
Submitted into Contest #39 in response to: One day, the sun rose in the west and set in the east.... view prompt



The wheelchair rolled down the slope; reached the lawn. It was designed to suit the taste of the old lady sitting on the chair who appreciated its beauty. She looks up to the starry sky and whispers, "Tomorrow is the day. Everyone will see. Let's hope everything goes as we hoped for it." She smiles remembering the day this all started.

It was the year 3008 around mid-October when Swayam suddenly panicked looking at his screen; got up from his chair and rushed towards the director's cabin. A few seconds later, both of them rush to that screen, shocked. Other computers are tested again to see if there is any glitch. A meeting is called.

"There is an unexpected event taking place. The earth is slowing down, faster. The rotation is slowing down. We have to make a call to NASA if they see the same. For time being, this has to be kept a secret; strictly from media. If this is what we think it is then remember- No Mistakes, No Holiday."

Later that day, another meeting is called at the ISRO headquarters. It was long and stressful. NASA has confirmed the news. The meeting concluded with the permission to reveal the facts to the media.

I was one of the engineers working there. I didn't know much when we had to start working; following the instructions given blindly.

Days passed when we were first able to understand the sudden change. The study showed that although the earth was slowing down as the bulge in the equator was bigger before, a billion years. This proved that it would take nearly another billion for it to stop. But there were many theories regarding it. Some said it will become tidally locked with the moon when the sun eventually starts losing mass. Some said this isn't possible. But we were at the stage and something needed to be done.

The earth was slowing down at the rate of 0.05 miles an hour a day. The first time it caused dizziness among the whole species but later everyone one became adaptable. The earth would come to a halt in around 60 years and 100 days considering its current speed at 1100 miles an hour. This provided us with new challenges with the time limit. Firstly, if the earth stops spinning, the magnetic field will be lost. Secondly, is there any other planet for us to sustain life. Thirdly, if it stops spinning, only the middle belt of the planet will be habitable since it won't be too hot or too cold and many more. But the most important was- Can we still make it habitable because it was the only thought possible. 

That time I came up with some random idea. It was not that I knew a lot or was a genius. It was just my mind that kept bugging me to do something for every living creature. So I thought if it was slowing down rapidly, it might be possible that a recoil might happen. Considering a swing being rotated, it further rotates in the anti direction. Similarly, if this happens, we can further add torque for it to continue rotating in that direction. Like any other solution, this can just be a possibility. Although others thought there was a lot of time, we knew exactly how much lesser time we had with each passing second. 

Three years later, my plan was selected by NASA to put into force because it was predicted to be the one with the highest probability of success with the AI system. Since it was my idea, I had to be given leadership to start with the project. That time I got what I always wanted but there was no happiness around me. I remember the determination everyone had, I had to save the world. There was some different determination in the air. A strange fear pressurized every individual; every individual on this planet was contributing in any way possible.

Tears trickle down the face of the former Director of NASA. She knew how much hard work everyone had put to make this success. She reminisces the day when one of the professors gave up his retirement to save this planet. Few more beads roll down her face, remembering him, breathing his last in the lab where his family was called.

There were rockets made to launch magnets into the Space for providing torque. The world's most powerful magnets were used but due to their lesser resistive power since they were hybrids, a whole another research team was set up. There were a total of three rockets made to carry them to space. Each was planned to launch in such way from the equator that their coordinates are 120 degrees with each other at the plane of the equator. The problem was to have the magnets magnetized for a long period like about two years so that the sudden jerk doesn't happen as a result, everything would be out of place. 

'Tomorrow is the day' her mind kept repeating while she pressed the button on the wheelchair, rotating and taking her back to the lab while the lights on the way illuminate around her around.

The 11 P.M. at the US was chaotic. The old lady was brought in front of the big screen to witness the event. The mission of launching the rockets to their respective coordinates was already successful. Yesterday's news had broadcasted the happiness among everyone; hope among everyone. 

Everyone in the room was busy on their computers and AI robots. Perspiring, fighting and yet determined to fight.

The announcement was made. People strained their eyes on the screen blinking in front of them. The power of the electromagnet was slowly increased by the AI robots so that each increase at the same speed. While this task was done, the computer was programmed to start the revolution of the spacecraft. 

Although the mission wasn't completed yet, the eyes of the lady were moist. The theory she proposed was proved. Her first reason for stress gave her tears of happiness. Now was the turn to see if the solution worked.

With no glitches, everyone worked for four continuous hours. Finally, after an hour of monitoring, the mission was reported successful. Phone calls started coming from the scientists and engineers across the globe congratulating each other; filled with ecstasy; crying and hugging.

She turned her wheelchair to face the window; to cry at the success of everyone whom she met on her journey of life. She was thirty when it all started and now she is ninety. Her only goal was accomplished. 

That day, the sun rose from the west and set in the east.

April 26, 2020 10:08

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Tim Law
22:14 May 08, 2020

Rishija what an incredible vision. I love how your frail protagonist is painted as the saviour of us all. I also appreciate the pace of your story, well written and well done.


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Pranathi G
14:30 May 03, 2020

Nice story! Can you read my story and give me feedback? It's called "THE TIME HAS COME." It's for the same contest. Thank you!


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Crystal Lewis
12:08 May 03, 2020

I feel like this was quite a tricky prompt to do but I liked the story you wrote and I think you did well. :)


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