Fiction Funny Speculative

Two ladies sitting on the porch, as silence presents to productivity one reads a book and another writing a story. They listen to the bird’s chirp. The sounds of nature, views of the sun setting cause them to relax and transport into each of their worlds. An hour has passed no one has said a word. Another hour has passed no one has said a word. Lynn pauses from writing her story, she looks up at the bird that sits on the electrical line. He faces West as if the bird is acknowledging the end of a new day. Lynn watching the nature and the clouds settle and night approaches. She sees the bird release two droplets. Steadily walking towards the porch is Frank. Frank is a neighbor who lives farther down the road. He missed the first droplet. He moved just right; the second droplet hit him right in the top of his head. Lynn looks up at the perfect moment. She burst out into laughter. Blakely looks up from the book. She sees Frank embarrassed, completely frozen as he feels disgusted in poop. Blakely puts down her book, runs to Frank aid. While Lynn is laughing so hard she drops her notebook. She can barely control herself. Blakely helps Frank into the house. They walk into the kitchen. Blakely gives Frank instruction to put his head under the kitchen faucet. She wets his hair. She gets the shampoo out of the bathroom. Blakely begins to wash his hair. Once she is finished she dries his hair with the towel. Lynn sits at the kitchen table, watches everything that Blakely is doing to get Frank clean up. They all sit down at the kitchen table. Lynn still smiling from just the memory of the poop falling on Frank’s head. “Hey! Are you all hungry?”, asked Lynn. Lynn gets up from the table goes in the kitchen, opens the fridge. She pulls out butter, cheddar cheese, loaf of bread and slices of ham. Lynn turns on the liter on the gas stove. She put the pan on the stove and pour enough olive oil to cover the pan. The pans begin to sizzle. She puts the sandwiches together. She places two sandwiches in the skillet. The sound of the sizzle gets louder, the aroma grabs her from the table. Blakely yells “There it goes!”.  Everyone runs and hoover over Lynn while each of them mouths waters over the sandwiches. Once the sandwiches were golden, smelt to perfection. Lynn places each one on their plates and pour drinks. Blakely goes in the box and grab a bag of chips. Frank eyes lights up with excitement. “Frank, you ok? You are very excited about these chips.”, ask Blakely.

“At my house where we have seven other siblings. Chips are a privilege. When we go to others homes and we get it besides our schedule day with our meal, etc. We are excitedly thankful.”, reply Frank. They all ate, laughed, and talked. As they prepared for bed. The ladies let Frank know if was ok for him to stay the night. 

       The next morning Blakely cooked breakfast. They ate, laugh and talk. The ladies walk Frank home. Blakely and Lynn walks into town. They see a poster read “There it  goes!” The ladies both looks at each other, laugh and continue to walk to the Farmer’s Market. They approach the Farmer’s Market; they see all the vendors outside as well the views of the vendors inside the market. Lynn reminds Blakely what is on the menu for dinner tonight. Blakely looks at Lynn a nod her head. They got two pounds of broccoli, collards, corn, cucumbers, and other fruits. Walking back home Frank saw them, he ran off the porch to take the bags from Lynn and Blakely. They smile, says thank you in unison. Frank nod, continue to walk.

       They walk up to the porch. Lynn takes the key out of her pocket to open the door. They all walks in, Frank put the groceries on the kitchen table. Blakely starts to put the groceries away while Lynn pulls out the ham. She starts cleaning, seasoning, and place the ham in the oven on a low temperature. Lynn prepares the pot for the collards. She runs Frank and Blakely out of the kitchen as she uses her secret ingredient. She stays in the kitchen until the pot comes to a boil. She slightly drains the collards, let the pot simmer, she goes sit on the porch with Blakely and Frank. They turn and look at her. “No, it isn’t time to eat yet”, Lynn gives them a look of pity. She sits down as she enjoys the views of blue sky. Hoping today God speaks louder than normal. Minutes pass with no one saying a word. An hour pass with no one saying a word. They hear the door opens, releases the aroma of the food has captured the house. Frank and Blakely look at each other , just smile. 

       Several of the neighbors that live in the area was taking a walk. They couldn’t figure out where is this smell coming from. It was unusual, beautifully unique smell. They had walked several blocks downtown to find the smell. They didn’t have any success.  They stopped to a local diner to get a drink to rest. Everyone else called it an evening while Kyle and Lee were determined to keep searching. They stopped to chat with a local couple, while they sit on their porch. They mentioned about the smell. The older lady just chuckled. “Ma’am, you know where that smell is coming from?”, ask Kyle. The old lady smiles. “Yes, it is a tradition that this town has appreciate for years. Now, it has been passed on to her grandchildren. I remember how people would be in their cars driving, that aroma would have them to stop in town to find that smell”, she said. She just continues to rock in her rocking chair. “Ma’am are we close?”, ask Lee. 

“Yes”, replies the old lady. Kyle and Lee say their goodbyes. They continue to walk. The smell gets stronger. Kyle and Lee could imagine a plate of food in front of themselves smiling for days. It hit them right in the face. They stood in front of the porch, Blakely and Frank both laugh. Lynn yells from the kitchen, “Dinner is ready!” Kyle, Lee, Blakely and Frank say in unison “There it goes!”

July 09, 2021 02:21

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Amuelle Aguilar
05:23 Jul 19, 2021

Wow. Reading your story is relaxing. ❣️


Mellanie Crouell
01:48 Jul 20, 2021

Thank you!


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Shelly Wota
14:34 Jul 15, 2021

Interesting. I could see Frank's face when the poop landed on his head.


Mellanie Crouell
04:00 Jul 19, 2021

Thank you!


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