Fantasy Fiction Happy

Once upon a time, in a bright sunny day, was Anchor town. ( The town of happy dinos). Anchor town was a great and happy town. This was a place where humans live with dinos as if they were animals.

 One dinopal (pet) in particular was carrie, a rare breed of "flowerpus". Carrie was a small and timid dinopal that has a cute tail that looks like a flower. However, if you were to try to attack the flowerpus, acid spores would shoot out of the tail and burn your skin like a sunburn! Little did carrie known, her acid might save Anchor town!

 There is only a few dangerous dinos left in the world, and even fewer t-rex! The dangerous and huge dinosaurs were hunted to near extinction! There were hunter rebels that didn't understand why people needed dinos.

  Anchor town has its own zoo for the small amount of larger dinos that survived the rebel hunter's attacks and traps. You see the t-rex and other dangerous dinos only attacked humans in self- defense. In this world large dinos also ate plants just like our small dinopals! Sally, one of the last of the t-rex ... Was safely in the Anchor town zoo.

  How the zoimbie apocalypse happened you may ask? Well there was a really rare fruit named Calent that only sprouts on a tall tree once every 100 years.

  There were some treasure hunters that looked for the Calent fruit due to legendary powers to make one whom eats it... Have strong powers! The goal of the treasurer hunters were to get the fruit to scientist and then be famous.

  Unfortunately this did not happen... When one of the treasurer hunters climbed the tall tree he finally found the right one fruit ! He didn't bring the Calent fruit to his friends. Greed took him at his heart and mind. He ate it! He did become strong, but also a zoimbie! He jumped off the tree and landed on the roots and leaves. His infected body was strong enough to be able to make it. 

  Two of them were just talking and questions him but, they were all scratched by the zoimbie.

  And then there were 3... Zoimbies. Their long lost search for the long lost Calent fruit was over and so we're their lives! Or was it? 

The three zoimbies wondered around amously for the sound of humans toward Anchor town! 

  Back in Anchor town were three friends and each have a dinopals of their own. Their names are Alley, James, and Penny. They all were having lunch at "cafe Dino" with Dinopals ; carrie, the flowerpus, Ryan the tiny terra, and settle the dinopal turtle.

  They were all enjoying their burgers outside when .... all of a sudden people of Anchor town started to scream and running everywhere! "Zoimbies!" One citizen yelled.

  Alley noticed smoke from "cafe Dino ".

 So she warned James and Penny. "Quickly grab stuff! Let's go!" James grabs their small dinopals carrie, ryan, and settle" let's protect our dinopals!" Says james "I'll get our notebooks! Says Alley. Penny then grabs some of their burgers and starts to put them in her paper bag . James then notices and suggests "Penny! We don't have time for burgers! We got to go to safety!" Penny then smirks and says " never know when we might get food again in this chaos!"

  They run into the street . Then Alley questions where they are going.

  " We need to figure out what is going on.

I heard our beloved t-rex Sally, is roaring just now and nothing upsets sally that easy." Says james. Penny picks up a random coke bottle left on the road. .. " whatever it is, it must be bad." As james and Penny conversation with each other.. Alley sees something around the corner of the house next to them. It's their math teacher limping and slowly walking towards them "Mr.felix?"

  He opens his glowing green eyes and growls. Mr.felix kicks a small car out of his way! Realising mr.felix has now changed into a strong zoimbie, Alley starts to turn to speak to james and Penny . "Uh? Guys? I figured out what is scaring our beloved t-rex Sally..." They turn their heads at the same time and say 'what?"

  Carrie the flowerpus was scared so she jumped out of james arms leaving her fellow dinopals Ryan and stertle. And headed to her best friend Alley ! 

  Penny gripping onto the coke bottle and her paper bag of burgers was also scared and starts to shake. " What do we do Alley?!" 

  "Run!" They run away from mr.felix with fright as he chases them .they found the old Dino measure and James stumbles getting the old door to open . Settle the dino turtle squeaks in great fear as ryan the tinny terra slashes the old door lock with his sharp claws. The door flew open just in time for them To safely get everyone in... Everyone , Except for zoimbie math teacher mr.felix!. So For extra measure Alley starts to get up stairs to the second floor and james and Penny follow behind her.

  When they felt safe, the small dinopals plopped down on the floor exhausted! James gave a cheeky grin and begins to laugh. " You small guys are tired? We were the ones running and carrying you!" Then penny and Alley both laugh too. 

  They looked around and find a radio and turn it on. Static fades in slowly. When the announcer comes on 

 [My dear friends of Anchor town ! 

  Our town is under attack from zoimbies! Please take your dinopals and stay in doors! 

  We don't know why there are zoimbies but it is scaring our beloved t-rex Sally and so it must be bad ...please save our dinopals and stay safe in your home!]

  Penny could feel her friends anxiety so she dogs in her paper bag and says " old burgers anyone? Who knows why we have zoimbies ? But I do know I'm hungry!" 

 James smiles and says " penny? I'll never doubt you again!"

December 12, 2020 02:31

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