Fiction Horror Suspense

This story contains themes or mentions of substance abuse.

WARNING: alcohol abuse

   James was barely out of diapers when he tried a sip of his mother’s wine. He spat it out and wiped his tongue with a napkin. The bitterness lingered in his mouth, keeping James alcohol-free for years. 

   As a teenager, when his friends partied with drugs and booze, James declined to participate. While most kids his age spent their weekends getting wasted, James studied and worked. As a result of his efforts, he graduated Valedictorian of his high school and college classes. After landing a surprisingly high-paying position in a prestigious company, he bought a house and an SUV. 

   On weekends, while his colleagues consumed large quantities of alcohol in a popular pub, James devoted his free-time to fitness. He ran marathons and trained with weights until his body radiated strength and wellness. Needless to say, James attracted females by the droves. 

   There was one particular female who caught his eye. She worked on the floor above him, so they occasionally shared an elevator.

   “She smells like bubblegum—pink and joyful.” James was smitten. Delighted, he discovered that her name was, Darla, and that they shopped at the same grocery store. 

   One day, when Darla ran into him with her cart full of groceries, James fell hard and fast. After he received treatment from the hospital for his injuries, he asked Darla out. Their relationship progressed quickly, but they were in love. Luckily, she had plenty of furniture when she moved in because James only had a couch. 

   For the first year, their love grew while they made plans for a bright future together. James got a promotion and purchased a ring. 

   The night James planned to propose, he met Allie…and that’s when everything changed.


   James wobbled and tossed his keys toward the blurry brown surface that might have been the table. 

   “Shhhh!” He scolded the noisy keys that skittered across the table and clattered to the floor. So thoroughly inebriated that he couldn’t find the bathroom, he urinated in his girlfriend’s potted plant. He shivered against the draft of night air that gusted in from the front door left wide open. Reaching out to close the door, he missed and threw himself off balance. His last thoughts before blacking out were of Allie as he slumped backwards like a dead man over the arm of the couch. 

   Allie, who continually landed heroic roles, was every filmmaker’s dream. The popularity of her latest box office hit, Numb and Number, spread like an airborne virus. References to Allie and her work popped up in every movie and TV show. The whole world celebrated Allie, especially James, who was intimately familiar with her. James had not stopped to think about it, but since he met her, most of his life revolved around Allie. 

     After several nights of celebrating with his best friend, Allie, James blacked out for an indeterminate amount of time. He stirred, painfully aware of a kink in his neck as he slowly opened his eyes. Sunlight stabbed him in the retina and caused a chain-reactive skull pounding as each neuron exploded along his optic nerve. If the pain had not distracted him, James probably would have noticed the sticky note plastered to his forehead a lot sooner. As it turned out, he did not see it until he looked in the bathroom mirror. Still wobbly and disoriented from the previous night’s debauchery, he wondered, briefly, why someone would write backwards on a sticky note and plaster it to his forehead. Although his memory of the night before was a big, black, blur; he felt fairly certain that he did not sticky-note himself. It dawned on him, suddenly and painfully, with a simultaneous stabbing sensation in his heart and head. 

   “Darla! Of course it was Darla. My live-in girlfriend.” He spoke out loud, but to himself because no one else was around. He wrinkled his face and tried to remember the last times he had seen Darla. He used to think about Darla all the time, before he met Allie. 

A quickening of his heart and an involuntary gasp sent his hand to rip the note off his head while forcing him to read it.

   It’s Over. I’m done being the other woman. Goodbye, James.

   Running through the house, panicked despair added to his throbbing head as he took inventory of his loss. Two years with Darla wiped clean from his life as if they never happened. 

   “She took everything from me!” He wailed into the empty rooms. The emptiness echoed back the abandonment and hollowness festering in his gut. Somehow, Darla had scrubbed away every stitch of her existence from the house; all the items that were hers—vanished while James was passed-out-drunk on his worn out couch. 

   James clenched his fists, reeling with agony—the pain was too much. He had to see Allie. 

   Without the table to cast a shadow over them, his keys shone brightly in the sunlight blazing through naked, untreated windows. Not even bothering to brush his teeth, he grabbed his keys, slamming the door behind him.

   Ignoring the dent in his SUV, James climbed into the driver’s seat and drove to the pub to meet his best friend.

   “James, darling, I have the best news!” Allie greeted him from their favorite table. She raised a glass filled with his usual drink, specially prepared for him. He gulped down half of it before sitting across from her. With a snap of Allie’s fingers, two more drinks appeared. ,She grinned, clasping her hands in front of her and waited for the buzz to soften James’s face before continuing. 

   “It seems we have a new cause for celebration, my dear! We wrapped up the last scenes of , ‘Bye, Bye, Darla’ , last night and I’ve just been cast as the heroine in ‘Forever Alone’.”

   James didn’t say much, but he could not seem to get enough to drink. After several more rounds, he paid with his credit card and drove Allie to a local pub where they danced and sang karaoke. 

   When James and Allie got together, they usually made quite an impression on others. 

   “That was fantastic! I didn’t know you could sing. Such profound lyrics: If I hadn’t picked up the bottle, I’d have never met you.” A younger fan complimented the duo before throwing back a beer.

   “Aren’t you that actress who saved the earth in, ‘Sober Aliens Don’t Self-Combust’?” Twins with matching wine glasses discussed one of Allie’s most popular films.

   “Oh yeah! Brilliant how your character got all the aliens drunk and watched them light themselves on fire.” 

   “Killed the entire race of them in that film, didn’t you, Allie?” James added to the conversation before swaggering off toward the bar to order more drinks.

   As usual, a crowd gathered around Allie; everyone eager to celebrate with her and feel the sensation of her glorious aura. James sat at a table lined with whiskey shots and faded into the background; happy to allow Allie to glow in the limelight of her fans.

   His face and ears reddened with warmth as the room vibrated with his buzz. Shuffling his feet, he kicked a beer bottle out from under the table. Mesmerized, he watched as it spun—circle after circle. James’s eyelids fought against him as he tried to stay conscious long enough for one more drink.

   “These are from, Allie.” A gum-smacking waitress kicked the beer bottle under a table and lined James’s table with five more shots. The faint smell of bubblegum lingered behind her and reminded James of something…or was it someone? His neck seemed to have lost control of his head, so he held it up with his hand; elbow propped on the table. Double vision worsened his eye-hand coordination, making it nearly impossible to grab a shot glass. As if by magic, one shot after another ended up in his hand and down his throat. 

   Someone kicked the beer bottle again. James watched it spinning out of control. Just as a steel toed boot smashed the bottle against a brick wall, James downed a shot of whiskey and passed out.

   He would not remember the dream that smelled like bubblegum, but it wasn’t just a dream. It was also a memory of a happier time filled with hope and laughter. The dream was the universe’s last plea with James to remember the feeling of joy and wholeness—things he could never have again, as long as Allie was around. Two years of true love with Darla and plans for their future together, a successful career with unlimited financial potential, physical fitness and personal health—all erased from his memory, his dream and his future. The only thing he remembered from the dream later was Allie, laughing and holding a giant eraser.

   He groaned himself awake with his face pressed against the cold concrete of the holding cell. It hurt to open his eyes. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to remember. Not truly understanding his location, he reached in his jacket pocket for his trusty flask; a gift from Allie, but his hand returned to him empty. 

   “Hey buddy! I bailed you out. No more public drunkenness for you! We’re going to your place tonight.” Allie, always there to cheer him up and save the day, stood on the other side of the bar. 

   “I know you! You are that actress from the movie, ‘The Lost Boy’, right?” The warden, keys jingling, opened the cell with a grave expression of recognition and reluctance. He tapped James on the shoulder and slipped a business card in his hand.

   “I know the look of a guy on his last leg. How many wake up calls is it gonna take? How much of your life are you willing to give her?” The warden’s eyes, weary with the wisdom of experience, cut through the layers of excuses and locked onto the truth that James hid from himself. 

   “Whatever, man. I can handle it. She doesn’t control me.” James scoffed and stumbled after Allie. Once clear of the warden’s eyes, he glanced at the business card that read: Allie Anonymous Hotline, and tucked it into his pocket. 

   “Your SUV was impounded, but I saved your flask!” Her sing-song voice brought a smile to his face. She unscrewed the top and passed it to him. The whiskey stung his throat and made his eyes water; leading him happily toward the blissful darkness of another blackout.

   After summoning an Uber and stopping by the liquor store, Allie and James arrived at his deserted house. He unlocked the door and walked in to pitch blackness. 

   “Huh. The lights are out.”

   “You probably did not pay the bill, Darling.” Allie threw her head back, cackling.

   James lit some candles and opened a bottle of Jim Beam. 

   “We don’t need lights to get wasted, do we?” He guzzled half of the bottle. James’s mind bothered him, wondering how long it had been since he had gone to work. He covered the stressful question with a serene blanket of darkness by downing the rest of the bottle and passing out.

   Pain woke James from a blackout so long he had no recollection of its start. Clenching his stomach, he stumbled through his dark house. He was too disoriented to find the toilet in time; vomiting a puddle of blood on the floor. 

   “End stage, alcohol-induced liver failure.” The doctor scribbled a note and left the room without further explanation. 

   “Come on, Darling! It’s time to celebrate my new role in, ‘Hannibal’s Rejection’.” Allie arrived as the doctor left, promising endless bottles of liquor awaiting James at his house.

   Days later, James regained consciousness and answered his phone. 

   “Darling, I have the best news! I landed the lead role in, ‘Now I Eat Your Soul’.” She ended the call after cackling like an unearthly beast; sending shards of icy fear through James’s heart.

   Heart racing, James succumbed to panic. Loneliness, darkness, desolation and disease stared him in the face. Rock-bottom slammed his consciousness with reality. Finally, he reached the end of his rope and called the number on the business card that the warden gave him. Bloody tears streamed down his cheeks. Pain exploded in his belly. Tunnel vision. Darkness. 

Cackling, inhuman, laughter and Allie’s voice answered the phone.

   “You are too late. You gave everything to the villain. There is nothing left of you to save.” 


May 27, 2022 22:40

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Benjamin Togate
23:57 May 31, 2022

I didn't get it the first read through, saw the comments and read again... i mean it's kind of obvious now to me, don't know how i missed it haha. But great story! Love the idea behind it and how it was executed.


Sharon Hancock
01:05 Jun 01, 2022

Thank you so much for reading and commenting. 😻


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Crows_ Garden
15:11 May 31, 2022

That personification with Allie.. Holy moly that was something. This prompt fits this story really well. Alcohol seems like a hero to many, after all it's "liquid courage". This story shows the darkside, the way it destroys stuff around you. I mostly enjoy the fact it's the relationship and not the drink that has him continue(another person commented on that much better). The ending, that's.. Woo.. That was something. Wonderful story, Sharon.


Sharon Hancock
16:49 May 31, 2022

Thank you so much! I’m so glad it came across like I wanted it to. I really didn’t realize how much we glorify alcohol or what a problem it can be in our world until someone I love developed a problem with it. It’s such great therapy for me to write out those feelings. Thanks for reading and commenting!😻


Crows_ Garden
18:09 May 31, 2022

I agree with that, the problems don't have their true weight til it's a bit too close. Writing is a wonderful form of therapy, I'm glad it's working for ya. And of course, thank you for writing this!


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Kai Corvus
14:32 May 30, 2022

I'm gonna be honest, I'm just a teensy bit embarrassed that it took three times reading this and looking down at the comment section for me to realize- oh, Allie is a personification. Now that I have realized that, the story makes so much more sense. The story is a maniacal spiral towards death for the main character, which I absolutely loved. The pacing was great (although I do agree that the first part and the rest of it do seem a little disconnected, I personally didn't mind it) and how you wrote Allie's character was amazing. Looking b...


Sharon Hancock
01:09 May 31, 2022

Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I’m sorry it took three tries to get it, that’s what I was afraid of, so I’ll probably add something later to make it more obvious. Thanks so much for the feedback 😻


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Zack Powell
02:22 May 30, 2022

I read this the first time and took the whole story at face value (silly me, despite the obvious personification and even the name Allie 😂). The SECOND read-through, however, made everything click for me. I love your vision on this topic, Sharon. That's a very clever way of talking about this issue. I agree with Michał. The part that we need for a story like this is the impetus for James's drinking. The character before and after the line break is almost like night and day, like 0 to 100. If we just had a scene in between those two that sho...


Sharon Hancock
01:28 May 31, 2022

Thank you for your feedback and for reading! You have such a gift for lifting writers up, you should consider motivational speaking. I plan to add that part about how they met. It’s weird how I revised it so many times and didn’t catch that, but now that you guys have pointed it out, it’s such a glaringly obvious gap. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears” ,as they say. Thanks again for reading!😻


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Michał Przywara
20:22 May 29, 2022

Great story, Sharon! Casting alcoholism as a personal relationship like this is clever. It's insidious, and it's never quite just about the drink itself. I like the movie titles, and the tie-ins to the glamorous movie lifestyle. The progression of the story is fine, since setbacks from drinking lead to more drinking. The only thing that could use a bit more detail is his first encounter with Allie. This is a guy who basically never drank -- why does he suddenly start, especially when he's got a future with Darla in mind? Maybe he's nervous...


Sharon Hancock
01:22 May 30, 2022

Thank you for reading and for your suggestions that’s exactly what I needed. You’re right . Thank you so much!


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Sharon Hancock
14:52 May 29, 2022

I could use some feedback on this one. I was attempting to personify alcoholism in the character, Allie…like how alcohol is glorified in TV and movies, but in real life, it can destroy everything and it’s tricky bc it’s also a lot of fun (until it’s not). I’d love some ideas for making that clearer and making it all flow better or any tips you have.


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Jay McKenzie
06:57 May 29, 2022

There's a sort of gleeful, menacing air here which works really nicely. Almost like one of those scary laughing clowns. The film titles are funny in a darkly humorous kind of way.


Sharon Hancock
14:43 May 29, 2022

Thank you for reading and commenting. “Laughing sadistic clown” is exactly the vibe I was going for.😻


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Anissa Waterman
05:23 May 28, 2022

I like the way you wrote this. Great story.


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