u ugh" Lauren cried 

She knew it was time to go question tom McAllister

 as she walked in to school the reporters followed her

"mrs james can you answer some questions"

"no go away"

the teachers shooed them off the property

" where were you last night " Lauren yelled at Tom 

" I dunno i guess your famouse now"

Lauren slammed him into a locker 

"Ooooo," said a group of boys 

" where were you" Lauren repeated herself 

" I was at home jeez" 

"How can I trust you" 

"you just trust me I guess" 

Lauren rolled her eyes but then and the idea came into her head for she knew it was risky but it was her last resort she needed help

" okay Tom you are going to help me solve whoever killed Nancy" 

He looked reluctant at first but then his look softened 

" Whatever you say, Lenny " 

" why do you call me that" 

" because it annoys you " 

She rolled her eyes again 

She walked away. 

At home, she put everything together what Nancy's dad said and what went down with Tom with was strange right but then she had a human reaction to Tom she developed a tad bit of a crush 

" oh no '' Lauren cried 

But it was too late for the feelings were already caught and catching Feelings was the worst especially when it was with a guy like Tom 

Bling tom texted her 

" Hey Lenny" 

" what do you want " 

" When do I start my detective work LOL" 

" This isn't funny okay " 

" okay " 

" goodnight Lenny" 

" nighttime" 

" 🙄" 

She had already fallen under his spell she flopped on her bed and fell into a death-like slumber. 

Lauren woke up to find Nancy sitting on her bed 

" nancy" 

" what do you want you little brat " 

" what " 

" you've heard me " 

" Why are you like this " 

" you killed me you threw the knife at my head" 

" no, I didn't I think you have me mistaken " 

" okay " 

And with that she ran at Lauren and tried to choke her but then she woke up and was sweating in her bed 

It was just a bad dream it felt so real though 

Tomorrow she would go back in with Tom to interrogate Bob we already knew he didn't kill me and see but maybe he wasn't letting on as much as he knew. 

Chapter 4 

After that, terrifically horror dream Lauren was walking on eggshells the thoughts post through her head were awful dreaded that she thought that she was capable of killing Nancy bling tom texted her. 

" hey " tom started 

" hey " 

" what's up Lenny " 

" ugh" 

" What is that for" 

"it was a horrible dream " 

" about what" 

" nancy " 

Lauren threw her phone to the side she knew it was time to confront Bob 

Knock knock no one answered so she and Tom just walked in 

" so we're breaking and entering," tom asked 

" technically we haven't broken anything yet " but just as she said tom dropped a glass picture frame and it's shattered 

" sorry " he whispered 

" who's there" bob called 

" it's me the FBI agent from 2 days ago" 

"you were here before," tom asked 

" yes" 

" get out I have a gun" 

“ok ok stay calm we only want to ask you some questions”


“sir if onl-“

Obviously, he pulled the trigger because a loud noise roared and then again

" Lenny are you okay" 

" Yeah I'm fine " 

But she wasn't she lifted her hand to reveal that the bullet had pierced through her side it wasn't a terrible injury but still, it was the thought that ran through her head what if she bleeds out, what if tom leaves her alone.

Oh my gosh Lauren limped to the kitchen to find him he was still moving when they got there but the bullet had pierced through his lungs and he was dead before the minute was over. 

" oh my gosh " 

" it's okay Len" 

" no, it's not " 

“ if we were never here he wouldn’t have died 

" he killed Nancy " 

" no he didn't he was set up I can feel it" 

And do with that another murder but someone set him up so the killer was still on the loose hunting for his next victim Lauren already knew it wasn't Bob but she found out too late and now he was dead but why if he was innocent why would he fall for such treachery. We already know because if somebody set them up which they did it he would look guilty if he killed himself so they would shut the case and the murderer would get away scot-free case-Mate Lauren and tell him we're still on it she would find them and try to bring them to justice. But this would be hard it was not fair she had no leads no evidence she had nothing to work towards.  

It is time to question the principle next nancy always acted up so maybe he got tired of her shenanigans and he just had enough so her killed her or Mabey nancy killed herself but anyway she still had to question jack. Jack was nancy stalker so his creepy self might have killed her but she would talk to the principle


“Hello Lauren how are you besides the the trail of reporters”

“id be better if I could ask you some question”

“hit me but hurry I have a meeting to get to “

“did you kill nancy grace”

“why think that”


“cause what”

“you hated her”

“Indeed, I didn't like the girl but I didn't hate her enough to kill her”


“I know you're going through enough right now but please don't give me sass”


“ok miss James i am sorry to do this but detention”


Lauren stormed out of the room and into the girl's toilets

She checked her makeup and powdered her nose she checked her phone it was 2:30 school ended and it was time for her detention

On her way down to the office, tom stopped her 

“ where you going,” he asked



“I accused the prince able”


“it's not funny “

“your right is hilarious”

“hardy har har”

“lucky you and I have detention together”

“for what”

“skipping class”



“well let's head down”

The two of them walked side by side tow the office it was clear to see that the both of them had feelings for each other tom always laughed and Lauren always smiles

As her sat there bored at the desk tome threw her a note


“hey” she responded

“truth or dare’

“truth” she picked

“is it true that you have never had detention before”

“yes truth or dare’’


She sent the note back he read it and laughed 

He walked up to the front of the class room

“mr mcallister sit down”

But just as he said that he started dancing everyone started laughing but he just laughed along with them laurens laugh was the loudest.

Detention blew by but right as tom and herself were walking to her car a journalist ran at them

"are you dating the killer" she asked tom

"back off before i call the cops "

tom yelled she ran away and tom turned back to lauren

“ I didn’t know you knew how to laugh” tom said sarcasticly

“I didn’t know you knew how to fun” she replied just as sarcaticly

“hey I have loads of fun”

“fake fun”

“what do you mean by that”

“I mean causing trouble is not fun”

“it can be”

“ok” lauren rolled her eyes

“ok maybe I do get a little bored but it only cause I “ he stopped


“I feel anlone in my group of friends “


“it just they expect me to be something im not”

“then who are you”

“I, I don’t know that my self”

He leaned in but was interrupted by laurens phone 


“hello” she answered

“Hello,” said a dark female voice

“Who are you”

“that doesn't matter meet me at 8 o'clock at the old warehouse on old Patterson road”

“ok see you then”

Lauren ended the call “

“ who was that”

“I don't know she asked to meet me at the old where the house”

“are you going” 

“I might”


“why,” Lauren asked

“cause it sounds shady “

“I don't know what if I find nancy's killer”

“ok but this time I'm not behind you”


Among other things, Lauren's mood dropped why can't Tom be supportive but in the subjects of loneliness no one was Lauren each day fell deeper into the feeling of despair it was awful. She felt the feeling overwhelmed her tears started to fall she hated him for having this much control over how she felt 

Chapter 7 

It was 7 p.m. Lauren walked around her room she checked the time she knew it was either now or never she had to leave now. She packed a bag that contained a knife a phone and a flashlight. 

Bling tom texted her 

" Please don't go " 

" why not " 

" because " 

" because why " 

" you never mind 

" Okay well I'm heading out now" Lauren ended the text sequence 

Lauren jumped in her car and drove about 10 minutes then she arrived at the old Warehouse when she saw her. She was a hooded figure and she called out 

" hello " 

" did you kill Nancy" right off the bat Lauren asked 

" no”

“then why are you here “

“to kill you” the hooded figure said

Lauren charged at the woman but then all of a sudden a car came out of nowhere and it almost hit Lauren instead tom jumped in front of her stopping the car. 

I flew him about 10 ft back and the woman's gone 

" tom stay with me okay you're fine " 

" Lenny " 

" it's Lauren" 

" Oops sorry I meant to call you that " 

" it's okay fine " 

" if I don't make it " 

" don't say that you'll make it " 

" I love you" 

Lauren flushed face turned red 

" I like you too." 

" he smiled as he went to give her a hug he fell back and died at that time. 

" Tom " 

Lauren started to cry. 

When were crashed people overwhelmed with grief she had felt the same way when Nancy had died but now it's too late to change his fate he was gone 

Lauren screamed at the top of her lungs she was going to find them and the anger Rose the thought of death she went mad anger tour the love out of her and she wanted Revenge she would kill everyone who got in her way she would find who did this to Tom her rage. The death set the mood the moon it was blood red and the stars all head she hated her self for letting this happen she was broken she felt the world hated her and she was right she never fit in

September 03, 2020 15:35

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1 comment

Lee Jay
03:49 Sep 11, 2020

Wow. This was such a suspenseful story: you built up to the climax quite well. One critique - the punctuation was a bit interrupting. I noticed on a few occasions a random capitalised letter in the middle of a sentence. Please keep writing! Your imagination is so powerful! Read one of my stories if you feel like it :)


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