Coming of Age Fantasy Science Fiction

I crossed at the lights in to the busy stairwell of the public library. It's presence was isolated and weatherbeaten. It desperately needed a new paint job, and the play ground needed some TLC. I don't have any feelings at the best of times but something just doesn't feel right. I checked behind me, to see a slight shadow not thinking any thing of it at first. I kept walking. I reached for the door and turned the handle. Inside was a picturesque anthology of books.

I stumbled over to one of the biggest sections in the library. All the way down to the letter H. My heart desired to learn the knowledge of herbalism. One of the main practioners being Nicholas Culepeper 16-16 to 1654. He published books on herbal remedies and the practice of astrological medicine. He catalogued hundreds of medicinal herbs. He offered free treatment to any one in need. He made medical information translatable by creating his works in English and distributing his books at a very low cost. Nicholas Culpeper was trialed twice for witchcraft and was almost barred from practice.

Culpepers herbal, was printed in Boston 1708 making it the first book to be published about herbalism in America.

American medical botanists mainly learned about the Native North American flora. Largely from indigenous people, who had worked with these plants for centuries. It's a very interesting read if you're in to wanting to learn the knowledge of herbalism, and the fight that it took to make it available to the people.

Then of course there is all the critics that come along the way when making herbal medicines. The rationality of sativa and indica becoming legal in all states is an interesting read too. Then of course there's plant magic to follow.

The library was quiet today usually there's more people. I suppose due to the covid 19 pandemic every body is at home unless it's absolutely important. I find it quite astonishing how a disease can travel from Wuhan China all the way too Australia through the sewerage system. Who would have thought that a bat could do so much damage, and that the Chinese would try to wipe everybody out. Only to find a vaccine to make you not so vulnerable to the disease. I feel that we need more border security systems put in place.

I get lost in knowledge.

At times it over loads my sensory system. So I am looking for some sort of book with limitless herbal recipies to help clear my chakras and to help me ground myself when I am put in to situations that dissemble myself as a hole. I've tried going to counciling but that will not help me sleep. My ptsd is to deeply involved with my brain there for it does not have the ability to shut itself off when it's supposed too.

I run my fingers along the books that have collected some dust over time. I come across "plant magic", I pull it out from half a dozen similar books. As I open it, I make up my mind close it and put it in to the fold between my elbow and my arm. I look further and see "traditional meditation practices".

I walk all the way over to the other side of the library the library is a fairly big stretch if you don't know you're way around. I reach the desk the librarian looks up at me taps the books and says "Only for the wise, you've got fourteen days to return these books or you're account goes up."

"Thank you." I replied with a smile on my face.

I walked out the door my imagination was filled with all the possibilities that I could learn in these books.

Down in to the stair well that was so awkwardly beautiful I had a slight intuition to look behind me.

There was a man sitting in thr corner smoking his pipe tobacco, he had a long black jacket on, and a top hat. Sitting next to him was his walking stick.

"Are you okay there sir." I said.

He looked up and replied " Only for the wise."

Interestingly enough he had the same quote as the librarian that handed me the books.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

He looked up at me with a smile on his face then galf me a half suppressed laugh. And covered his mouth with his fingers and locked it with his thumb and threw away the sipper.

"Knowledge is not lost."

I was a little bit startled at the fact that this phrase had been said twice. Maybe it was just old people thatve read the same book. I thought to myself. I wandered down the rest of the stair well, I crossed the busy lights it was peak hour now. Every body coming home from work and school.

I arrived at my lightfilled apartment went in and turned on the kettle.

I open the book titled plant magic and started reading the first paragraph.

"To those who believe and to those that are wise, and the friends of Nicholas Culpeper."

I ponder to question the legislation of pharmaceutical medicine, and desire in my heart to learn about herbalism and the way that different herbs and flora works. Some one that may use plant magic may identify as a herb witch, a hedge witch or to put it back to basics a plant witch. Today they are referred to as botanists and astrologists. Of course it would be nearly impossible to name ALL herbs and plants this book reflects upon rituals designed to intertwine with plant magic. Here are some of the basic herbs you may know off the top of you're head. The ones that are most commonly used.

Sage- this is generally Burned to create incense.

Lavender- this is dried and usually used in spells or rituals as oil. Lavender oil helps with sleep and headaches if you rub it on your temples.

Chamomile peppermint and ginger, make excellent teas to ease the stomach. Dried chamomile can also can also be added to bath water to help ease skin rashes.

Aloe vera- quickly heals the skin from burns, stings and minor injuries. You can do this just by cutting thd leaves off the aloe vera plant.

Mugwart- can be used to help aid lucid dreaming and astral projection.

Basil leaves- for good luck in abundance and wealth. Writing a wish on a basil leaf and burning it creates manifestation.

Patchouli- Has a powerful and exotic scent used for protection and repelling magic as well as sex and love.

Rosemary- an exotic scent, used by doctors during the plague for cleansing and clearing away negative energy.

I closed the book and scourged around in my kitchen pantry, I have Rosemary, well I suppose that's a start. I have some basil leaves. I have lavender in the front garden which is open to the people of the residence. They will also have sage up there too. I suppose I have to go looking for mugwart. Haven't really heard of patchouli before.

I wandered down to the garden picked my sage and my lavender. I recited Lavender, Sage, Rosemary, Basil now I just need Mugwart and Patchouli.

As I go further along the busy road I visited the herbalist neuropsychiatric that was appointed to the town in 2,001. It's now 2026, and the corona virus has impacted most communities and organisations. More people started coming to Mr herbals teas, delivering tea since 2020. The building was a small office located about 200m from my apartment.

I entered the building and asked if he had any mugwart so that I could make tea at home. In which he replied yes, he also had a stock up of patchouli leaves. I left with everything that I had needed to get.

I started drying mugwart leaves, and the lavender leaves. I got my permanent marker and I wrote " succsess". On my basil leaf. I grabbed my lighter. I boiled my water on the stove and added honey for a touch of sweetness, the dried mugwart leaves and the lavender leaves went in my boiled water too. And I burned my basil leaf over the smoke of the saucepan for cleansing and manifestation. As the water tips in to my mug the steam pours out up in to my face and I get a over whelming scent of lavender. I proceed to let the tea cool down.

I wondered how Luna spellman went when she got the right recipe what was her reaction to being able to lucid dream. I wondered if she used to much and overdosed. Her death was highly suspicious. Considering she died at home on her glass table with the stove left on, leaving her to burn alive, or maybe she was already dead. This has not been confirmed.

I took a sip of my tea, and it was sweet. I felt a massive vibration of energy and adrenaline. But it knocked me off my socks.

I was put in to a complete psychosis. I fel and I bumped my head. As I was knocked unconscious I was knocked out of my physical body and in to Luna Spell man. Dazed and confused I didn't understand and maybe I should Have looked in to it further. But lord have mercy on my soul this is astral projection!

The man that i saw in the library was sitting on a park bench but everything else was white.

"Luna Spellman, we meet again. And what a delight." He said with a smile on his face while hefted off his top hat.

"Only for the wise." He chuckled.

The vibrations of his chuckling lips lifted me in to some where else. It was just like fog, everything was so foggy.

As the fog lifted I was brought to the anthology of books surrounding "plant magic" all of them lit up like the sun was shining upon them.

It was then that I thought to myself that this was my fate. Apiphany.

April 29, 2021 10:26

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