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Desi Romance Thriller


"Thank you for ordering at the sweet tooth! Have a nice day!" I grinned handing the bag to a customer.

"Finally, it's done!" I yawned and stretched my hands as I was very tired. All the staff were on their leave except Geetha. She was preparing the sweets for the Town's Annual Day Festival which was held tomorrow. I don't like festivals as they are the most crowded places. I used to go in my childhood but stopped going recently. But this time I had to go because the town head called me and asked me to come to the festival. I couldn't refuse his request so I had to go. I hung the closed sign on the door. I'm was about to lock it but a voice behind me stopped me.

"Please give us some food. My kid is hungry and we haven't eaten for days." A woman said who was carrying a baby who's crying. I pitied them and gave some buns to them. She was very grateful for what I had done and thanked me. Little things like this make me feel happy, satisfied and make my day. I smiled and locked the door. I turned and someone was looking at me from the bakery which was just opposite to mine. I couldn't see his face because of a banner-like thing. The only thing I could see was his purple apron. I knew that he was Arjun because none of his staff stays at the bakery after 9 pm. Everyone in the town closes their shops at 9 pm except him.

His bakery and my bakery were the most famous ones in this big town. Everyone says that the owner of this bakery Arjun is so handsome and hot but I didn't see his face not even once. The buzzing sound of my phone jerked me and I realised that I was still staring at him... not him, he already disappeared. It's Geetha, she said that she prepared the sweets and was on her way home. My staff is my gang and They are my best friends.


"You better come fast! Raashi. It's already 7:30 pm." Geetha shouted from the other side of the phone. Thank god! The speaker was on or else my ears would be bleeding right now! I was getting ready by that time.

"Don't shout! I'm almost there." I drove away to the festival as I buckled my seat belt. After a few minutes, I was there. Obviously, the place was crowded. As soon as I entered the area, all those sounds started to echo in my ears. I looked around and spotted Geetha who was waving her hand at me. I walked towards her.

"Do you know how late you are! Raashi. If you are five minutes late, we would be returning to our houses." She started scolding me. I dragged her by her hand cutting her off and made our way out of the crowd.

"Let's go there!" She Said and we started walking beside those little shops with our non stop talking mouths.

"I think it's time to announce the couple who gets the best couple award. I'm so excited! Raashi." Her eyes were filled with excitement. Every year, the best couple of the town are awarded with the best couple of the town award. And the weird thing here is that they award even two unmarried strangers if they think they are the best pair.

"Wait here! Don't go anywhere. I'm gonna go and get two ice creams." She Said and before I could say anything to her, she disappeared. I tucked a strand of my brown hair behind my ear and that's when I realised that i heard someone gasping behind me. His breath fanned my back. I turned back and... Andd!! All I could see was those sparkling brown eyes which already pierced into mine. I lost into them... Those eyes were like black holes, they could attract anything. My heart was pounding against my chest. Everything was black except him, all those murmurs and whispers disappeared. A hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him which brought me back to this world.

I tried to let go of his grip but he held me too strong and also too gentle. He pulled me closer and closer and now his breath was fanning of my face. I was 5 feet 6 inches whereas he was like 6 feet which means he was taller than me. We were only a few centimetres away and His nose would touch my forehead if I move a centimetre towards him. His hair was reddish brown and covered almost his fair forehead. His jawline was like it could even cut a diamond. His lips were like of baby, they were very pink. His nose was sharp but not too much pointed. He was in a red suit which made him look even hotter. His chocolate scent filled the surroundings. I didn't realise that I was blushing until I felt his cold hand caress my cheek. I didn't know what to tell or what to do. All I could just do was watching him and all I could tell was I LOVE YOU!


Everyone left and I was alone. Should I say I like being alone or I am used to being alone. What can I say if I don't know the difference between them? I always close my bakery at 10 pm even I know that no one visits my shop at that time. I just wanted some free time alone, alone from this world, alone from those haunting thoughts and everything. Mom died immediately after giving birth to me and dad didnt care about me and married another woman. So, I was alone. One day, I found mom's diary and a line caught my attention. It says: I WISH I HAD MY OWN BAKERY!. And that's what made me to build my own bakery and be financially independent. I named my bakery BITTER AND SWEET. My bakery was the most famous one.  Of course, there's another one too which was just opposite to mine: SWEET TOOTH!

I looked at that girl who was giving some buns to a woman who was carrying a crying baby. I smiled at myself for looking at that kind girl.

"Does people like her still exist in this world?" I asked myself. I couldn't see her face due to something but I was sure that it's the owner Raashi because she was about to lock that door. I never saw her and I heard many people saying that she's a beauty who's very hot and sweet. I pulled a chair and grabbed my phone from the table. There was a text from Ajay who's my best friend.

Hey! I will be waiting for you tomorrow at the entrance. Be there by 7:30 pm.

Yeah! Ok.

Let's check out some of the hot girls! Bro

Shut up! See you there!

I have never loved anyone except her who's my first love. I didn't even see her face. I saw only her soft brown hair which reached her waist. And fell in love, maybe love at first sight. It's been a year and I never saw her again but I had the hope that I will see her again. I locked the door and drove away to my home.


"Hey! You're on time. Let's go there." Ajay said and we took a look at all those little shops. We wandered here and there.

"Hey! Bro, I spotted a hottie there. I'll be back in a second." He said and disappeared into the crowd. I sighed and started walking thinking about her. At the moment I thought about her,  I saw that same girl in front of me. I couldn't tell whether it was my imagination or reality. No matter what happens, I thought I must go and confess my love to her. So, I ran towards her and stopped just a few centimetres behind her. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and her fingers were beautiful. She immediately turned back in a spilt of a second. Her deep blue eyes pierced into mine and she's beautiful as hell. I didn't know what to say. It was the same hair, that same brown hair which reached her waist. She was in a black frock which reacher her knees revealing her smooth and long legs. Her eyes had the power to melt anything and anyone. Her lips were as red as a cherry and as smooth as a rose petal. I wish I could kiss them now but I fought that urge. My hand pulled her closer by her waist and it's like a reflex action. She tried to let go of my grip but failed. I pulled her closer and closer until we were only a few centimetres away. I lifted my hand up and caressed her cheek which was as red as a tomato. Her fair skin was so smooth and soft. I bet She didn't even know that she's blushing. The sound coming from the stage jerked us but it didn't break our eye contact and she didn't move away from me.

"Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen. The best couple of the town award goes to the owner of the SWEET TOOTH bakery Raashika and to the owner of the BITTER AND SWEET bakery Arjun. Let's invite them on to the stage!" It sounded like a man's voice. Now this was what made my heart skip a beat again. I received the best couple award? Noo wayyy! Our eye contact broke and I made my way slowly to the stage. Claps were echoing in my ears. I stood upon the stage and looked at the people who were looking at me. I looked to my side and I was shocked! It's my first love, the brown hair girl! So she was RAASHI! What? My first love was always in front of me and I didnt know about that. Does that make any sense? She mirrored my expressions and finally smiled at me. I smiled warmly at her but inside I was very very happy. Our fingers brushed against each other when we received the award from the hands of the town head. My heart was beating very fast.

"Congratulations! Raashika and Arjun. ARAASHI!" The town head spoke. That word made me look at Raashi! She was now blushing a lot and there was some kind of happy look with some embarassment on her face. The sounds of the fireworks made me to look at the beautiful sky. It's amazing! Raashi covered her mouth and nose with her hands in surprise. After the fireworks were completed, our name was displayed on sky: ARAASHI. It was the best moment of my life. Raashi looked into my eyes again. We came down and walked to a place where there was not much crowd. I wanted to confess my love to her and I thought that this was the perfect moment for that! So, I knelt down and opened the diamond ring's box.

"I Love you Raashi! I want to live and spend my life with you and I want you to be my side forver. Will you marry me?" I finally confessed in fromt of eveeyone. She was surprised. Tears which I hoped happy tears started to brim in her eyes and she nodded her head. She held out her hand and I put the ring to her. I hugged her tight. That one night had changed everything. My first love is now married to me. We are now like the best couple in the world.



December 11, 2020 17:45

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That Asian Creep
18:58 Dec 22, 2020

Great desi story. Hope to read more from you soon.


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