Journeying Solo - (Part 1)

Submitted into Contest #87 in response to: Write about a mischievous pixie or trickster god.... view prompt


Contemporary Fantasy Fiction

SpaceHuman's Note:

*None of my stories are making it to the directory but whatever. This story is a lil different. It's 4 kids with different problems caused by the same trickster god. I can't say anything more or I'd be spoiling. But, just one more thing, each disaster is a different "element" (fire water earth air). Sorry I had to make two parts, but it was kiiinda long. Ok enjoy :)*


Heat surrounds me in a circle. I can barely see around my room with the smoke consuming the fresh air. I call for my mother. My father, but they don't respond. I realize my baby sister is still here. She had departed from my mind once the fire ball rocketed in and began this mess. I want to run an get her. But that would jeopardize my own life, and what if she left? She might have crawled out the building. With my mother and father clutching her in their lanky arms. Without bothering to find me. I quickly jump up and move another foot towards my desk. Fire encircles me. I'm going to die. My family is already gone, so do I have to put up such a big fight any more, or can I just lie down and enjoy my last dream?


My roof is gone. My mother crumpled under the heap of the mess. I'm now alone. With my house. Can I even call it that? I study it for a few minutes, making sure the little tornado ball is gone. Planning for it's next kill. My house is made from grass. The grass is braided together so tightly, it can hold up a roof. Not a strong one, but it stops the rain, and when it does get knocked over, me and my mother spend a few days singing together, building a new one. I learned from my mother that Inca people would do this with bridges. They would walk on the shaking rope across the canyons, somehow not worrying about plummeting to death. She loves to talk to me about her ancestors. Everything I know is from my mother's tales. I've never really been to a school, and my mother just teaches me life skills here on the farm. She doesn't teach me reading, writing, science, since we both never learned that. Maybe if she was still with me I could have gone out to learn with her. But for now, I need to face reality.


The ground rumbles once again. I see a small earth ball dart from the room. Faster than the speed of sound. I scream angrily after it, about to begin a chase, but my friend pulls my shoulders back. He tells me we must evacuate quickly. He takes my outside where my whole family is waiting. My parents, and my big brother. But where is my friend's family? He points a finger at the cliff. My anger bubbles more, but he drags me back again and we breathe. My father encloses me in a hug, smiling warmly at my friend. He doesn't deserve to have his parents perish like this. I want to jump off the cliff, but I have a family right here that might need me. My brother and mother quickly join in, and my friend follows. His name is Carlo. I look around me for his house, but the end of the cliff is all I see. Does Carlo really have nothing left? I go closer to inspect a little, ignoring my mother's cries to be careful, but it doesn't matter, because all of a sudden, I am falling to the rocks and water below.


I try to shout, but they turn to gurgles. No one can hear that. I look away from the people who failed to swim, and are falling to the bottom. And instead I turn to the fence, where I can rest. I get close and begin to wrap my hands around it, but the tide pushes me back underwater, where I see a little water ball. It stirs up more water causing more screams. Not just from me. My hand reaches out to grab it and stop this mess, but my jet black hair gets in the way, stinging my eyes, and the ball is gone. I'm alone on this beach. Alone. The sand is disappearing, so I turn to the ocean looking for a new destination.


I catch sight of the water jug lying near the bathroom. It's for emergencies, so I think now is a good time. My scorted hand reaches for it and grasps the handle. I then use all of my remaining strength to pour everything out. At least enough to buy me a few seconds and escape the house. I don't know if you can call it that anymore. I curse the fire ball again and step out into the light, with a fresh layer of smoke. I tumble into a fit of coughs. Where is my family. I couldn't see their bodies anywhere while running out the door. Did they...really leave without me? Then I guess it's time I set on my journey. I don't need to grab my sack. Instead, I go to the fruit stand and steal some bananas and oranges when the man isn't looking. I'm all of a sudden a thief. So I put my half burnt shark tooth necklace on the wooden space. I look to the grass covered mountains, and suddenly my feet are moving.


Where do I go? That is the first question that hits me. I can't go to authorities, because I'll be questioned about my family and oh that will be complicated. In the end I decide I'll go collect the valuables that haven't been blown away by the air ball, and set out from the 250 acres. It sounds easier than it looks. The furniture is all piled up, making it difficult to get clothes, and the bathroom is completely destroyed. All I manage to get is a bottle of hand sanitizer. I also grab some money, a coat, and a photo of me and my mother. Of course, I get water and food. I stuff it into my fabric bag that I made and begin walking. It's easy at first. All I do it walk through the flat lands and make my way through crops. I still need to settle for a destination, and my eyes settle on the ocean not to far from where I am. Then I begin to run, which is a mistake. I have asthma. You can see the problem. And perhaps my stupidity. I take a breath and continue at a slow pace, hoping I will eventually reach my destination.


I hit the water hard. My vision is blurry. And I sleep. When I wake up, a dolphin is carrying me out to the ocean. In the distance, I see some mountains. I pat the dolphins head softly, and it looks up. I never thought this would happen. My family! I jolt up looking around, but everything is fuzzy again. When I wake up the second time, the dolphin is dropping me off by the bank, safe from the water. I grab a fish slapping in the water and hand it to the gentle animal. A few moments later, it's gone. I hope it has a family to see. I notice that wasn't the only fish squirming. There are many. And they're big. I locate some sticks, and soon I have saved myself dinner. I eat a small piece of meat, and although I'm still dizzy, begin my hike up the hill.


I ignore the fact that I have left my parents for possibly forever without a goodbye. They still have five other kids that can comfort them at home. And adding to that, I was never the goody-two-shoes of the family. My mother and father were always angry. I guess my skill set didn't meet their standards? The ocean is calming down. I have no idea how I'll be able to swim these miles, but maybe I can turn back now that everything is dying down? Maybe I will be able to see my siblings and parents again. I must have jinxed something, because right as I turn, a huge wave crashes into me, sending me at least a couple miles through the water. Not too far away from my new landing place, I see land, so I get on my back, and start doing my backstroke.

March 30, 2021 01:47

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