Jack’s black world

Submitted into Contest #239 in response to: Write a story where the laws of time and space begin to dissolve.... view prompt


Fantasy Horror Thriller

Hello my name is Jack and I live in a black world. The world around me is nothing, but black from sun up to sun down. This world is just like yours accept I’m the only person who lives here. When you look around you see monster in human  masks these masks look real enough to be a perfect replica eyes of different varieties, different shades of skin, and different shapes of the nose, but they all have one thing in common it’s of a human face, but on the mask conceals a monster twisted in mind and distorted in faced consumed by the desire to destroy each other. In this world it feels like a maze that I walk through taking back alleys and walks across the street to avoid these monsters, so I don’t become the next prey. They are in the shops, on the corners, and living in the same building as me I lock every door and make sure they can’t get in. The monsters look friendly to each other, but horrifying to me as I can see them eating each other alive at night. Looking these monsters in the eyes in the most horrific idea, because they are windows to a void of nothingness as if you are looking in a abyssal plane you can feel the fire on your skin, the blood lust in their head, the pain of their previous victim, so I rather hide away. Cursing the facts the monsters parade around as my friends, snakes in masks that resemble the faces that I once trusted. Understanding their is no escape to this world just a day by day life we wake up go to work get off eat and go home. This world is a void of joy and a place that makes you question everything. Is it me? Is it them? Am I the true monster? Why do I feel this way? All these thoughts rush through your head as you walk through avoiding eye contact avoiding saying hi in fear that the “person” you would say hi to might be the worst of the worst and end up eating you alive. Our existence is intertwined with each other no matter how much I lock myself out and try to run away. When did this become reality? When did the monsters of fantasy become a real thing? It’s just another quandary I rather not think of. I remember when the world was filled with color the sky was blue the grass was green and the flowers were different vibrant shades. The food tasted good and not like slop from a pig pin there was flavors that made you happy to get. When did it fade when did the color go away? It feels like forever the color went gray and from gray it went black. So, I keep my head down in my phone in hopes to recapture that moment that signal that drop of color in this otherwise bleak world filled with the most disgusting of monsters. Let’s take a walk through the darkness together you can feel a ray of heat on your neck, but the sun is no where to be seen as if it’s responsible for the apocalypse we live in. The ground below you is stiff to the touch every placement of your shoe is a stuff movement no give nothing soft just all the same. The air smells of poisonous gas that is slowly eating away at my lungs, but I try to convince myself it’s safe outside. Can you taste it the taste of charcoal that fills the air that ash like texture that sticks to the roof of your mouth and coats your tongue the taste of smoke feels your mouth as if the world is a giant bbq smoker do you taste hickory, cherrywood, maple, or the ash of days past? Did the walk let you see the world we live in… No, okay peek around this corner take a long look that is a monster that just dragged her partner out the house do you see what’s wrong? There are holes in vital organs that are shaped like the blade of a knife she stabbed him over 100 times. Why? He came home late from work. This disgusting degenerate world is reality open your eyes! This is the truth! This is the truth! This is reality! When reality seems to be stranger then fiction how can we tell the difference between the stories? When time is combined with self awareness reflection and selfishness what does time mean? Welcome to the black world. The monsters are the best friends, the teachers, the parents, and the leaders. Wait before you leave let’s discuss the food. It’s flavorless livestock feed that they give us just to survive, gray in color and a texture that would turn your stomach. At some points it feels as if we are eating people we are becoming the cattle to slaughter as we lose texture we lose flavor we lose the taste. It’s a wonderful thing right? The works of a corporation of monsters that use food and water to turn a profit on everyone feed the pigs and make it easy to become hungry again. Make them crave a certain dish and then market it as limited time, so the masses fight and flock to the food the monsters love to turn on one another. They love to watch each other be stomped on trampled and eaten by each other all for the pleasure of who gets the last of the slop. They are diabolical creatures that have hearts as black as the midnight sky. Wait they didn’t like the night sky the monsters built street lights and power to make sure you knew where they are and they knew where you were at all times. Please understand the monsters are smart crafty and hold time and space in their hands. The monsters create law, the monsters run companies, the monsters destroyed the independent person by making them need and desire easy safety and security. The weak have been harvested in the slaughter house as millions goes missing. Wars destroy the people, but strengthen the economy blood baths are how we drive cars. When did reality feel so fleeting? When did the monsters take over making us reliant? Why do we comply to monsters that aren’t compliant? It doesn’t make sense and I don’t think it ever will.

February 28, 2024 04:20

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