Dragged Into Playing D&D so You Drag Your Best Friends Into it Too

Written in response to: Write a story where someone finds comfort in an unexpected event, place, or person.... view prompt


Teens & Young Adult Funny Fantasy

“For the last time, Derick I’m dropping you off then leaving” 

“Why won’t you play DND with us, Sam? Scared you might like it?”

This argument had been going on the entire car ride to the Aarons’ new apartment. When Sam picked Derick up, it was “Hey Sam, you should play with us today” and it kept going when they picked up Tyler and Erica, Wally, Max, El, and Finally Molly, who interrupted them after about 2minutes of their argument. 

“Will you both just shut up? Derick, if Sam doesn’t want to play he doesn’t have to. Sam, this is important to Derick Will you at least come in a watch?” Derick and Sam look at each other Mollyefly before reluctantly agreeing. 

Soon enough they arrived at Aaron's apartment, it was messy with boxes still needing to be unpacked and a few bear bottles here and there. In the center of the kitchen, there was a dining table that looked to be set up for their game. At one end there was the trifold piece of cardboard that Aaron hid behind while telling his story. Aaron greeted them as they walked in,

“Welcome one and all to my humble abode-” He cuts himself off as Sam enters, “Didn’t know you’d be joining us today Sam?”

“I won’t be, just here to watch” 

Aaron sent a look to Derick as Sam took a seat. Derick tilted his head towards Molly who mouthed “You’re Welcome” as the rest of the gang took their seats. 

“Well then, If everyone is ready?” a chorus of agreement passed around the table, “Then we will begin.” Aaron went into his narrator's voice. “Friends… Romans… Countrymen… Sam” He sent a quick look to Sam with a smirk on his face before continuing. “Lend me your ears as we enter the Pit of the Fallen, where all of you reside.” The campaign begins, and Eleanor and Molly are a bit confused, however by the time the second encounter happens, they are pros.

“Eleanorroll perception.” 

“I got a 17.” 

“While entering the cave you notice there are some bats in the corner of the room, but they are unnaturally still. It occurs to you that they could be spies for the Blood-Rake.”

“I cast Ray of Frost on one of the bats.”

“Everyone roll initiative.” at this the whole group grows and begins rolling after everyone fills Aaron in on the rolls he tells them, “Until next week young adventures.” 



“How could you?”


“You all need sleep.” Everyone wants to play some more however, 4 hours have passed and everyone is ready for sleep. After most of the children headed out to the car, Sam was about to head out as well when Aaron Stopped him. “So how did you like it? Enjoy the drama? The adventure?”

“It was more entertaining than I thought it would be, I enjoyed my time here,” Sam replied.  

“The Sam Harrison enjoyed an evening with a bunch of nerds and freaks. Careful we might make you into one of us.”

“Ha ha very funny, but yeah Aaron, maybe next week I’ll join in, I don’t know how to make a character, but I think it’ll make the kids happy.” 

“You know it will, and hey if you need help making a character sheet, I’m always here.” 

As Sam left Aaron’s apartment he had a small smile on his face when he dropped the kids off and when he drove home and as he went to bed that night. It was a strange sort of joy he felt when he watch the kids let go for a while and fall into the story Aaron was telling. Sam felt drawn into the world and characters that everyone had created, wanting to be a part of it, wanting to connect the same way they were. 

The next morning during his shift at Family Video, Sam ranted to Ruby about the night before. “It was like everyone was working together, and they didn’t split up, it was great to see their teamwork.” 

“Wow Sam, you are turning into a massive nerd.” Ruby was organizing the rentals that had just come back as Sam walked over.

“You know what maybe, but I don't care,” Sam said dramatically, Ruby scoffed at this but didn’t say anything. “I’m gonna play next week.” 

“Sam you know nothing about DND, how to play or make a character.” 

“Then I’ll ask Aaron for help, you should join too, it’ll be really fun, I promise.” 

Ruby gives Sam a look.

“Alright, I just don’t want to be alone not knowing what is happening. I watched them last night, it’s complicated.” Ruby finishes organizing the tapes and walks back over to the register. 

“If you insist Duffus, let's call Aaron and set up a time to make some characters.” 

“Thank you, I’ll call now.” Sam heads over to the store phone and puts in Aaron’s number from memory.

“Aaron residence.” Aaron’s tired voice answers the phone.

“What's up Aaron,”

“Sam, it is ten in the morning on a Saturday, why are you calling me this early, I should be asleep.” 

Sam laughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, remember last night when you told me you would help set me set up a character for DND?

“Yes, I do, I was under the impression that you would just show up to work on one, or back out of playing in the entirety.” 

“Oh, well I was wondering if you are free around 5 today? To work on characters for me and Ruby?” 

“Ruby too? Who convinced her?”


“You? Oh, you just didn’t want to be the only one that had no clue what you were doing.”

“Why does everyone keep Mollynging that up?”

“Because you refuse to believe that you are a human being and need other people to survive, but yeah anyway I can be available at like 5.”

“... Great thanks, see ya then Aaron.” 

“Bye Sam.”

Sam hung up the call and turned to Ruby and sighed.

“What?” She asked

“Aaron certainly is a character, we are headed over today after our shifts to make characters.” 

“Sounds great.” 

The rest of their shift seemed to drag on forever until finally both Ruby and Sam clocked out at 4:30. 

“You seem excited,” Ruby stated as they pulled into Aaron's apartment building. “Can’t wait to see your boyfriend?”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Sam says as he gets out of the car.

“No, but you wish he was,” Ruby said under her breath as she also beings to get out of the car. Sam walks up to Aaron’s door and knocks, a few moments later he is met with a smirking Aaron Myrtle. 

“Welcome, Sir Sam” then to Ruby, “Lady Barth,” 

“Hi, Aaron.” Ruby walks right into Aaron’s apartment, and Sam follows after. 

“Well, let's get started, first we should pick a class, race, and background. Class should be first then we can pick race and background based on that.” Aaron began to explain the process, it took a few tries for Ruby and Sam to understand what class, race, and background are. Eventually, Aaron just asked the two what they wanted to be able to do.

“I want to like fight people, it would be cool if I could have my bat with nails. I kinda want to be a team player and protect my friends.” Sam answered.

“I think it would be funky if I could like maybe play an instrument and like be some sort of spellcaster, I mainly want to cause chaos.” as Ruby said this Aaron smiled, mischievously. 

“I think that is something we can do, for both of you.” Aaron turned to Ruby first, “Barth, I’m thinking Bard, you could cast charisma-based spells- I’ll tell you what that means later- and play an instrument. What do you think?”

“Sounds great,”

Aaron then turned to Sam, “Sam, we have 2 options for you. The first and less complicated one is being a fighter, you fight things, and you’ll get a fighting style. The second option is to be a Paladin, they take an oath that gives them holy power, they carry around a Holy Weapon which could be your bat if you would like, and they can cast a few spells.”

“Ok,” Sam paused, confused, “Can you go through the whole process with Ruby first so I see how it works, and I’ll think about it.” 

“Come on Barth let's get started.” 

After about an hour Ruby had her character done, Ms. Ruby Barf of Farrell Lv 3 Bard. Aaron turned to Sam, who had been watching the whole time, carefully. 


“Right, yeah I think I’m going to be a Palladin.” Sam looked up to see Ruby and Aaron looking at him smiling. 

“Great, let's roll your ability scores then,” 

After another hour and a half, Sam had his character- Sir. Sam Hair of Farrell Lv 3 Paladin, twin of Ms. Ruby. After their characters were made, Aaron took the time to educate the newly appointed twins on the campaign, lore, and how to play so they aren’t fish out of the water on Friday. It made Sam feel good knowing that his friends weren’t going to let him embarrass himself, or at least not let him do it alone. 

Finally, it was Friday and Sam was on his way to pick up the whole group, when Derick got into the car he was confused to see Ruby already there. 

“Why is Ruby here? Did you two finally get together?”

“Ew gross no, I brought her to sit in on DND with me.” Sam and Ruby agreed that it would be really funny to surprise all the kids. 

During the session, Sam and Ruby sat around the table waiting for their characters to be introduced, when it finally happened. 

“I would like to roll perception to see if there are any interesting people in the bar.” Molly, the smartest of the group, rolled.

“Go ahead.”


“You notice a few groups of people that might be interesting, but the two people who stand out most to you are a pair of twin halflings who are loudly arguing in the corner.”

“I walk up to them” then putting as her character Molly continued, “is there a reason you two are fighting? Or just being dumb?” 

“Sam, Ruby, I’ll let you take over from here.” Aaron gave them the floor as a chorus of gasps came from the children as they turned to the far end of the table. 

Ruby spoke up first, “Of course, there is a reason we are fighting, he is being a Duffus. He says that we should go on a quest to the south, where it is freezing and we will freeze to death.” 

“It’s worth 50 gold, Ruby.” Sam then turns to the rest of the group, “I’m Sir. Sam Hair, by the way, this is my twin sister Ms. Ruby Barf.”

The rest of the session went off without a hitch, Sam and Ruby had an amazing time with all the kids, who enjoyed their playing. Sam dropped everyone off after promising another session at least and went to be that night, valued, loved, and happy.

September 02, 2022 22:19

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