
July 15, 2035

It’s been a little while since I’ve updated this journal. I should really get better at it. Well, here’s to one more attempt at building in some level of discipline in my life!

All in all, today turned out to be a pretty good day. Last week’s typhoon came and went, it was not as bad as XG22133, Dr. Willis said it was probably only about 230-259 miles per hour. God, I wish they would find a way to go back to actual names for these things. I guess when you have 30 or 40 a year, you run out of names fairly quickly. Anyway, the house survived this one again, thankfully. We’re getting larger and larger chunks of the concrete falling from the sides, but we have maybe 3 or 4 inches left, and its on the kitchen side of the house so no BIG loss there.

Yesterday, I just finished up the monotony of clearing the debris. I do not know who still lives in a house with wood and tin, but I swear every time one of these suckers rolls through, my area keeps catching them. Maybe it’s the last remnants of the fools that thought this would all calm down eventually. Idiots.

The last thing I want is for someone else’s junk to come flying at me at 400 miles per hour and turn me into a shish kabob, or worse.

Work was done yesterday and today was the sweet, sweet moment to lay back and chill.   


July 22, 2035

I can’t sleep. Typhoon’s roaring outside again. It’s a hard one, but I guess we won’t know how strong they are anymore. Dr. Willis got raided by those bastard food hoarders. Mom always said it was too dangerous to be generous these days. Ever since Dr. Willis began spreading his food supply out to the shore villages, I was worried for him. Word gets around, you know? Anyway, without him or his wind measuring things, it looks like we’re not going to get the post-action recap or the 2-minute warning. I’ll miss him.

I’m assuming the bastards didn’t take his equipment. Maybe, I could grab them and figure it out myself. I learned a few things from him and at school (before classes were “suspended” due to the inability for people to learn while under water). I would like to think I am fairly handy. That’s definitely a thought.

I’ve written off the possibility of getting on the airlift out of here. Its always “who you know…” What an eye roll. But this coming week, is supposed to be the food line for the scraps the transport crews leave behind. So I’ll have to check out the remains of Dr. Willis’ place afterwards. Ugh… those lines are terrible. Maybe I’ll bring this journal and read up on past writing. Maybe there’s a book in here somewhere! Haha. Writing this helped. Im pretty tired now.

Gna go to sleep.



Pandemic? Infectious for sure.

No more food (!!!)

War… here?

I’m screwed


July 30, 2035

I brought my journal to the food line today. There were more people this time, and more transport carriers. Saw some pretty big names in the mass of people waiting to get on. They said it was for an “important” meeting… We all knew they were leaving for good. Overheard some of the crew talking. Wrote the notes down. I’m terrible at note writing, but worse with remembering details so I should put down these thoughts while they’re fresh. Ok.

Refugees – Apparently there is some kind of surge in refugees on the mainland. I heard something about wildfires pushing people South. These guys have been bouncing around the place picking up and dropping people to God knows where. If I know anything its that a whole mess of hungry people = problems.

Pandemic – Not really clear on this one. It is some kind of disease like germs or something, but its spreading. "E-bowla-like"? What the hell is an E-bowla? Dr. Willis would have known.

Looks like there is not going to be any more transport ships coming in… and that means no more food coming in. Gonna have to figure this one out later. This really should have been a big ol’ number one on the list now that I think about it.

And of course, we’re back in a war. The last one was… anticlimactic. For me anyway. My life didn’t change one bit. Granted I only knew we were in that war like a year into it, but still.  No idea who we’re fighting this time. Not sure if any of the fighting will make it here, but the folks sure looked worried. The kind of look of worry Dr. Willis had on his face when his weather things told him a big one was coming.

Man… I write about him a lot. One of these days its gonna hit me that he’s not around, but not today because, as I so eloquently editorialized in my notes, I am certainly screwed. This part probably won’t make it to the book.

I need to think. Not going to clean the place this time. I’ll just have to tough it out for the next typhoon.

Wish me luck!





August 7, 2035

Made it to Dr. Willis’ place. What a mess. I dug around his junk and the bastards took the weather things. Probably for the copper wire or something. Like that matters now. I am truly surrounded by idiots.

But I found something there. There was a black notebook, kinda like this one, thought it was his journal. It was really not anything inside except these four sets of numbers and a weird phrase. I remembered Dr. Willis had a part of his wall with a dial, like a safe , so I wrote down the numbers and went for it. You wouldn’t believe my giddy-ness when the dial clicked. It opened a part of the wall and into a room. As secret rooms go, this one sucked. It was small and smelled like mold. But he had a computer and some food! Stashed the food and I put in the weird phrase when the computer asked for a password and it worked. Made sense at the time, one line for the door the other for the computer inside it. Seemed efficient. Would have REEAAALLLLY sucked to have not had the password.

The computer had some kind of power it was attached to. Couldn't figure that part out, but it was cool to see electronic lights again. Most importantly, he had an internet connection. That part made sense too. There were still internet satellites going across the sky and even when I had internet up before things started getting stupid, no one was changing any passwords to access those. This meant if you got in you could stay in.

Funniest part. Sooo like him, that old man. Dr. Willis was still using Internet Explorer! Haha Come hell or high water (literally in this case) would never keep up to date.

I’m here now. I closed the door behind me. Seems like a safe place to hide out for a bit. Change of scenery and all. Going to try and search around the computer for anything that might help better understand what’s going on.


I… this is not good.

More later probably.


August 10, 2035

I’ve been in this room for three days. On and off. I feel paralyzed. The internet was never a good place for anyone’s mental health but reading what’s happening in the world - Whole cities roasting to death, photos of thousands of people fleeing fires and getting caught in camps, only to be forgotten there as the government ran out of resources to care. Apparently, there is, like, no more fish. I was never a fan of fish, but that takes the wind out of you. Rough strokes were that the ocean became acidy (my word, not the actual word) and poof.

I found out about the EBOLA-like disease. For posterity’s sake I may go back and edit my earlier spelling… sigh. Spent some time on this one. It appears that the typhoons we have here are happening in a lot of other places and a whole mess of other things. Droughts, flooding, the works. That made it hard to grow or get food (tell me about it, right?), and they think it made people eat more and more questionable meats. These things, all of them, just keep building from one disaster after another. Its all connected. Storms make it hard to eat, which leads to desperation, which leads to disease, which leads to me sitting in a BROOM CLOSET WONDERING WHAT THE HECK I’M GONNA DO.

What am I going to do?

I do not want to get that disease. That is for sure. It looks terrible and it is spreading everywhere. Bright side is that we probably won’t be getting any newcomers into the area. That would definitely limit the spread, but downside is, of course, there is really no way out.


The power went out on the computer. It was nice while it lasted. I am hungry. Have to figure out how to get some food. Still in Dr. Willis’ secret lair. There’s a typhoon again outside. I feel safer here, but hungry.

Had a thought. Of course the war wouldn’t come here. It’s probably over resources, to which we have… none. Thank goodness for that. I’m struggling to remain optimistic.


November 15, 2035

I have a plan!

It’s not good!

But I’m gonna try it!

The idiots who looted the houses and stores are short sighted and dumb. This is a fact. They were looking for food, or things with some intrinsic value. What has no value in and of itself? What requires more effort and planning than any of those idiots can muster? What has a longer shelf life than tomato? The seeds of a tomato! Probably… and I am betting they didn’t even look twice at the seeds. I am not a farmer, but I am pretty sure that if there is a pack of seeds in one of the old garden stores, one or two of those little suckers will grow. I just have to make it over there to try my luck.

The trick with seeds is finding a place to plant them that won’t get destroyed by the next typhoon. I’ll figure that part out.  

I am a little overwhelmed with it all. I just want things to get back to normal. I want to clean the debris off my house. Get food from the ships. Wait for the typhoons to pass, but its all getting out of hand. The whole world is literally on fire, and I am just sitting here wondering if I can plant a tomato. I’m stuck on this plot of land that’s dying, around people who are killing each other, on a world that’s burning and even if I catch a transport out of here, where would I go?

I need supplies. I need some kind of food. I have to start somewhere.

So that’s the plan. Survive.

Wish me luck!

April 20, 2021 06:45

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