Teens & Young Adult Drama Fantasy

It was a rainy morning. I was awake at 6. My parents were really happy that day. I was really happy seeing the smile on their face. My mom announced a business trip she and dad will be having for a week. "If we have this deal we will be able to move to New York this year", she said. They had an agency out in New York. Dad's company, Pioneer Venture Capital Fund, decided to move their headquarters there. "We are going to have a meeting with the NYC Dept of Economic Development and we will be giving a presentation on why the company should be given up for the EDL", she told me.

I was really happy for them, They were really happy about their meeting so I did not bother them and let them work that day. The next day was their flight. Before leaving for the flight, my mom asked me, "You want goodbye kisses, Liam". "No mom, I am a big boy now, I just want a hug", I answered. "Are you sure", my mom said with a slight smile. "Let him decide he's gonna be an adult in a couple of years", My dad says with laughs. My parents left my room, the home, and out of the door. I looked at them while they go.

I was enjoying that day alone playing games on my console that day and spending my summer holidays. I knew I had not got out of my room for 3 days. I would eat junk food from my fridge in my room every day. This is just for a week until their trip is over, isn't it? or at least I thought it was until the day they were supposed to come home.

I waited and waited and waited and waited even more till midnight. I wasn't supposed to call them during their meeting and trips but I was scared now really, really scared. I waited one more day in the hope they might be late. The fear of a negative result of reporting to cops seemed frightening to me. I was brain dead at this point since I have been stuck in this room for 3 weeks now and I was running out of packaged food. I was so hopeless in my parents to return, I felt like life was nothing now I have not even got out of my room in the past couple of weeks.

I was exhausted now. I was willing to die but I was too afraid to even get out of my room. It was like I had built a fear of leaving my room. It was enough now. I took a toy fishing rod I aimed at my mom's medicine "norethisterone" which she uses to push her mensuration further. I thought doing an overdose will kill me.

so I took about 8 pills in my mouth and I can feel the death coming to me. Suddenly, I blacked out.

"Hey honey, Wake up, wake up" you're late for school., "mom said".

wait what mom, "Mom you're here, where's dad?", I asked.

I was crying at this point, really struggling to talk. "You came back?, you are alive", I cried. "Of course we are alive, you must've had a very bad dream.", mom said. I was really confused but thought all was just a dream and didn't think much of it. I was being ready for school when I suddenly realized that it was our summer vacation.

I was confused but did not speak about it. In school, everything was completely different than I know. The school was different, the friends were different in fact I didn't even remember the friends I had. "Did I even had friends?", I asked myself. It was so different and felt so unreal. During the lunch break, I asked one of my mates what her name was? She said, "I was waiting for you to speak to me, so I could speak to you back, and I am no stranger to you, I am you, hidden somewhere inside your brain." "What do you mean", I asked her. She gestured for me to speak quietly. I nodded and quietly asked her what's going on here. She replied with "This is not real, everything you are looking at is the dream you are having due to drug overdose, you did an overdose because you were depressed, think about the times you had with your friends when you were a kid? I said, "there's no point in living when people whom I love the most are no more. I like living here in the world at least I can see my parents here." "Nothing is unchangeable here, The thing you're looking at is a dream right now, what if where your parents never return is also just a dream. What if you can change this? , and undo the done, Always remember I am the last sign of hope left in your brain and if you are unable to believe in the hope, the darkness will take over your brain and you would never see the reality again", she said.

After her words, everything went dark. Everything around him disappeared like non of those even existed. I just realized that everything I saw was a dream not a reality. But was it?

I go rushing to the room and see no one not even mom and dad and I thought no those were all real they are actually dead.

I just became really sad and wanted to kill myself upon the truth so I jumped out of the 50 story building. While I was falling from the building it took a little too long to fall. When I realized he doesn't live in the 50 story building. When my mind finally processes all information I hear the clock ticking sound. I actually hear the sound of his mom and dad. I can feel them talking to me but I am in a pitch-black scene. When I realized Everything I saw was a dream of the past. I just remembered that I am not even 15 years old boy, I am a 30-year-old man with a recent breakup. The sound I felt that sounded like mom was my ex-wife and I was probably in a hospital for a drug overdose, but how can I see the life I never knew as a dream I was confused?

My ex-wife told me that I've been in the hospital for more than a year.

ahhhhhhhhh! I screamed

March 12, 2021 17:47

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Prabesh Acharya
17:55 Mar 12, 2021

You Actually Uploaded This. I Just Gave Up At The Last Moment.


17:56 Mar 12, 2021

you should've uploaded it..😊


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